Madison Lodge No. 87, A.F&A.M.

Madison, Connecticut

Welcome to the Home Page of Madison Lodge 87,A.F.&A.M.!

Madison Lodge is located at 1163 Boston Post Rd., Madison Connecticut. Our lodge's charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut in 1859. Our lodge currently has approximately 140 brothers and remains a young and active lodge.

Our lodge's stated communications are the second Tuesday of each month (closed for July and August). The fourth Tuesday of each month is reserved for special communications such as degree work and special programs. Our lodge has an active Colonial Degree team which travels around the state and interstate upon request. The colonial degree team portrays the Entered Apprentice Degree in colonial garb. The colonial degree team is headed by WB Craig Sattler PM.


WB Robert Stimpson WM

WB Carmine Luigi Mangino SW

Robert Cerosky JW

Jeffrey Hessler Treasurer

RW Paul K Edman Secretary

WB David Burns PM SD

Keith Ellery JD

WB Roger Cole SS

Ronald Garner JS

WB Kenneth Hartwick Chaplain

WB Craig Sattler Marshal

Vernon O.Beatrice Tyler

This page is currently under construction, please bear with us. This is a new and learning venture on our part



First, thank you all who participated in our Fellow Craft degree last month, it was very well done. Congratulations to our newest Fellow Craft, Bros. Hull, Hull and Bernard. A very large thanks to our honorary WB: Rodney Spooner of Warren Lodge who as always portrayed an excellent rendition of the Middle Chamber lecture: THANK YOU RODNEY! We were also fortunate to have in attendance our District Deputy Arnold Freedman accompanied by RW Martin Rudnick. They are both familiar faces to our lodge and their attendance is most welcome and appreciated. Please make note or our upcoming events. the Master Mason Degree will be portrayed in November and we are extremely fortunate to have the Sphinx Shriners Degree team put on this degree for us. Please take note of the dinner arrangements for that evening and get your reservations in early.


Bob Stimpson, WM

TRESTLEBOARD October/ November/ December 2003

October 14: Stated Communication

October 28: MMTC meeting 7pm

November 7: Veterans Presentation @ 7:30pm

November 11: Stated Communication

November 25: Master Mason Degree, Dinner @ 6:00pm

December 9: Stated Communication, Annual Meeting

December 23: No planned event


Grand Lodge of Connecticut

United Grand Lodge of England

Philalethes Society

Town of Madison,Connecticut Website

United Kingdom Freemasonry

Grand Lodge of Ireland

Fairhaven Lodge 5076, St.Annes-on Sea, Lancashire England

St. Lukes' Lodge, London UK

Composite Lodge 4574 UGLE, Manchester England UK

Widow's Son Lodge 66, Branford Connecticut

St.John's Lodge 104, Stockport,Cheshire England


The renovation our lodge is now pretty much complete thanks in large part to Bro. Ron Garner who headed up this project. With the exception of a few bits and pieces are labours are now finished. If you haven't seen our beautiful lodge, please make it a point to attend one of our communications.


Madison Lodge is extemely fortunate and proud to have within our small lodge three Grand Representatives from sister constitutions recognized by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut

RW Paul Edman: Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of the Netherlands near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut

WB Craig Sattler: Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of South Australia near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut

WB Robert Stimpson: Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of Ireland near the Grand Lodge of Connecticut

The picture above is a graphic from the Friend to Friend brochure produced by the Grand Lodge of Connecticut with permission from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The Friend to Friend program is designed to inform prospective Masons about the fraternity, it's origins,functions and qualifications. Any non-Mason visting our site within our area seeking further information about our fraternity and our lodge can sign our guestbook. You will be contacted by an officer from our lodge who can provide you with the full Friend to Friend brochure and answer any questions. Our fraternity forbids recruitment of members. This program was developed as a information campaign. We are thus known as the "Quiet Fraternity" here in Connecticut and hope this dispels the belief that we are a "Secret Society".

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WB Robert Stimpson, President of Connecticut Branch of the International Guild of Masonic Webmasters

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Page updated:8 October 2003

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