What Next?
Cassidy Melczak
Tic Toc I sit around and watch the clock
Boredly waiting for the day to end
Wanting willing watching waiting
ondering when it’s sleepy time
Nothing to do I begin to pace
And I wander around extremely bored
Oh how I hate to be so bored
Listening to the sounds of the clock
Timing the beats, the steady pace
I hope that this torture will soon end
The clock can’t even say the right time
I’m sitting around, I’m still waiting
Waiting, waiting ever waiting
Ever so quickly I’m getting bored
Killing, murdering, slaughtering time
Pretty soon I’m going to kill the clock
I’m going mad when will this end
Time is cheating, slowing its pace
Tapping my fingers to keep the pace
What I wouldn’t do to avoid waiting
I pray, and pray for this to end
Sitting and waiting and being bored
Sitting and staring at the clock
I get so bored all of the time
Counting the seconds measuring time
Keeping the time, and keeping the pace
Staring blankly at the clock
Why am I the one that’s waiting
I am always waiting always bored
I begin to count down to the end
Its almost over, its near the end
Pretty soon now, its almost time
Soon I will no longer be bored
Almost time to change the pace
I’m free, I’m free no longer waiting
This poem is done so stop the clock
This is a sestina, all the verses end in the same word, there is this odd pettern to it. I wrote this during health class.