Mary Elizabeth Thunder is part Cheyenne, adopted Lakota & Irish. She spent the first half of her life as an administer, which included assistant to the Major of Indianapolis and an alcohol/ drug specialist for American Indian service organizations. In 1981 Thunder suffered a heart attack and had an after-life experience. In response to this trauma and at the bidding of her Elders (Leonard Crow Dog, Wallace Black Elk, Grace Spotted Eagle and Rolling Thunder), Thunder left her job at the Dallas Inter-Tribal Centre to begin life on the Road as a teacher, walking for over 9 years. She has now followed the sacred Pipe to Thunder- Horse Ranch where, she and her husband Jeff "White Horse"Hubbell, have founded a Spiritual University, where they now live.

Thunder attend Wolf Song I in 1991 as a Peace Elder and in 1992, during Wolf Song II, held at Thunder Horse Ranch, the Peace Elders Council designated their land as a Spiritual University. Thunder has supported all the other Wolf Song Events since then and again in 1996, she and her husband sponsored Wolf Song VI at their ranch. Thunder is an author of the book Thunder's Grace about Grace Spotted Eagle. The following piece is by Thunder:

Well, Dear Ones, I have been thinking. & a lot of you might say "Oh that is a bad sign" about what we have been doing together for all these years. Somehow gathering memories, thoughts, feelings, & desires seems very important to me at this time than ever before. We sure have had fun. Gatherings, Laughter, Joy, & sometimes tears. We have greeted the Sun together & said goodbye with Songs at night. I have watched people grow to become Students/Sundancers/ Teachers/Feeding people/Healing people/& being Role Models for a World that is ever-changing & hungry for pure role models of love & joy. As a group, we have done a lot of Awakening, Remembering, & Allowing, together. We have been on a journey that involved the atonement of all polarities into a Harmony & Balance of Unity.

I see most people are under the illusion that their perspective\rquote s are very real.. To me, Perspective/Belief Systems, are just there as a stimulation to find the Truth. In their search, Once they find the Truth, all perspective\ come into balance...thus we no longer need to be attached to the illusion & can align with Divine Order of the Great Mystery. We should ask ourselves...Does your Truth grow Corn? Does it feed the People? Or, does it satisfy only yourself.

I have been essence, my truth, the nucleus of who I am is a divine, intense, reflection of pure Truth. Thunder by the way means Truth . My whole vibration for lifetime after lifetime has been concerned with atonement to Truth. To trust in the truth of a soul's knowing always beyond the illusion, no matter how powerful that illusion is. I feel as a group we have become an anchor point of Truth on Earth, directly aligned with the center love core, where in fact, all of Divine Order is reflected & radiated for all as upliftment of the mass consciousness. Wow.

Now, is definitely the time to stop thinking of yourself as separate because what you do can & will affect the whole mass consciousness. If you stop drinking you are doing it for 7 generations in the past & 7 generations in the future! We have been gently unfolding the greatness of our souls during this time period we can call the MAGNIFICATION time, understanding that we are a shining radiance of a nucleus/group. We have awakened our own centers of Truth & thus go forth to awaken others. Always helping people to "remember" who they are. During this period of magnification as we recognize ourselves in others thru our hearts atonement & as we allow our soul's value to make an impression upon this planet without ego's judgement, or separation, or any sense of responsibility from the separate self, we are going to produce the results we have been struggling for!

