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B'nei Noach: Lubbock's Sons of Noah Webpage

Lubbock, Texas

The Noahide Covenant: What the Bible teaches about the status of all men and women. Wholesome Faith without Jesus! The Noahidism is an extension of Orthodox Judaism (Biblical Judaism). "Salvation" for gentiles apart from Christianity: All people on earth are Noahites, no matter what their religion is! Why not ask yourself this question: "Does my religion uphold to the standards of G-d?"

Gentiles paving the way for the coming of the Messiah!

"...there are two paths to righteousness....the Jewish way for Jews, and the gentile way for the gentiles!"

What is the Noahide Covenant?

A challenge to the world

Who can rightfully interpret Scripture?
What does Orthodox Judaism teach concerning the Noahide Covenant?
Why does the Church reject this authority and Jesus' teaching?

The Noahide Covenant in the New Testament

Why Jesus is not Messiah or L-rd.

Why the "Passion" is fiction and morally wrong

Jesus... ...Liar, Lunatic, or Pharisee?

Why did Jesus say that no Christian will enter heaven?

How does modern Christianity misguide you?

Why the New Testament is not Scripture

The four spiritual lies of Christianity

G-d really does have a place for you in the World-to-Come

Why this site?

Messiah Truth Project: Exhaustive study against the religion of Christianity the New Testament, Christian Bible translations, and Church history. The study is with Christian and Jewish sources, as well as historical evidences and extra-religious documentation.

Copyright (c)2007/(c)5767 This site updated on 2-2-07

Links to Noahide groups on the Web

Ask Noah site for more information about Noahidism
Agudat B'nai Noach: Vendyl Jones' Noahite website - Arlington, Texas
Root & Branch Noahide movement
Chavurath B'nai Noach - Atlanta, Georgia
Noah's Covenant Website - Long Beach, California
Gal Einai website - Israel
Chavurath B'nei Noach - Ft. Worth, Texas
The Ark - United Kingdom
Emmanuel Study Center for B'nei Noach - Athens, Tennessee
Bnai Noach - Atlanta, Georgia (Site is very slow)
Rachav's B'nai Noah Page - Greater Melbourne/Victoria, Australia

Links to other sites on the Web

Refuting Missionairies
Another study of the Noahide Commandments
Outreach Judaism
Jews for Judaism
Ask the rabbi
Vendyl Jones Research Institute
Michoel Drazin's response to missionairies
The Counter-Missionary Homepage
False accusations by the Church

Resources, including books and articles published on the internet

Rabbi Broyde on the seven Noachide Laws: An even more detailed description
A Chabad listing of books in print
From "The Seven Noahide Laws" by Rabbi Yirmeyahu Bindman
"The Seven Noahide Laws" expanded to the Sixty-six
Yeshiva B'nei Torah (B'nai Noach tape source: Click on "Tape Library")


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