
Global Climate Change Internet Activity                 Class____________


Step 1: Go to the NOAA web site…


Step 2: TimeLine

Run your mouse over the timeline to see the differences in temporal scale. 

Write the number of years/days represented for the following…

Step 3: Climate of Temporal Scale

The Temporal Scale is along the left side of the page.  For each time scale, answer the following questions.  Just move the mouse over the topic. 

Note: each temporal scale has a Summary, Climate factors, and Climate History.  The climate history describes climate events and human development over the given period of time.

As you go through this, you may need to use the BACK button!



Summary: no questions


Climate Science:  (click on the abrupt change link. Answer these questions and then, go BACK for the next question)




(click on the Weather vs Climate link and then difference between weather & climate)



Climate History:

·      For the past 100,000 years man has learned to ___________ to changes of the climate.




One Day: ~10.027

Summary: no questions

Climate Science: (scroll down as you look for answers)





Climate History:

1/3 for… _______________    1/3 for…    _____________ or            1/3 for…  ________________

                                                    _________                    ____________

1 Year: 100



Climate Science: no questions

Climate History:


10 Year: 101



Climate Science:   (Note:  you’ll have to scroll down the page)








      NOTE: 2007 has been a La Nina event –a year of high temperatures and drought in the US southeast.

Climate History: no questions


100 Year: 102

Summary:  (scroll down the centennial time line)








Climate Science:





Climate History:  (will need to scroll down)


·        CO2 levels have risen from ________ppm to _______ppm – there is evidence this is due to…



·           The most abundant greenhouse gas is _______ __________.  Low clouds _________ and _________ the surface.  Scientists are still investigating its role on climate.


·        Where were 300,000-500,000 people killed in a tropical storm (cyclone or hurricane)?


·        In 1931 _________ of China’s population perished (died) due to what three things?





1000 Year: 103




Climate Science: (scroll down)





_____________ _______________ and ___________________




Climate History:






10,000 Year: 104

Summary: (look at the Holocene timeline to complete the chart)

Place in the World

Crops domesticated

Peru and Meso-America





Near East- Eastern Mediterranean & Egypt

Syria& Turkey










Sub-Sahara Africa



South Asia (Pakistan/Afghanistan)






Climate Science: (no questions)



Climate History:      (NOTE: current global climate – more or less is about 7,000 years old)



(scroll down)





100,000 Year: 105

Summary: Look at the timeline – start at the bottom








Climate Science:



Climate History: