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Tai Ji Quan




Earlwood Push-hands, Sydney Australia


Earlwood Push-Hands  

is a small group of people gathering together for friendly practice of fixed and free Tai Chi push-hands (tui-shou).

We have been studying different styles of Tai Chi: normally, everyone has her or his own Tai Chi master elsewhere. However, we assume that the underlying principles of Tai Chi are the same and that the friendly and respectful free push-hands are indispensable part of Tai Chi practice, which is not always available.

The group does not have an instructor. We choose what to practise next, swap partners, learn from each other, and have a good time.

We invite anyone who has experience in Tai Chi and a genuine desire to get extra training in tui-shou.


Where, when, how?

We meet in Earlwood on Wednesday. Push-hands from 8pm to 9pm.

A Chen style class (Zhu Tian Cai flavour) for beginners also is available from 7pm to 8pm.

A small fee is charged after each session to cover the rent for the place



To learn the details, please call or write Manuel Carydis:

phone : 0412-617892
e-mail : mcarydis@optusnet.com.au





 Website © Vsevolod Vlaskine 1998-2007

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