to the Homepage of

Lodge Pinelands Kilwinning

No. 960 S.C.

in Cape Town

We hold regular meetings on the 2nd Monday of every month

with a recess in January

Our Installation is on the 2nd Monday in December.

We meet at Pinelands Masonic Centre in Cape Town.

All are welcome to visit as long as they can be Vouched for.

Please contact the Secretary at:-
P.O. Box 2, Pinelands 7430
South Africa
or via e-mail

This site is maintained with Fraternal love by: Bro. Ken Peck

and Vice-President, Africa Chapter
of the
International Guild of Masonic Webm@sters

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This e-m@son WebRing site is operated by: Bro. Ken Peck

Please visit the following sites by clicking the links:-

Grand Lodge of Scotland

District Grand Lodge

We are very pleased to have welcomed

visitors since 15th May 1998

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