A summary

   After over twenty years of referendum campaigning in the Province of Québec, Canada, a violent splinter faction of the NFLQ (le Nouveau Front de Libération du Québec) forms from the still-glowing embers of the political remains of the inglorious terrorist authors of the October Crisis of 1970. Masterminded by the same fathers of the terrorist separatist movement of that province who remained well hidden from Canadian intelligence since before their first days of destructive glory, the sovereignist movement's provisional army grew in numbers, in secret, in frustration and in anger. An impossible-to-resist opportunity is jumped on within 24 hours of occurrence and the reposing army of Quebeckers is let loose upon the rest of the nation, and within 72 hours of execution, the NFLQ's plan of surprise blitz sabotage and border entrenchment against invasion appears able to thwart a Federalist response in the form of an isolating siege and counterattack. Controlling Canadian airspace from Labrador to Manitoba, the NFLQ's air force causes havoc in the urban areas of several cities in those regions ... during the Federal counter-attack a small fleet of ships from France's navy arrives in St.Pierre causing an international incident which pales in comparison to the massacre, by Federal troops aided by an ingenious agent provocateur, of American troops responding to a call for assistance, they believe, from U.N. observers to a situation around the Mohawk Reserve of Akwesasne which straddles the St. Lawrence River and whose lands are partly in Ontario, Quebec and the State of New York ...

Extract #1

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