Love's Spirit When thy exsistance has been cold, the wall is built of strong stone to keep it out, So when the warmth comes and one heart is sold, It only makes the cold more fierce, and biting when it dies.
Love is the light, the unfeeling void, darkness I forever walk the path into eternal gray I see my love so gentle touched only by beauty I love completely each strand of black hair that touches the neck the fine hands that are capable of all things so delicate yet I am a shadow before those crystal eyes a ghost that may only envy the world those eyes touch upon for it enters those eyes to which the soul reflects more deeply than even my love So now truly a ghost have I made me that the music of my soul may bring sweet tidings to the spirit within my sweet love the only one that can hear me now. |
To One in Paradise (title borrowed from E.A.Poe) Lost so long ago To one in paradise I'm sorry Your parting so sudden it stung Oh, to the one that died and died so young. Please you said, a pic nic by the garden
Then you crossed the way one last rose to bring me quickly ran, yet never heard the train. No one understands, they hate you for my pain
Poor child, what have I done? Angels greet thee now in the blessed land I see you lying so still with one last white rose in your hand
You called me your winter rose, Those that scorned our love and said it wouldn't last They were right that is why I live in the past where I can still be with you Love will not be killed, even in death
To one in paradise You called me your own angel, forever to keep. Did you know? You asked if you could have my heart And you keep it still Now, and always you will Untill we meet again in a place where there is no darkness To one in paradise . . . . . . . I love you.
*In memory of Brenden Key |