Reading Recovery is for children at risk. The children are identified by testing and rank order lists from kindergarten. Teachers from the previous year observe and rank order lists from the 1st grade teachers for the current year. Each child on the lower end of the rank order list is tested for letter identification, word recognition, concepts about print, dictation (hearing and recording sound in words), and writing vocabulary in text level.
After these children are tested, we take the children who have scored the lowest in the most categories for one on one lessons. These lessons consist of 30min. sessions on each of 8 specific skills to build self-confidence, give them independent strategies to use while reading, and increase writing skills.
Reading Recovery is not a cure for learning and reading difficulties, it is just a push in the right direction to help a child be able to function independently in the classroom.
Children who are not chosen for one on one lessons the first round will work daily in a Literacy Group learning some or most of the same skills.
As the one on one lessons are accomplished,the children reach the level to discontine. Each child in the Literacy Group will be assessed again and will be have the opportunity to have one on one lessons until, hopefully, all at risk children have been reached.