It is an undeniable fact that most newpapers publish horoscopes for people to read and tell them their fate of the day, of the month or of the year. However, that is not the only way people get to know their fate. Sometimes people consult people who specialize in reading horoscopes and lines of the palms to predict their future. Somehow, those are not the only supersticious beliefs that are available in this world. There a many other supersticious beliefs that exist in this planet for instance the Chinese believe that when one breaks a plate, bad luck will dawn upon them, some people believe that when an owl hoots, it means someone has died. Come to think of it, is it worth believing those types of beliefs?
In my opinion, I do not think it is worth believing in such beliefs. Say, if today's horoscope say that all Aries is going to get a lover, does that mean everyone who was born on 21st of March till 20th of April is going to get a lover? Don't you think there are billions of people who were borned during that period of time? Don't you think that it is quite impossible that all of them have the same fate which is to get a lover? Don't you think some Aries people are still too young to get one? So, how can horoscopes be true? Don't you think that horoscopes sometimes can be very ridiculous?
Besides that, there are no evidence saying that horoscopes and supersticious beliefs are accurate. There are totally no scientific evidence that stars or the lines on your palm can affect your fate. Not only that, how can a star so far away affect your life. Do you think there is a force which connects Earth and the stars far far away? Scientists could not even find any truth in these supersticious beliefs. Even some religions deny that horoscopes and other supersticious beliefs are true.
Another reason to support my stand is that some people who specialize in this field only want to earn some profit for themselves and more often than not, they are never sincere. Sometimes they may come to an extend of charging high prices and cheat people's money and other than that, they simply foretell people's future life and their forecast could be false. So, what you get when you consult a fortune teller are lies and worst of all you will be wasting your money be consulting such people. So, think of it. Is it worth spending money for something like this? Isn't it better not to take that risk? Think about it.
Furthermore, Christianity even said that horoscopes and supersticious beliefs are false and according to some pastors, believing in it might cause demonic attacks simply because the source of horoscopes and some supersticious beliefs are from the evil one. For your information, sometimes through cults, people can foretell people's life and it is possible that if one believes in horoscopes which could have derived from cults and witchcraft, he or she may have demonic attacks. Not only that, horoscpes and palmistry are derived from New Age beliefs which is against some religions of this world. So, not only is horoscope not worth believing but also it is wrong believing in horoscopes and supersticious beliefs especially if you are a Christian. A Christian, by right should not glorify these things.
Horoscopes and palmistry cause lots of worries too. Since people nowadays are so credulous, they believe in horoscopes and palmistry very much. What happens if horoscopes say that Aries is going to get into trouble? Needless to say, people who are Aries will get worried, provided they have read it. Even if you just read it for fun without the intention of believing in it, you might eventually cause yourself to have worries. Actually these kinds of worries are really so unnecessary because horoscopes and palmistry are inaccurate. As aforesaid, there are totally no evidence to prove that horoscopes and palmistry are true.
It would be a lie to say that horoscopes and palmistry always predict wrongly about the future. Indeed, sometimes predictions through horoscopes and palmistry can become true simply because it is from the evil one and his intention is to make people believe what they are not suppose to believe. So watch out lest you get trapped by him.
It is crystal clear to see that horoscopes, palmistry and other supersticious beliefs are not worth believing. Believing in it can be lethal. You can get yourself cheated when it comes to money and you will have demonic attacks when you believe in such things. Do not be gullible especially when it comes to these beliefs.
Originally written by the owner of the homepage