Vital Stats

name: Cynthia Lewis

aliases: Chuck, Googie, elijahblue

date of birth: 6/10/73

place of birth: Seattle, WA

current residence: Frederick county, Maryland

other places lived include: Corvallis, Oregon; Saarbruecken, Germany; Newtown Square, Pennsylvania; New York City

siblings: none

height: 5'7"

current occupation: counselor with Family Services

former occupation: editorial assistant

intermittent occupations: pianist/backup singer/songwriter/producer

future occupation (if I can survive grad school): human factors psychologist

other interests: philosophy, creative writing, b & w photography, animals & nature, women's rights/gay rights/ethnic minority rights/childrens' rights (even though I am not a member of all of those groups), playing on the internet

soon to be Alma Mater: Hood College

affiliations: American Psychological Association, Psi Chi, Triple Nine Society, International Society for Philosophical Enquiry, Songwriters' Association of Washington

Keirsey personality type: iNFp

mascot: Marvin the Martian

familiars: a trinity of lovebirds

some favorite (I've limited myself to one line each)

...* musicians: TAFKAP, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Joan Osbourne, Sara McLachlan, old blues

...* writers: Milan Kundera, Julio Cortazar, James Joyce, Czeslaw Milosz, Dr. Seuss

...* films: The Crying Game, Edward Scissorhands, Heathers, The Shining, The Piano

...* colors: true red, electric or royal blue, purple, black

...* animals: parrots! dolphins, cats, frogs

...* food: pizza, artichokes, almonds, avocado, pickles, soba noodles, spinach salad, citrus fruit


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