The Place 2 Be

Critique of Sonnet 134

Theme:      Menage à trois
Content:    The female subject is a lover to both the author and his friend. The author is prepared to forfeit himself in the hope that the woman's relationship with the friend will also help restore the author's friendship with him. A sonnet based on legal terminology, as though a crime has been committed.

So, now I have confessed that he is thine,
And I myself am mortgaged to thy will,
Myself I'll forfeit, so that other mine
Thou wilt restore to be my comfort still.

But thou wilt not, nor he will not be free,
For thou art covetous, and he is kind.
He learned but surety-like to write forme
Under that bond that him as fast doth bind.

The statute of thy beauty thou wilt take,
Thou usurer that putt'st forth all to use,
And sue a friend came debtor for my sake;
So him I lose through my unkind abuse.

Him have I lost; thou hast both him and me;
He pays the whole, and yet am I not free.


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