Welcome to:

Kerridwen's Wicca Page

Merry Meet, and welcome to my Wicca page. I am Kerridwen and I started this page in hope of educating others who don't know about Wicca, and this site is also for Wiccan's alike you enjoy meeting other Wiccans. I am also starting an Alberta contact list for Wiccans so we can learn from one another in the same community. Some of the other area's that I'm setting up for my site are:
Works of Art
Sample Rituals (hopefully)
Recommended Reading
and much more

Blessed Be!

Here are some links to other sections of my site:
Links to webrings, online publications, companies, and resources
Wiccan Prayers & Chants
Albertan Wicca Contact list

people have visited my Wiccan site since July 18, 1998

You can email me here and give me some feedback or links.

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