Joseph J. Florencio Jr.

12 Dustin St.

Dexter, ME 04930

(207) 924-5808


OBJECTIVE Seeking a secondary school social studies/coaching position that demands high

communication skills, experience with children and expert knowledge of the

subjects taught, while at the same time allows for professional growth

EDUCATION University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS

8/97 to present History, BA with honors -- May 1999, 3.71/4.00

MA scheduled for completion -- Aug 2003

57 undergraduate hours in history

40+ graduate hours in history

MA major concentration - US before 1877

MA minor concentration - Europe 1870 to 1939

Thesis topic: Northeastern Newspapers and the Sectional Crisis

EMPLOYMENT Foxcroft Academy

Dover-Foxcroft, ME 04426

8/01 to 6/03

History Teacher / Asst. Football and Asst. Baseball Coach

Teaching Duties: responsible for the day to day operation of six history survey courses per school year -- also completed scope and sequence curriculum for 9th grade World History, 10th grade American I, and 11th grade American II courses for the History Department.

Coaching Duties: Football -- Varsity and JV offensive and defensive line

Baseball -- assistant coach

Teaching Supervisor -- Rusty Willette (department chair)

Coaching Supervisor -- Paul Withee (head football and baseball coach)

University of Southern Mississippi -- Department of History

8/99 to 6/01

Graduate Assistant for HIS 101 and HIS 102

Duties: responsible for the day to day operation of a freshman survey

world history class of approximately 200 students

REFERENCES Available Upon Request