(A bit egotistical? No!)

Hey. I'm Mike. Not a whole lot to see when you look at me, but I think you can find something interesting here. Most people do. I could let you read myautobiography, or I could tell you about myself. On this page, I'll tell you about me. If you don't want that, then go to the autobio.

First, I'm a student at The Ohio State University, majoring in Military History and minoring in English Literature. I enjoy many things, including:

looking at beautiful things,
writing poetry (well, I think I enjoy that),
singing loud and off key when I'm alone in the car,
long hugs,
killing Dragons and traipsing through Dungeons,
dressing in a silly manner,
acting in a silly manner,
just being silly,
long walks in rampant electrical storms,
poking fun at epee and foil fencers,
kicking M*ch*g*n's ass,
destorying all who oppose me,
Playing with fire,
kisses goodnight,
laughing at the drunks at parties (too bad ya gotta stay sober to do that),
laughing at the campus preachers (Bro Jed!),
a little bit of Buffett,
dabbling in computer languages,
dabbling in The Art,
spending the day with my girlfriend,
spending the night with her,
good music,
good friends,
good times,
summer skies,
banishing the Undead to other planes of existance,
knocking it before I've tried it,
wrestling with my brother (I always win),
wrestling with my girlfriend (I always win that, too),
Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
sneaking around so that I'm right behind you. . . BOO!

Things I don't enjoy so much are these:

French people,
Leo DeCrapio,
Bill Clinton,
finding drunks in my room,
too-hot summer days,
junk e-mail,
people who say they're laughing with me but are really laughing at me,
Foilists and Epeeists,
a solid kick in the rear,
my own mortality,
campus preachers,
M*ch*g*n (sucks),
Penn State (swallows),
losing expensive dice bags,
the angusish of time-space,
the CIS bastards who think they're so high and mighty. (anyone can do this)