Please fill out this form. Your answers will be emailed to me and I will meditate upon them and email you with your new custom religion as soon as possible. Thank You. Name: (don't hit return) Email address: (don't hit return) Current Religion: Atheist Agnostic Baptist Buddhist Catholic (devout) Catholic (fallen) Episcopalian Hindu Jew (Orthodox) Jew (Conservative) Jew (Reformed) Lutheran Methodist Muslim Other (please explain in comment) Pagan Quaker Scientologist Taoist Unitarian Universalist Wiccan How has this religion been working out for you? Great pretty well ok not too great horrible What is the worst aspect of your current religion? Unsound metaphysical base Too much prayer time required Not enough fun holidays Too many things I'm not allowed to eat Don't like what we're supposed to wear Don't like sexual restrictions Don't like the hierarchy/church leaders Makes me target of religious persecution other (please explain in comment) I'm happy with all aspects of my religion Which Simpson do you like best? Homer Simpson Marge Simpson Bart Simpson Lisa Simpson OJ Simpson Which do you most often wear to bed to sleep? lingerie pajamas t-shirt/underwear regular clothes nothing Who would you rather have sex with? Bill Clinton Hilary Clinton Chelsea Clinton Socks Write any additional comments here: I don't have any additional comments.
Name: (don't hit return)
Email address: (don't hit return)
Current Religion: Atheist Agnostic Baptist Buddhist Catholic (devout) Catholic (fallen) Episcopalian Hindu Jew (Orthodox) Jew (Conservative) Jew (Reformed) Lutheran Methodist Muslim Other (please explain in comment) Pagan Quaker Scientologist Taoist Unitarian Universalist Wiccan
How has this religion been working out for you? Great pretty well ok not too great horrible
What is the worst aspect of your current religion? Unsound metaphysical base Too much prayer time required Not enough fun holidays Too many things I'm not allowed to eat Don't like what we're supposed to wear Don't like sexual restrictions Don't like the hierarchy/church leaders Makes me target of religious persecution other (please explain in comment) I'm happy with all aspects of my religion
Which Simpson do you like best? Homer Simpson Marge Simpson Bart Simpson Lisa Simpson OJ Simpson
Which do you most often wear to bed to sleep? lingerie pajamas t-shirt/underwear regular clothes nothing
Who would you rather have sex with? Bill Clinton Hilary Clinton Chelsea Clinton Socks
Write any additional comments here: I don't have any additional comments.