Hi, my name is Samantha Almene. I am 15 and recently had scoliosis surgery. My hope is that I can at least connect some people and let them know they're not the only one. If I can do it, you can too!
Updates from Me! A new surgery section is in the making!
What is Scoliosis and Treatments
There is a Deja News member forum available to post notes on. You can also log on to this chat room and if you don't have a handle you can register for one free!
If anyone would like to e-mail, you can at You can e-mail me whenever but I get a lot of mail so if you want immediate results you could perhaps talk to someone who signed my guestbook! I am creating a new surgery section to answer many of your questions on that. I hope you find what you're looking for!
Sign Geocities Guestbook View Geocities Guestbook
In no way is this page associated with any of the mentioned books or do they have any knowledge of this (positive) recommendation. Don't sue me, please! All the graphics are made by me except for the really cool banners by David. E-mail him if you have a request!
Last Updated: 2/12/00. Please bear with me on the construction!