Kevin married. Road thinking about wife. Sorts of questions bothering mind. Was she right to? Was she as impulsive, beautiful thought? Wouldn't better search a more? Such that was him - always making important decision.

Suddenly, still saw woman walking side. So beautiful, such gracious! Impulse, tension, action around her. Only I. Second day and I'm another woman.

Kevin closer closer woman. Could clearly see slim attractive body cute summer dress, hair waved mild. Feel aura of goddess. "Why am I?" mind. Kevin same as the woman. Turned, waved, smiled revealing charmful teeth. "Oh that's my!"

Two hours Kevin listened his wife saying sweetheart? I felt changing.



Kevin. Thinking wife. Bothering mind. Was right? Was impulsive, beautiful? Better search more? That was important decision. Suddenly, still woman. Beautiful, gracious! Impulse, tension, action. I. Second day woman.

Closer closer. Slim attractive body, cute summer dress. Feel goddess. "Why I?" Same woman. Turned, waved, smiled. "Oh!" Two hours Kevin sweetheart. Felt changing.



Kevin. Thinking. Mind. Right? Impulsive, beautiful? Better more? Suddenly woman. Gracious! Impulse, action. Second day.

Closer. Slim attractive cute. Goddess. I. Woman. Smiled. Kevin sweetheart. Changing.



A female and a male impulse were walking together. The female said

"I'm bored".

"Why sunshine?" - asked the male.

"I feel like doing something really different than what we've done so far."

"We've done everything, lovely. Didn't you like sunbathing on the top of the moving helicopter? Or jumping from the skyscriper after breakfast? Or driving with 200 miles per hour in the wrong way of a one way street? Not enough excitement?"

"It doesn't thrill me, baby. It is as thrilling as eating a soup in the cafeteria."

"What would you want to do then, darling?"

"Something crazy, something shocking, something abnormal... I know! Let's lie on the grass and watch the stars, like these kids there, we've never done that before."