Projectile Motion 3 Answers


1) What is the path of a projectile called?
     The path of a projectile is called a trajectory.
2) Does a projectile have a horizontal acceleration? How do you know?
    A projectile has a zero horizontal acceleration which is evident by comparing the size of the horizontal
    spacing between consecutive points of the same trajectory.
3) What generalizations can be made about the two paths generated by complimentary angles?
     By comparing the two trajectories for 75° and 15°, the trajectory at 75° has a:
  • greater vertical velocity
  • greater height
  • greater free fall time
  • smaller horizontal velocity
    However, the range is the same for both projectiles.
4) At what point of its trajectory does a projectile have its minimum speed? Support your answer.
    At the highest point where the horizontal velocity, vH, is equal to the initial horizontal velocity and the
    instantaneous vertical velocity equals zero.
5) For a given velocity, what angle provides the largest range? Why?
    45° provides the maximum range because the sin 45° and the cos 45° are equal.
6) How do the initial and final horizontal velocities of the projectile compare? Justify your answer.
    The initial and final horizontal velocities of a projectile are equal in the absence of air resistance. According
    to Newton's 1st law, an object maintains its present state of motion when the net force is zero.




