CHEUNG, ching yuen


Born in Hong Kong on 4th April 1976.



1998 Graduated from Chinese University of Hong Kong.
(Major in Philosophy, Minor in French studies)
2000 Completed Master Course, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
(Research topic: Max Scheler's Philosophical Anthropology)
2003 Completed Master Course, Tohoku University, Japan.
(Research topic: Nishida Kitaro's Philosophy of I and Thou)
Currently PhD student, Tohoku University, Japan. (Research topic: Nishida Kitaro's Philosophy)

Academic Degrees:

BA, M.Phil. (CUHK), M.A. (Tohoku)

Research Areas:

Phenomenological Movement, Nishida Kitaro, East Asian Philosophy.

Conference Presentations:

"Life and To Live - An Essay on Nishida's Philosophy of Life," presented to Philosophical Society of Tohoku University, 2003.
"Nishida Kitaro's Phenomenological Philosophy (Chinese)," presented to the conference: Phenomenology and Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004.
"Japanese Philosophy in Chinese-speaking Regions," presented to the conference: Nanzan Symposium 12, Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2004.
"On the Phenomena of Life --- Nishida's Philosophy of Life," presented to the Annual Conference of Philosophical Society of Tohoku, 2004.
"The Problem of Evil in Chinese and Japanese Confucianism," presented to the conference: Evil in Religion, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2005.
"Life and tool --- On Nishida's Action Intuition (Japanese)," presented to the Phenomenological Association of Japan, 2005.
"Life and tool --- On Nishida's Action Intuition (Chinese)," presented to the conference: Phenomenology and World, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005.
"On Being and Non-being," presented to the Annual Conference of Philosophical Society of North Japan, 2006.
"An inquiry into the evil," presented to the Annual Conference of Philosophical Society of Japan, 2006.
"Acting intuition as situated action," presented to the Annual Conference of Nishida Philosophical Association, 2006.


"Life and To Live - An Essay on Nishida's Philosophy of Life," in Shisaku, Sendai: Philosophical Society of Tohoku University, 2003, pp. (1)-(17).
"Japanese Philosophy in Chinese-speaking Regions," in Japanese Philosophy Abroad, ed. James W. Heisig, Nagoya: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 2004, pp. 200-219.
"On the Phenomena of Life --- Nishida's Philosophy of Life (Japanese)," Sendai: Tohoku Philosophical Society, 2005, pp. 31-43.
"Japanese Philosophy in Chinese-speaking Regions (Japanese)," Tokyo: Sekaisisosha, pp. 239-260.
"Body and tool --- On Nishida's Action Intuition (Japanese)," in Genshogaku Nenpo (Annual Review of the Phenomenological Association of Japan). Vol. 22, 2006, pp. 165-168.
"Nishida Kitaro's Phenomenological Philosophy (Chinese)," in Journal of Phenomenology and the Human Sciences, 2006, in press.
"The Problem of Evil in Confucianism," in: H. Vroom (ed.), World Religions and Evil. Religious and Philosophical Perspectives. Currents of Encounter, Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi Press 2006, in press.
"Abe Jiro" in: Sourcebook in Japanese Philosophy, forthcoming.
"War Pictures (Japanese)" in Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics, forthcoming.

Academic Society Affiliations:

Philosophical Society of Tohoku
Philosophical Society of Tohoku University
Phenomenological Association of Japan
Nishida Philosophical Society
Philosophical Society of Japan

Teaching Experience:

1998-2000 Tutor, Dept. of Philosophy, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
2005-2006 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Philosophy, Tohoku University.
2006-2007 Part-time Lecturer, International Education Department, Tohoku Foreign Language College.
