Light and Dark II

Cassidy Melczak

The darkness flows
Silent, cold, swift
Dark stealing light, warmth
Is dark truly our friend
We stay unseeing, happy
But are we happy?
Can anyone truly be
The cold constant struggle
Endless, unless...
The light pierces
Hot burning energy
Light warming energy
Light searing, burning
The cure the evils of dark
Only then can we truly see
The dark falls away
But some of you falls away also
Is the cure worse than the problem?
The dark overpowers the light
The light pierces the dark
Two forces strong equal
Opposites fighting always
The dark so much a part of being
Stripped away, burned off
So many parts are essential
Now they are gone
After the two leave, what is there left?
The dark seeping
The dark fleeing
Knowing its fate
Always cold
The dark is dead
The light blazing
The light searching
Always the victor
Dominating revealing
The light will win
Dark and light
Light and dark
Nothing more primal
Eternally locked
Light cannot loose
Darkness falls
Light shines
Clean at last

I wrote this a good time after I wrote Light and Dark. I always liked Light and Dark, so I decided to make another one. The format was different so I decided to put it as a sequel.

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