The Art of Sensuality

A guide for people in love

The Art of Sensuality is a reflection of my inner thoughts, experiences and desires.

It is a rough draft, something I have been writing since 90s, as my life has experienced its ups and downs. It is also written without prejudice and discrimination. There are many subjects I would like to touch and write about, so if you care to give me your imput at, I will be more than happy to address your imput and write about them. We all have special knowledge or know-how that we can share.

In the beginning, the original creation of this guide was intended for "couples", because, I felt that many couples were slowly loosing sensuality and falling into a "routine" relationship. Therefore was the following paragraph: "It is recommended you enjoy this guide in the company of your loved one. Then after you can both talk about what you've learned and perhaps even be inclined to try some of the exercises suggested along the way". Now, I believe this guide has turned out to be more like "my inner sensuality" expressions. So bear that in mind as you read my writings. (Paragraph modified in September 2008)

May the Higher Energy be with you through out your jeorney of the fantastic world of sensuality and, give you the enlightment you are searching for, to make your relationship, better than ever.

You can share this guide with single people that might have questions about the failure of past relationships and with the desire to make sure they don't make the same mistakes again.

Remember to be realistic and honest in order to come to the most logical solution to any of your worries. And always tell those you love that you love them, the world changes in a blink of an eye. Express your feelings.

One of the most important issues I want to address is "being honest to oneself beforehand". Every day I meet different people, but they all have a common problem... They are not honest to themselves. I realize that family customs and ways are deep rooted, and that indeed they play a big role on the way we think and act; but,times have changed and we owe it to ourselves to be honest about what we feel and desire.

The only way to have a successful relationship is to be true to oneself. This way, you can be who you truly are and not someone you think will be accepted by all. It is time for each and every one of us to not use a mask when meeting people and simply be ourselves. Relationships built on honesty are the relationships that will survive this cruel and cold world we exist on.

Remember, as a sliver of the "Higher Energy", you have the knowledge of the universe, within yourself. But the only way to tap into this knowledge, is by being honest to yourself and, then to others. Maybe, your partner and you should have, a mind to mind, a heart to heart, chat. Re-evaluate your goals, your conquers and your failures, together. And then come up with a new plan, based on honesty and thus truly grow together as a couple... Man and Woman, hand in hand... Just as nature intended from the start of mankind. The first thing to accomplish, in order to enjoy this guide, is to have a relationship built with honesty, hard work, love, desire, and sensuality. I would suggest to have this conversation, to reevaluate the relationship, to build upon honesty and love, to have a very sensual and sexual relationship, as every man and woman should have in the privacy of their own world

I hope that by applying the teachings of this guide into your life you can make your relationship one that is all you ever envisioned it to be. Thank you for allowing me to enter your world. Humbly, Alexis.

As the years quickly go by me, I can sincerely say that life is not easy, totally the "contrare", it is hard. It really never turns out as we excepted it to be. Most of the time, it is by our own fault, and sometimes, it is just life. Some things are not meant to be. That simple.

The main thing is to stay focused, not loose confidence in oneself and continue striving to reach your goal, no matter how unattainable it may seem. Many times things don't happen because we loose sight of our main reason for doing things. Many times we just get tired and give up. Well, if you really want something, work for it, one day you will get it.

So I urge you to stay focused on your relationship, be confident that you can learn your partner well enough to feel happy and fulfilled with yourself. Remember, our partner has no obligation to make you happy, his/her obligation is not make you unhappy. You are your own happiness.

If your goal is to have a happy relationship, then continue on reading the Art of Sensuality, it might offer new points of view. Be happy with who you are, Alexis.

Last update, 2007.

Another year has gone by. Another year of experiences. I must say that I have had some new experiences this past year. I have also learned that it doesn't matter what age I have, I am still capable of falling deeply in lust at first sight. I am still capable of falling in love with a perception. I am still growing up...

I have new things to write about... Things that will slowly be expressed on virtual paper. Come to my site from time to time... Thank you. (September 2008)

The Lost Sense of Touch
How to Kiss the Face of your Angel
Communicating without Words
How to be a sensual Woman
Become a sensitive male
Complementing each others worlds
Channel your inner energy
Finding your lost love
Guilty by omission
Virtual partner

Links to other sites on the Web

Breves comentarios jurídicos
Brief legal commentaries

First chapter: The lost sense of touch. Re-discover each other.

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