Birgit's Viking Age Homelands Archive

The Time Period that Viking Activity happened in Northern Europe is known as the
VIKING AGE. The years are approximately broken down to:

500-750 Vendel Age
750-850 Early Viking Age
850-950 Middle Viking Age
950-1050 Late Viking Age

This page is concerned with information about what was going on with Norse Societies at that time in Scandinavia and perhaps Eastern Russia. You know,....meanwhile back on the Viking farm!
It'll eventually have articles and links to scholarly and grossly accurate web-sites such as......

Stuff by Me and My Friends :
Hugin & Munin - Thought and Memory Birgit's cute little Journal-Newsletter on the Viking Age.

Much More Interesting Stuff :
Viking Heritage  A Swedish page linking to museums, sites, cultural and research information  
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor A few great articles on textiles and food by Þhora
Medieval Sourcebook's Online Edition of Rimbert's Life of Anskar, the Apostle of the North, 801-865 Introduced by Charles H. Robinson, Anskar, The Apostle of the North, 801-865, translated from the Vita Anskarii by Bishop Rimbert, his fellow missionary and sucessor. (London: SPCK, 1921)
De Norske Vikingsverd by Jan Petersen (1919): Table of Contents The Norweigian Viking Swords by Jan Petersen (1919) a translation in progress by Kristin Noer (1998)
On the Vinland Map provides information on chemical analysis of the components of the Vinland Map
The Viking Home Page A Swedish page with a multitude of pretty good Viking links, known as the Big Page of Viking Links
Welcome to The Viking Bronze Casting Site contains historical casting information and how-to
Philia's String Pages has information on Norse Fiber-crafts like Tabletweaving, Sprang, and Naalbinding
Telling Time Without a Clock: The Scandinavian Daymarks is an educational page for youngsters about daylight and time -- a good read for anyone
Vikings at Sven Skildbitrs Homepage - by Stephen F. Wyley, member of the New Varangian Guard, Viking Period Furniture How-tos, Info on a extant mail shirt and a Norse names list

Hey, I did warn you that this site links to some serious scholarship!
If you're really just looking for learning fun how about....

Viking Raids mirror of NASA Ames' plan-writing exercise entitled "Procedure to Follow in the Event That Building 245 is Attacked by Vikings."
The real and beloved Hägar the Horrible homepage. Everybody loves this Viking from Norway!
A Brief Guide to Swedish Cursing Good language review and introduction to the topic. Plus .wav files!




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