Suzanne Yeoman was given the idea of Shambala magazine through spirit a few years ago. It was a way of connecting with like minded people from all over the world as well as bringing Shambala to people who had nowhere else to get information. Shambala is a bi-monthly magazine with the first issue going on sale in Oct/Nov 1997. The response has been great with more and more people putting their articles, poems etc in. Suzanne has been in the field for many years. She reads tarot cards , does spiritual healing, clairvoyance, and is a teacher of beginner and advanced psychic awareness courses.
Some of the articles that we have had in Shambala are Bach Flower Remedies, Star signs, Grey Wolf articles, Aromatherpy, Meaning of Numbers, Views From Sedona, Peace the 21st, Healing, Thunder's Story, The Twelve Attributes of the Soul, Arts for Health, Messages from Archangel Michael, The Stone People of New Zealand
We are promoting unity and oneness with all things so that we can all achieve our full potential. We aim to connect with like minded people throughout the world, to bring everybody together. We are coming from the heartspace for the good of all.