Heat Transfer


 1) A hot piece of lead is dropped into water. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the lead and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) ciron = cwater

     (b) qlead = -qwater

     (c) Tfinal(H2O) = Tfinal(lead)

     (d) Energy is transferred from the water.


 2) A hot piece of lead is dropped into water. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the lead and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) ΔTlead is negative.

     (b) qlead = qwater

     (c) qwater is positive.

     (d) Tfinal = ΔTwater - ΔTiron


 3) You spill a hot cup of soup into your lap. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the soup and your lap, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) Energy is transferred to your lap.

     (b) qsoup is positive.

     (c) ΔTsoup - ΔTlap = 0

     (d) ΔTsoup is negative.


 4) You spill a hot cup of soup into your lap. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the soup and your lap, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) Energy is transferred to the soup.

     (b) qsoup is negative.

     (c) ΔTsoup is positive.

     (d) -qlap = qsoup


 5) A test tube of a room temperature reagent is placed into a beaker of hot water. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the reagent and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) Energy is transferred from the reagent.

     (b) ΔTwater = -ΔTreagent

     (c) ΔTwater is negative.

     (d) -qwater = qreagent


 6) A test tube of a room temperature reagent is placed into a beaker of hot water. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the reagent and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) qreagent is negative.

     (b) Energy is transferred from the water.

     (c) qwater = -qreagent

     (d) ΔTwater is positive.


 7) A test tube of a room temperature reagent is placed into a beaker of hot water. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the reagent and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) ΔTsolution is negative.

     (b) qwater = qsolution

     (c) qwater is negative.

     (d) Tfinal(water) = Tfinal(solution)


 8) You pour some cold water into a cup of hot coffee. Assuming that the only heat transfer is between the coffee and the water, which of the following statements are true?

     (a) qwater is positive.

     (b) Energy is transferred from the coffee.

     (c) ccoffee = -cwater

     (d) ΔTcoffee is positive.


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