Scientific evidence points to a percentage of the population being more genetically inclined to seek a partner of the same sex than of the opposite sex (about 10%), but it is yet to be proven out-right. But regardless of the outcome, why are homosexual acts morally wrong? Sex is fun when done between two people who like and respect each other, but destructive and anti-social when it isn't (e.g. rape). Sexual pleasure regardless of what sex the person is you do it, has no logical moral or immoral basis. It’s just something humans and other animals do for fun!
If we endeavor to be true to our nature, we'll find we are attracted to individuals of both sexes to varying degrees. This is influenced by:
But regardless of the reason, if you're attracted to people of the same sex, why fight it?
This web page discusses the various issues raised to prevent people seeking gay romances and partnerships. I hope you find it helpful in your quest for happiness and fulfillment.
The Abuse of Power
It seems that by instinct, we organise ourselves like some school yards, where the bully limits the freedom of others and oppresses the weakest. In contrast, a civilised society can be measured by the freedom and quality of life enjoyed by those who have the least amount of power, taking a united stand against the bullies when they try to dominate.
As always, there needs to be a balance between personal interests and the interests of the group to achieve the greatest amount of freedom. This balance needs to be shifted when the situation dictates (e.g. economic prosperity vs. terrorism). But all too often those in power use this argument to limit people's freedom beyond what is required. I recall a sign I've seen relating to the battle between dictatorships and democracy in the second world war, "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance". Likewise, we also need to be vigilant to ensure our sexual freedom is not lost in uncertain times.
Anger & Abuse
People react to stress and strongly held incorrect beliefs in different ways, often turning on those least supported in society as as a way of satisfying their subconscious desires - "kicking the dog" as the saying goes. Being the easiest human targets, they somehow give the greatest satisfaction. Whether the target is their dog, their partner, a person from another race or a gay guy on the street. The question worth considering is why they do it, what moves a subset of society to pursue such antisocial behaviour? Below are some things that seem to trigger such behavior:
Below are some common (and poorly founded) reasons why people oppose homosexuality:
They're not homosexual and can't see why others would want to be. Hopefully they can learn to "live and let live".
Morally Wrong
They are genetically homosexual, but have been taught it is wrong, by church, parents, school, friends etc.
The result being that they are fighting their natural predisposition, and hating anyone who would 'tempt' them to live according to their natural inclination. These people are often the most passionate opposers to homo-sexuality.
Bad Memories
They are genetically homosexual, but have been taken advantage of by a person of the same sex during their childhood, which they hated (e.g. rape, betrayal of trust). They wrongly associated their emotional pain with homosexuality.
Note that sexual mistreatment of children by some adults of the opposite sex also occurs.
Alleged Poor Parenting
Some parents taught that homo-sexuality is a result of a poor upbringing (often used by homophobic church leaders). So if their child is homosexual, it means they have failed as a parent. But inreality there are numerous contirbuting factors including, most impotranty, your unique set of genes.
Not Living up to your Parents' Aspirations Most parents want grandchildren, if 'their' children are homosexual they could miss an opportunity to be grandparents. Some also consider their children as property, a form of investment, even a play thing. But children much more important in society's eyes - they are adults that have not yet matured. Before we are born, our parents often map out our future, school, maybe college, career, marriage, offspring etc. The only thing left to chance is the sex of the baby, but now that can be checked. But we are not some invention they put together, some robot or slave. Our parents need to realize that we have a right to be free and happy, just as they do. Being Heterosexual to Support your Parents in their Old Age Unfortunately in some countries/provinces, couples are poor and rely on children and grandchildren for their survival; helping them farm and providing for them when they are too old to work the fields etc.. As a result, cultures have evolved that deny an individuals partner/sexual preference for practical reasons - it's an unfulfilling situation. When these families move to a better situation/country, they could let go of this facet of their culture. In doing so they free their children and themselves to pursue personal fulfillment with a partner of the same sex unhindered. |
When Male Trickery Back-fires
Males in some cultures learn from older male role models that it is good for them to be self-centered and trick females to get their sexual desires met, discounting their subconscious need for love (maybe they've never experienced the feeling of love1). As a result they lust after females, only valuing them for their appearance, treating them as pieces of meat to exploit/lust after. They have learnt that women don't think this way, but are generally more emotionally driven, so they try to capitalize on this by tricking them into thinking they care for them. When confronted with a male who is attracted to other males it back-fires; they quickly assume that they are being treated in the same lustful, belittling way as they treat women, and can quickly become violent (Note: some gay guys do have this way of thinking, but it's not common).
Christians, Jews and Muslims all have a foundation in the teachings of Moses and his followers. As a result they believe that their God disapproves of homosexual relationships. The Israelites probably opposed homosexuality for one or more of the following reasons:
Dictators out of Control
Males in general have a genetic tendency to dominate, some more so than others. In their quest to dominate they are keen to enforce their beliefs on others. But their beliefs may not be correct e.g. a male church leader may condemn homosexuality, popular music, and genetic engineering, even men with long hair and women with short hair, none of which are inherently anti-social.
One of Jesus’ underlying themes was that to do the 'right thing', be based on three principles;
Jesus studied the Old Testament, and saw that religion at the time was superficial and not from the heart. He rebelled against the religious teachings of the time, including the literal text of the Old Testament (Mk 7:14, 10:5, 10:21). He put forward that people need to focus on love and avoid doing things that are against love. He looked beneath the superficial laws (Mark 2:27, 3:4). We can independently think about topics and do likewise.
Note that the bible doesn't have a monopoly on the pursuit of virtue, non-Biblical philosophers like Zoroaster (Persia; 630-550 BC), Confucius (China; 551-497BC), Socrates (Greece; 470-400BC), Plato (Greece; 428- 347 BC) - all before the time of Jesus, have also made important contributions to personal freedom and civil society.
Writers of the Biblical texts opposed homo-sexuality have caused a lot of harm to many generations of genetic homosexuals. A homosexual youth seeking to be good, ends up in the church being told he/she is bad because of the way he essentially is, marries a person of the opposite sex, and lives a life of unhappiness, or alternatively becomes a celibate priest/monk. This brain-washing, frustrating their need to give and receive love, is a hideous crime!
Besides, the Christian Churches are selective in what bits of the Bible they use, they don't accept everything as useful. For example,
So what exactly was Moses recorded as saying about homosexuality?
"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads" (Lev 20:13 NIV); He killed gays because of his personal dislikes, but didn’t want to be held responsible for it. He also killed a guy for collecting wood on the Sabbath day (Num 15:32-36) - Like most people who end-up with unchallenged power, he abused the privilege. Fortunately these days many of us live in democratic countries, making it possible to pressure for humane governments by protesting and voting for alternative parties.
Jesus said to "Love one another", it seems to me pretty clear that he felt that love is good. When Paul talks of homosexuality he speaks of it as lust not love (lust meaning to desire a person's body; a sex object, with no concern for their feelings) (Rom 1:27, 1 Cor 6:9). We can lust after someone of the same or the opposite sex. Lust is not social, but love is. What sex the person you happen to love is, is irrelevant.
Many people who hate homosexuals are suppressing their own homosexual predisposition, or are more concerned following others than thinking about the topic for themselves, a rare occurrence out there in the land of sheep and goats (Biblical pun). Hopefully you're neither a sheep (blindly following a preacher) nor a goat (blindly following someone else), but a free-thinking individual who's not satisfied with answers like "because it says so in the Bible". |
The Bible is a collection of books and letters selected by early Roman Catholic Church elders, and their inclusion into what became known as the Bible wasn't agreed upon until 367 years after Jesus' death. In 1534, Martin Luther decided that eleven of the Old Testament books weren't holy and left them out, producing the Protestants' Bible1. So in following the texts of the Bible, we are putting our faith in the religious leaders who made these decisions. The reluctance of church officials to spontaneously accept biblical texts in the past casts serious doubts on their infallibility.
Other events that occur from the onset of puberty;
The gratification of sex drives is still complicated by many social taboos, as well as by a lack of accurate knowledge about sexuality. Since the 1960s, however, sexual activity has increased among adolescents (people who have reached puberty but are not yet mature); recent studies show that almost 50 percent of adolescents under the age of 15 and 75 percent under the age of 19 report having had sexual intercourse.
Each adolescent shares a unique task: to develop from a dependent to an independent person who relates to others in a humane and well-socialized fashion.
The "Age of Consent" for sex, is the age at which you are legally empowered to consent to have sexual intercourse, below that age your older partner is generally assumed to have had sex with you without your consent; you were in affect raped (statutory rape). The reason for having an "Age of Consent" probably stems from parents wanting to give their children the best chance in life - not having their progress in society cut short by naive sex and an accidental pregancy. Wanting them to first "come of age". After reaching their age of consent, children can hopefully fend for themselves and "loose their innocence"; knowing that some people are not as they seem, but are pursuing primal drives such lust, power, greed and jealousy with little interest the welfare of others1 - unfortunately they may also seek to pursue such objectives.
The transition from childhood and adulthood, starts with the onset of our sex drive. The transition to adulthood varies among cultures, but it is generally defined as the time when individuals begin to function independently of their parents2. A gray area exists between when we become sexual (from 11 y.o.) and when we reach maturity. The age of consent should be set at the time we naturally seek to express our sexuality which generally coincides with a desire to be independent, seeking to free ourselves from our parents' protectiveness (around 15/16 years old). Some kind of protective concession would be needed to permit sexual exploration during the gray period between when we become sexual and when we turn 15 or 16, as the exact point that we realize we are sexual beings varies. Fear, religion and bad experiences often interferes with our 'coming of age', some delay seeking a mate until they're 21 or so, others seek a life without any kind of sexual intimacy.
Prior to adolescence, children instinctively trust in adults - a survival instinct. But as adolescence comes on, they loose this blind trust and start questioning the intentions of adults - they become interested in finding their true nature, rather than the images adults may want them to see. Parents loose their infallible status - heated exchanges often follow. An age of consent aligned with adolescence gives youths the freedom they instinctively seek, and their new found skills in detecting intent gives them a reduced risk of being exploited by the cunning of predatory adults (see note 1 below).
Since we all develop in more or less the same stages, both the age of consent for gay or straight sex should be the same (especially since gay sex can't trigger an unwanted pregnancy). However, due to various poorly founded social pressures, the age of consent for homosexual sex, especially for males, is often much higher or even illegal at any age.
Check the law in your area for homosexual sex, see the Age of Consent for Sex: world-wide table. Regardless of how unreasonable Age of Consent laws are, you are subject to them, and may end up in jail if you are known to have had sex with someone who was under the age of consent at the time. If both you and your partner are under the age of consent you may not be breaking the law. If you feel anxious about how the law applies to you, check with your local gay community services or your state's Court House.
According to the world-wide table, the age of consent for male homosexual sex varies from there being no laws at all, to being totally illegal regardless of your age, with haphazard ages in between. But we are all the same species and go through the same stages of development at more or less the same time; it is quite ridiculous for there to be such variations. It only goes to show how poorly founded laws regarding sexuality are.
Hopefully, fair and equitable guidelines based on reason and not superstition will be put forward by the United Nations, and nations will adopt these as laws. Then there will be no variation from country to country or between states of the same country as appears to be the case in the USA and Australia. Consider a gay couple traveling on vacation; at present they could be spending more time in jail than on tour, how ridiculous!
There is some positive things already happening - the European Convention on Human Rights has been successful in pressuring European countries to equalize the ages of consent. The UK equalized the age of consent to 16 in November 2000, after the European Commission supported a young British man saying that the current age of consent in the UK was an infringement of the European Convention on Human Rights and seriously interfered with his right for his private life to be respected (Click here for more information).
For the age to be legally permitted to view pornographic material see the Pinkboard: Restricted Access.
2Reference: "Adolescence", Encarta Encyclopedia '98 © 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
"Coming out of the closet" refers to the fact that you're hiding your homosexuality;
Your friends and relatives may not want to know but that's related to their incorrect beliefs about homosexuality and your make-up. Just as you're having to face your true sexuality, they're going to have to come to accept it also. |
You may need to resolve some issues;
Still not confident? contact your gay community services for personal advice.
After considering these points, and assuming you life is not really under threat, announcing unashamedly to people who are close to you that you are homosexual (i.e. 'coming out' of the closet, as the saying goes ). Not that that means you fit into any stereotype that others think homosexual conform to. In not understanding human behavior, people like to label everyone and categorize them with particular characteristics, whether heterosexual, homosexual, living in a certain area, having certain academic achievements, race etc. Some people say to themselves "Oh, your one of them", as if "them" all have the same attitude to every aspect of their life. Some people incorrectly think to be homosexual you;
Sex can express your closeness to someone you like or love. Love isn't sick, it's good. Whatever genetic quirk people's physical bodies have, we all have an equal right to exist in a civilized society. Homosexuals may not contribute to population growth, but they can contribute to society in many other ways (e.g. love, art, science, helping others raise their children etc.).
'Coming out' at School
Adolescent males are often the most homophobic of all. This is usually because they're unsure of their own sexuality and there's a lot of pressure to idolize some kind of male stereotype that the school leaders believe will show that they are successful (e.g. an obedient, fit, heterosexual football player). When you leave school you'll realize that unlike your school culture, the people in your community are generally more mature and diverse, and have little interest in making everyone idolize some dictated stereotype. Consider carefully before telling someone at school you're gay, it might lead to you being singled out and oppressed for the remainder of your school life. See also Living with People who don't care about You and Conflict Resolution Skills.
If you're unsure if it's safe to 'come out' to everyone, talk to a well known homosexual person in your community/school about their experiences. Or talk with local gay community services.
'Coming out' to your Community
Before you publicize your homosexuality to the wider community consider the;
Rejection can be a major issue when you don't conform to the expectations of your community, poorly founded though they may be; e.g. by being gay, of a different race or religion. In coming out, you may loose friends and family members may become more distant. You may be able to compensate for this rejection by gaining close friendships with other gay people or people of the opposite sex. Failure to gain support from others may lead to anxiety triggered physical conditions (e.g. stomach cramps, constipation, vomiting), getting regular hugs can be helpful in relieving this anxiety and related symptoms (returning your hope in gaining love from others). Open-minded social groups can be very helpful too. For serious issues find a gay-friendly counselor or psychologist. Contact your local gay community services for more information.
Unfortunately through fearing the rejection of others, we can come to protect ourselves from deep hurt by not expressing our loving nature. This leaves us with a sex/appearance focused mentality, distancing themselves from each other, becoming self-centered, and non-loving. This thinking stifles our ambitions of building true friendships.
Coming Out - Is a long term goal Coming out may start with telling your friends and relatives, but that is just the beginning of a process in which you come to be true to yourself, and stop worrying about living up to other people's unreasonable expectations. Then you can start to love yourself, and express your love to others. Coming out is more than your sexuality,
But where do I go to meet gay people?
Abbreviations often used on chat sites;
Personal Ads
Personal ads are another way of meeting new people. Lookup the friendship/relationship sections and browse through people's ads, reply to any you're interested in using your e-mail, or you can place an ad for others to answer. It's a great way of making new friends in your locality. If you seem to be compatible with, you can meet for coffee somewhere and see how you get on.
Here are some popular free sites;
Gay Social Groups
Since not everyone has access to the Internet, increase your chances of finding a partner by letting gay people in your community know you are also gay. Why not join a gay social group? You'll be advertising that you're available to others who feel the same way, and networking through their friends. Often in large cities there are a range of sport and social groups for the gay/lesbian community. In country towns you might find a local gay/lesbian support group.
Contact local gay community services for contact details. There might also be a gay night club or gay-friendly bar nearby that you could visit on a regular basis.
There are also usually a number of gay groups formed on University Campus.
Shopping Malls/Supermarkets
If you live in a gay area, meeting a gay friend while doing the shopping is not uncommon.
Gay Night Clubs/Bars
A popular way to socialize and meet new people. Especially if like dancing.
Dancing is an easy way to express yourself and get attention. Like a peacock you can put on a display and see who is attracted to you. If someone you like starts dancing near you, include them in your dance and have some fun. Remember, just because you like dancing with someone it doesn't mean you have to sleep with them. You can make them feel good just by dancing with them! Dancing is also a very healthy activity (great for the lymphatic system).
If you're not used to dancing, try dancing at home in front of a mirror - remember the first thing you need to know about dancing is to move with the rhythm. You might also like attending some Latin dancing classes, if you want to get serious (or seriously sexual).
Don't be worried about others watching you - most people don't care. As you'll soon find out, the idea in dancing is usually focused on trying to get them to watch you - to stand out!
Non-Gay Night Clubs/Bars
To search for a gay partner at a non gay-friendly bar can be a bit tricky (even dangerous). But miracles do happen.
Although not ideal, 'beats' are also an option. Beats are anonymous meeting places for male-male sex, usually located at public lavatories/toilets. There are a few problems with beats:
But how do I go about telling someone I like, that I'm gay?
Here are a couple of examples;
Steve is attracted to Bill and befriends him. Bill eventually says "There are plenty of nice girls here tonight aren't there?" Steve replies, "Well, I haven't taken much notice....I'm batting for the other team". Bill is confused for a moment then realizes that Steve is gay. Bill says, "well I like girls". Steve replies "no problems; can I by you a drink?" Well Steve struck out this time, but you never know who's around the corner... | |
The following week, Steve is attracted to Sam and befriends him. After he has a short conversation to work out if they like each other's personality, Steve says, "You're looking pretty sexy tonight", and looks to see how Sam reacts to the comment. Sam smiles. Steve continues, "Well, I'm into guys, what about you?". Sam gives a bashful look. Steve puts his hand on Sam's leg and looks to see if he likes it. Sam smiles and puts his hand on top. Steve smiles back, quietly giving a sigh of relief. P.S. Steve is smart; he realizes the danger of catching sexually transmitted diseases like HIV (AIDS); he always insists on the use of condoms if he and his partner end up wanting to have anal intercourse. |
But what if things don't work out with the person I meet?
It's uncommon for a person to meet their long term partner on their first date. If things don't work out, remember the good times you had together, rather than focus on any negative ones that may have ended the relationship. Then you'll be motivated to get out and find another partner to love and be loved by.
Here's a few saying which may help inspire you:
For further information see Links & other Resources
Party drugs such as Ecstasy have become popular, but consider the side-affects. Some people have died and others have suffered ongoing Schizophrenia and other psychoses.
Don’t forget you can get a natural high from:
The focus of this website is love, and the healthy bond between love and sex. The information below contains some ideas which will hopefully help you find a long term loving companion.
What should I be looking for?
So what exactly is love?
Well there are different levels of love, some more intimate than others. But to trigger that feeling of love deep inside your heart you need the following ingredients:
Love is like a plant you feed and nurture, it makes everything seem wonderful.
...but don't rush in, you both should move to opening your hearts carefully as there are many emotions that you'll experience along the way. If you rush in might find your partner wasn't ready, you're heart might get broken - but don't worry too much, it can mend. As the saying goes, "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all".
What should I be looking for in a relationship?
I think there are a few things that are essential in any intimate relationship, and in the best interests of both parties (although they mightn't think so);
The Dating Game
Being skilled in the Dating 'Game’ is nothing to be proud of. It's a game of lies, half-truths and deceit.
Let me explain; You're playing the dating 'game', a game learnt from your friends/relatives, and you think it’s in your individual best interests to do; You're going out with your partner, but you're also seeing other guys on the side, hoping your partner doesn't find out.
But if he does, you can escape without to much emotional damage as you have other sex partners to fall back on. It's exciting and therefore sexually stimulating. However, there is no tenderness nor any emotional closeness. Although you’re getting sexually satisfied and think how clever you are, you still feel lonely inside, you’re unable to experience a depth of love that just isn't possible without a lot of trust and honesty. And the relationship breaks down, your partner feels bitter and betrayed.
A purely sexual relationship is by nature valuing;
So by seeking out sexual encounters, or people who are obsessed with sexual encounters (e.g. at saunas and beats), you are reducing your ability to have a loving relationship in the future (you can be sexually active and yet be very lonely). I'm not saying that you shouldn't sleep with someone on the first date, but if you do, it's wise to in a the belief that they might turn out to be a friend if not a partner. If later down the track it turns out that they're not suitable, so be it - your quest for a lover continues.
The Power Game
Some people feel that their happiness comes from dominating a relationship, rather than on love and mutual respect. When these people approach a potential partner they subconsciously consider ways of 'getting the upper hand'. They think that they will get more of their needs met by dominating their partner, and having them submit to their desires. Both parties in a relationship may play the 'power game', making it difficult for either to leave (since leaving would show weakness). But remember - you don't have to play that game.
Here are some common examples of how people play the power game;
No-one can force another to love them - although they may force them to say they do. Love is delicate thing that springs from deep within.
Hopefully, one day these 'control freaks' will realize how unfulfilling playing the power game is, and come to realize that it's love and not power that will fulfill they're need for happiness. In the meantime, keep clear else you'll suffer from their destructive behavior.
Remember, you can always walk away - you don't have to put up with being abused by your partner.
True Love: Please Don't be Polite!
The belief that you 'have to make your partner/friend happy', despite you own personal feelings/views is common in the gay community. Although it's nice to be polite with strangers, it makes personal relationships superficial and unfulfilling. As you get to know each other, both parties need to move from being polite to being genuine. Problems with always being polite include;
Love, true love, whether it be friendship or relationship, needs a large dose of honesty - and being honest with others about our feelings is a delicate, stressful and soul-searching experience, not as easy as being polite, yet in the end extremely rewarding.
Generalizing about how people think due to their skin color, race, sex, sexual preference or age is unfair to those that do not fit the stereotype. You may be surprised to realize that the negative way that many people treat gays in general, can also be found within the gay community itself.
We generalize because through our experiences or through being told by others, we learn that a particular grouping has common traits. Now it would be true to say that certain qualities are common amongst a particular grouping; for example, that all dogs are meat eaters, but it would be wrong to conclude that all dogs are savage. However, if every dog you came in contact with was savage, it would be reasonable to assume that the next dog you met would also be savage.
Well onto the issue in question; discrimination within the gay community. Through my experiences I have noted that there is often a generalization that all gay males say over 30 years old, are either sleazy, uncaring or uninteresting, and not worthwhile getting to know. The view is also circulated by some younger gay males (creating a poorly founded generation gap).
Using the dog analogy; Since not all gay males over 30 are like this, it would be wrong to say that any gay guy over 30 you meet must have these negative qualities. However, if all the older gay guys you have gotten to know were like this, it would be pretty safe to say the next one you meet will also not be worth getting to know. Especially if you frequent places that attract guys with negative ways of thinking (e.g. beats). I would like to point out that not all young gay guys think this way, but it is common.
So what is my message?
To younger gay guys;
Although you may see a lot of older people that are negative, they are not all like this. Keep yourself open to the possibility that the next older gay guy you meet might be different, his qualities may be of some value to you (see next point).
To older gay guys;
Young guys have their youthfulness and spontaneity, what is it that you have to offer? You can become wise, understanding and caring; these traits can improve with age (if you learn from your experiences and seek knowledge; see note on unloving personalities and home-page). And by improving the mind-set of older gay guys in general, others are less likely to generalize and assume that you're not worth talking to.
Let's face it, it's tough enough being rejected by the general population because you're gay without any good reason, but when some of us snub others using similar reasoning, it really is deplorable. Shouldn't we be treating each other like family members, whilst seeking the freedom and respect that many heterosexuals take for granted?
Let's stick together in the hope that world will become a better place to live in.
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