For Evolution, like many another modern evil, is the natural consequence
of Protestantism. Luther stated that men have no freedom of will, and this was one of his
two-hundred-and-five errors specifically selected and condemned by Pope Leo X in his Bull
Exsurge Domine in the year 1520, barely three years after the apostate Augustinian priest
hammered his heresies to the doors of Wittenberg Castle. Without free will, of course, we
become mere animals, like so many pigs at a feed trough. Atheism holds that we are indeed
nothing but pigs. Communism argues that Big Brother should provide the trough. Evolution
claims that the strongest pigs get the most slop. And on and on through all the
postulations of Protestantism, whose spawn are like "raging waves of the sea, foaming
out their own confusion, wandering stars to whom the storm of darkness is reserved for
ever" (Jude 1:13).
Hence, we end up today suffering from Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X identified as
"the synthesis of all heresies." In his monumental decree against these heretics
(Pascendi, 1907), this holy Pope put his saintly and sensitive finger squarely on the root
of all their pernicious lies: "Essentially," he declared, "the chief point
in their doctrines is Evolution." A fundamental understanding of this essential evil
involves a clear but simple grasp of philosophy, as well as an awareness of the history of
various natural sciences; but here, let it be stated cursorily and in simple terms that a
soul is the principle of life - that which makes a living being to be whatever it is. A
tree has a vegetable soul. A dog has an animal soul. Men have human souls. Angels and God
might also be said to have angelic and divine "souls" respectively, if such a
fallacy could ever be said of pure spirits.
Now, the principle of life in every living being is either spiritual or material in
essence. The souls of God, angels, and men are inherently spiritual - utterly beyond the
boundaries of matter. The souls of trees and dogs, on the other hand, are material, that
is, essentially linked to matter. That is why Scripture says of man that he is to
"rule the whole earth" (Genesis 1:28), yet is "a little less than the
angels" (Psalm 8:6). Man is placed over all other creatures composed of living matter
precisely because his soul - that which makes him to be what he is - is a spiritual, not a
material, substance (and theirs is). He is less than the angels because his soul vivifies
a material, not purely spiritual, entity (and theirs doesn't).
Nothing whatever in the makeup of a human being is exclusively animal, vegetable, or
mineral. Insofar as it is enlivened by a human soul, it must be considered human. Thus,
everything man assumes unto himself as part of his composite becomes human, and ceases to
be purely animal, vegetable, or mineral.
For instance, the slime of the riverbank from which God made the first man (Genesis 2:7),
stopped being slime and became Adam the moment God breathed into him his living soul. The
mud was no longer merely mineral, nor some sort of clay housing the spirit of a man;
quickened by the soul of Adam, it was rendered human. After Adam sinned, God said to him:
"Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19), but our
forefather did not become inanimate until he actually returned to the chemical state,
Another error of the evolutionists claims that every kind of creature which exists
today, man included, has derived from a long series of substantial changes - one species
into another - through the "natural selection" powers of those species which
prove to have been the hardiest, allegedly demonstrating the "survival of the
fittest." This is fraudulent on several counts; for example, many animals - even
those which are enemies by nature - are known to go out of their way, even to the point of
risking their lives according to biologists, to care for the less fit of other species.
But more contradictory to evolutionary theory is simply the fact that Natural Selection
has itself become a loose and laughing matter among serious biologists.
Take, for example, the Frigate Bird. The Frigate is a tropical sea-bird that never gets
its feet or feathers wet. Why? Because their feathers are not waterproof and their feet
insufficiently webbed to suit an aquatic environment. They can neither swim nor dive into
water without becoming waterlogged and, without properly webbed feet, cannot paddle even
if they did manage to land on the water without sinking. Although their wingspan is an
incredible eight feet, they cannot even fly without a powerful undercurrent of air because
their wings are so thin. Their primary diet is the vomit of other birds. This is Natural
Selection at work?
Another sad chapter in the process of trying to instill order into the madness of
Evolution occurred in 1909 when the Austrian biologist, Paul Kammerer, claimed to have
bred several generations of a dry-land toad with special pads on its hands that normally
occur only in those which mate in water. When it was discovered that the "pads"
were, in fact, the result of an artificial injection of black ink, Kammerer committed
suicide at the age of 46, leaving behind a note adamantly refusing burial in the Roman
Catholic Church, the religion of his youth.
Such manipulations are fairly common to evolutionary theory. For example, a century
earlier (in 1809), the French naturalist John Baptist Lamarck, of whom Kammerer was
protege, argued that the physical acquirements animals achieve in response to their
environment are then passed down to their offspring, yet no modern geneticist has managed
to discover any conceivable mechanism which might transmit such adaptations.
Example: does a giraffe have a long neck because
(a) it was able to eat off trees when its shorter-necked cousins had run out of food,
and thus managed to live longer, consequently producing more long-necked giraffes?
(b) short-necked giraffes reached increasingly higher in search of food, thus passing
down to their offspring longer necks?
(c) with their legs so long, they had to develop matching necks in order to bend over
far enough to drink without collapsing? Or is it perhaps
(d) simply because God made such funny creatures precisely that way from the very
beginning, in order not to waste treetop food and to provide His children with awe and
amusement at the local zoo?
In the middle of last century Charles Darwin, the Father of Evolution, admitted that if
any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by a multitude of
successive, miniscule modifications, then his entire Theory of Evolution would be utterly
negated. It is obvious that Darwin never bothered to examine the human eye. Nor, for that
matter, the many thousands of physiological systems which come intact with any body at
birth, and not a single one of which could conceivably have developed by an accretion of
biological modifications, no matter how slight, over any amount of time, be-cause of the
mutual dependence of their component parts.
Even the humble bumble bee had to have come into existence all at once with all-systems-go
or it could never fly at all - and it is an aeronautical anomaly just as it is. Indeed,
within every living cell there are untold numbers of mechanisms which operate with
irreducible complexity, every one of which must have been present and functioning
simultaneously for the cell and the creatures built upon them to operate at all.
At any rate, Darwin despaired of ever finding any substantial proof for Evolution in the
fossil record laid down over millenia (or, in his mind, multi-millions of millenia);
hence, he was forced to create the "Quantum Leap Theory" by means of which his
fellow scientistic day-dreamers argue that their fairy-land creatures simply leaped over
the rigid rules of biology and came into existence full blown, as from the mind of some
demigod (which, in fact, is not too extravagant a scenario, considering the power of Satan
and his desire to deceive us).
But by 1940, Dr. Richard Goldschmitt, after a quarter-century of frustration in trying to
breed mutated gypsy moths into a new variety of bug, came up with yet another hypothesis:
that creatures transmit their mutations from one generation of monster to another.
Hilariously, he named his pet speculation "The Hopeful Monster Theory" - and it
still didn't show up in any fossil find. Desperately hoping to come to the aid of his
querulous colleagues, Professor Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard pontificated summarily in
1977 that the Hopeful Monster Theory would have to be embraced precisely because of the
embarrassing gaps in the fossil record! Gould titled his personal hilarity the
"Punctuated Equilibrium Theory." And on it goes.
In any event, there is no rational way in which man himself can be considered a result
of any such "Selection," Natural or otherwise. If mankind were a "random
accident" swimming out of some "primordial ocean," then our ability to
think would likewise be a random accident; hence, Evolution renders ridiculous even the
idea of itself; for the capability to conjecture, and thus to theorize such nonsense,
would be a mere accident of alphabet soup. Moreover, Creation extends throughout the
universe; hence, to be consistently logical and to support their fallacy that all models
of biological application have been uniformly contingent over the eons, Evolution must
claim the possibility of survival of the fittest life everywhere, even on other planets,
indeed, even in other as-yet-undiscovered solar systems.
Now, outside the glaringly salient fact that modern science, despite all its technological
wonders, has yet to locate life of any kind elsewhere, there is also the inescapable fact
that the most accomplished astronomers, utilizing the most powerful means of cosmic
detection known to man, have failed to demonstrate conclusively that anything even vaguely
resembling life could be sustained on any other planet orbiting any other sun in the
universe - as proven by various probes. And, at this writing, only a negligible handful
have even putatively been pin-pointed.
NBC News on Halloween Eve of 1995 gratuitously asserted that scientists had estimated the
existence of four hundred billion planets in our Milky Way Galaxy alone. They can
"estimate" all they want, but they certainly have had a difficult time
positively substantiating their location or definitively finding any sort of life on any
of them.
In August of 1996, NASA eagerly announced "life on Mars" based on the discovery
of a potato-shaped meteorite found in Antarctica. Stanford University researchers claimed
that it contained evidence of conditions supposedly required for ancient life on the red
planet; however, scientists have been unable to answer the challenge manifested by the
fact that the exact conditions are just as explainable by familiar, well-known, every-day,
inorganic earth-bound processes, and could just as easily have occurred while the rock was
lying around on our own planet. Famed chemist, Edward Anders, dean of American meteorite
sciences, admitted that planetary geologists are all but unanimous in remaining extremely
skeptical about the igneous chunk of ore. The Viking I and II missions to Mars discovered
only inert tundra and desolate sterility in the landscape. But, hey. If it looks like
life, it must be life, right? - even if it flew to earth on a magic carpet.
Fortunately, for those who continue to profess the true Faith (and even if another planet
were one day discovered), we have the assurance of the Voice of God declaring infallibly
through His Catholic Church against the possibility of human life on any other than our
own small, fragile orb. In Cum Sicut of November 14, 1459, Pope Pius II condemned as
heresy this fallacy:
That God created another world besides this one, and that in its time many other men and
women existed, and that consequently Adam was not the first man.
That there is life in outer space is undeniable - angelic life, that is.
For, theologians from the time of the ancient Fathers of the Church have held that angels
manage the cosmos for the Creator. The likelihood even of fallen angels being allowed to
run loose in the uncharted reaches of space may today be conceivable. As a matter of fact,
some of the little green men depicted in modern movies would look very much like Lucifer
& Company to those of the Middle Ages.
In the meantime, wild-eyed schemers, such as the Jew Carl Sagan (recently gone to his due
reward), have been notorious for their ability to obtain government funding of their
search for intelligent life in the distant domains of the universe. Gigantic radio
telescopes have been installed in Puerto Rico and other exotic locales to monitor any
in-coming calls from friendly aliens. After decades of this expensive foolishness, the
Martian Hunters have so far managed to receive nothing but reams of recorded static. But
the irony of the whole thing is that these scientists are Hell-bent on searching for
traces of deliberate design and rational intelligence in every place but their own back
yard. The further irony is that they insist on the utterly random production of the entire
universe, while seeking at the same time to contact life from its Outer Limits by way of
locating a lack of randomness!
All the while, God is genuinely intent from all eternity on making contact with humanity
from His abode in the heavenly distance as well, and has written large His Name on every
leaf, every stone, every flower - indeed, on every living cell, as the Intelligent
Designer thereof. Neophyte biochemists and fresh-man microbiologists alike must be stunned
speechless by the awesomely sophisticated and irreducibly multiform systems in-habiting
every single cell in the human body, all of which scream aloud in profession of a Maker.
For, from the Creation of the world, the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made: His eternal power also, and His divinity, so that
they [who deny His existence] are inexcusable. Romans 1:20
Consequently, "they are not to be pardoned" for their militant atheism because,
"if they were able to know so much as to make a judgment about the world, how did
they not more easily find its Lord?" (Wisdom 13:8-9).
On the contrary, the world as they would like to have it has arisen from a chance
shuffling of atoms, been warmed by a cosmic soup, and duly thrown itself together into a
magnificently intelligent working arrangement resulting from purely random mutation.
Children, this is class-action idiocy. It is myth-making par excellence. Our scientific
infidels persist in seeking a lack of purposefulness in everything except the intelligent
design and teleological display so egregiously manifest right under their noses. Yet they
are obstinate in their silly search for alien life-forms for fear they might otherwise
discover (and be forced to admit the existence of) a Supreme Creator - and modern biology
cannot tolerate that.
Evolutionists also contend that, as certain species evolve, their predecessors die off
and become. The original species is supposedly annihilated, and brand-new species assume
their place in the scale of living things. This is a blasphemous impossibility, since the
inspired Word of God declares:
All the works which God hath made continue forever; we cannot add anything or take away
from those things which God hath made. Ecclesiastes 3:14
This solitary verse, all by itself, is enough to condemn the vast body of evolutionary
heresy to oblivion - at least for those who still believe in God instead of "foolish
old wives' tales" (I Timothy 4:7). Furthermore, St. Thomas Aquinas takes pains to
assure us in his Summa Theologica (I, Q.104, art.4):
The nature of creatures shows that none of them is annihilated ... Wherefore, we must
conclude by denying absolutely that anything at all will be annihilated. Moreover, the
power of God is conspicuously demonstrated in His preserving all things in existence,
"upholding all things by the word of His power" as is said in Hebrews 1:3.
For this reason, St. Francis de Sales, another Doctor of the Church, stipulates in his
famous Catholic Controversies that "As soon as Providence had created man, the
heavens, the earth, and the things in heaven and on earth, it preserved them and
perpetually preserves them, so that the species of each tiniest bird is not yet
extinct." Here, someone will postulate the objection that the famous
"Tyrranosaurus Rex" and the flying "Pterodactyl" have become extinct.
These are straw men - utter ideological bugaboos. Evolutionists concoct their own mythical
monstrosities, and then conveniently kill them all off so that they won't have to give any
reason why they are no longer available for close-up examination. They have thus created,
for example, Archeopteryxes, Velociraptors, Deinonychi, Carnosaurs, Sauropodomorphs,
Ceratosaurs, Lesothosauri, Ornithominids, Marginocephalians, Thyreophorans, Mononyki,
Euornithodpods, and various other oddities, only to declare them no longer
Take the notorious Acanthostega, a famous "360-million-year-old fish with four legs
and thirty-two toes" reported in TIME magazine in August, 1995. Sure. Put those
creatures back in time far enough, and you can make up any story you like about them. And
even though the most ingenious of scientists is unable to offer any genuine proof as to
how they "became >extinct," they still expect us to believe that they are in
fact extinct because, well, they are no longer around, are they? This is rather like
saying St. Patrick never drove all the snakes out of Ireland because, as everyone knows,
there are no snakes in Ireland.
Personally, I have always suspected that the majority of what biologists call
"dinosaurs" were more fiction than fact, more in the fairy-tale mentality of the
evolutionist than in the mind of God, more of a paleontological artist's rendering than
that of nature. Especially when the skeleton of a bat has been found in West Texas
measuring over 100 feet in wingspread. The point is: if you had seen this creature flying
around last Tuesday night searching for its supper, wouldn't you have exclaimed: "Oh,
look at the pretty pterodactyl"? Besides, even modern science is forced to admit that
the biggest giant that ever lived is still right here with us, namely: the blue whale
which weighs over twenty times that of an African elephant, and is commonly known to
exceed one hundred feet in length. This is larger than any dinosauric concoction, real or
Genesis says that "giants" roamed the earth in those days (6: 4). Saint John
Chrysostom took this to mean great sinners of gross bestiality, and St. Augustine
suggested it might indicate actual human beings four or five times our size. But even
over-sized sinners are still men. The ancient Enacians were "giant monsters"
(Numbers 13:34); Goliath was just under ten feet tall but still called a "giant"
when dispatched by little St. David (Ecclesiasticus 47:4); and David's nephew Jonathan
also killed an enormous Araphan possessed of six fingers on each hand and six toes on each
foot (II Kings 21:20).
But if the notion of "giants" includes inhabitants of the animal kingdom as it
must, this verse, to anyone who still speaks the language, can only mean giants of the
species which God had created, not giants of some new species which modern archaeology has
gone on to invent but never managed to discover alive or all in one piece, and all of
which are now conveniently extinct. Consider the fossils found of giant bugs: one ancient
millipede grew to be six-and-one-half-feet long, but remained nonetheless a bug - and
still no larger than the earthworm of the Galapogos Islands which often exceeds ten feet
in length even today. After all, a two-pound Pomeranian is just as much a dog as is the
Mastiff which weighs over two-hundred-and-fifty pounds. Picture to yourself the
contemporary iguanas often kept as pets, or the Komodo dragon of Asia. What would they
look like as eighty-foot giants?
Australia in our own 20th Century boasts 35-foot crocodiles which weigh six tons and go
out to sea. In Texas, we would call that "one humdinger of a horny toad." As a
matter of fact, Australia is the only other country on our planet which hosts the famed
horned toad which was once so plentiful in the Lone Star State. They look in miniature
exactly like what modern evolutionists would depict as tiny dinosaurs. Since
"dinosaur" literally means "terrible lizard" in Greek, I can assure
you that if I ever saw a giant of this species, I would run the other way as expeditiously
as possible. Especially if it had a hundred-foot spread and dressed out some six tons!
Another point is God's use in Genesis of the word "kinds" - He made
everything "according to its kind" and they all had seed "according to
their kind," and so forth. This kind must equate to the most fundamental species
which have been variously classified since the ancient Greeks and beyond. Even then,
naturalists from the Thracian philosopher Aristotle to the Swedish biologist Linnus have
made their share of mistakes in categorizing these "species." After all, it does
become confusing at times, even for the most eminent of zoologists and botanists.
For example, we have canines that laugh (hyenas) and dogs that can't even bark (basenjis);
mammals that fly (bats), but birds that can't (ostriches), fish that cannot swim (oysters)
and fish that both swim and fly (the marbled hatchetfish of South America achieves true
flight), as well as birds that swim but cannot fly no matter how hard they try (penguins).
There are snakes that lay eggs, snakes that give birth to live offspring, and a few
(certain rattlesnakes) that can go either way in the same year depending on their current
Other non-evolving oddities in nature include the cuddly Koala Bear that is not a bear at
all, but an arboreal marsupial; the "DogWeed" of the English Channel, which was
only recently determined to be, not a seaweed at all, but a living animal (it smells just
like Fido when he's wet); the Tasmanian Wolf, which was classified as a jackal for years
but is in reality a marsupial (it is called a "Marsupial Tiger" in Australia);
the large-mouth bass which is a perch, the perch which is a sunfish, and the rainbrow
trout which is, in fact, a salmon. The hairless mole-rat is neither a mole nor a rat, and
has teeth so elongated it can scarcely close its mouth. Do you suppose God made a mistake?
Or was it not perhaps the evolutionists, who would cover the animal with fur and file down
its teeth?
At any rate, the word "kind" is used ten times in Genesis to declare that
denizens of the animal kingdom reproduce only according to it; consequently,
"species" must mean an identifiable group that can bear fertile offspring only
from within the group, as any qualified geneticist can manifestly prove even on his day
off. As Dr. Leibe Cavalieri of the Sloan-Kettering Institute surmised: "You can cross
cats with cats, and dogs with dogs, but you cannot cross cats with dogs" - something
rather obvious even to cats and dogs.
It is the Book of Ecclesiasticus which assures us that:
He Who lives forever created all things together [what? No evolutionary changes?] - All
these things live and remain forever [what? no extinct dinosaurs?]. (18:1; 42:24)
It is simply not believable that any sole surviving representative of a "thing"
or a "kind" which the Lord created could ever become totally extinct. Saint
Thomas Aquinas teaches explicitly that nothing tends towards annihilation once brought
into being by Almighty God. Therefore, I can only add that any of the giant beasts we
think of today as a "dinosaur" must still be around somewhere, if they ever
existed at all. Like, say, in Loch Ness. The feet of both man and dinosaur crisscross all
over each other at Dinosaur State Park in Glen Rose, Texas, proving that we both lived at
the same time, not sixty-five million years apart as paleontologists insist. So, if the
real dinosaurs became extinct, why haven't we?
I find it equally unbelievable that any kind of creature God created and "found
good" in the beginning (Genesis 1:25) can conceivably have been killed off, even by a
Great Flood or a Greater Comet, and thus become utterly lost to the world. Certainly,
various varieties and strains and breeds and sub-species have been lost to us, but can we
positively state that a specific kind of creature no longer exists on the face of the
earth, at least in some of its representatives? After all, a hybrid between sub-species is
still representative of the species itself.
Scientific texts and world-famous journals continue to argue that several creatures have
become extinct, only to discover them unremittingly and embarrassingly tinct. Alligators,
for instance, were on the Endangered List of threatened wildlife, yet Louisiana is running
over with them, shipping them to Arkansas, and warning golfers in the New Orleans area not
to go around reaching into any lagoons for stray balls - and this, from a newspaper
account dated clear back in September of 1974, the very month alligators first made it
onto the "Endangered" Species List.
The flying opossum was written off as hopelessly extinct in conventional biology texts
until rediscovered in the forests of Queensland, Australia in 1991. The Clacanth, a pretty
blue fish with a funny-looking tail, was highlighted in every single textbook until 1938
as "extinct for over ninety million years." That very year, one was caught in
the Indian Ocean, where they thrive north of Madagascar. It might be wondered with all
legitimacy just how many other allegedly extinct creatures are still with us, since so
many zoologists and marine-biologists not only discover these stray denizens of the wild
now and then, but also persist in changing the rules of the game every other week in order
to account for their oversights.
The aurochs, a wild cow of Europe, became extinct in the early 1600's as well as the
tarpan, a horse of last century; but there are other cows and other horses, many of them
right here in Texas. Evolution claims all horses descended (or ascended?) from the
Eohippus, a stallion with toes on its feet, into the Equus, our modern hooved steed. Of
course, the evolutionists never mention the Gotland pony, on an island of the same name
off the coast of Sweden, which persists in having toes instead of hooves. Careful breeding
has long been known even yet to produce such ancient throwbacks. The gene-pool of a
fundamental species simply refuses to go away or get lost.
A couple decades ago, the rhinoceros (called a "unicorn" in Psalm 91) was
threatened with extinction according to the current African Wild-Life Census - that is,
until an intrepid Englishman actually went to Africa and lived for over a year among the
beasts, tagging them and counting them scientifically, only to discover that our universe
was far from under-supplied with unicorns.
Then, of course, there's the famous duck-billed platypus, the kiwi bird, and the hapless
passenger pigeon, all of which were reported in the press of this century as gone by the
wayside. Well, you will be glad to know that the platypus is alive and well in Australia,
the kiwi (three varieties of them, including the famous "extinct" Apteryx
popularized in the B.C. cartoon strip) is thriving in New Zealand and, at last count,
flocks of passenger pigeons are brooding and breeding on game preserves and bird
sanctuaries in South Carolina and elsewhere - despite the fact that they became
"completely extinct" no later than 1914.
Frankly, even though the World Conservation Union has listed one out of nine of all known
species of birds and mammals on its famous Endangered Species List, I do not seriously
fret that God will permit our passenger pigeons to dwindle below the same family of
fourteen He ordered Noah to conduct onto the Ark (Genesis 7:13). But even if He should,
the passenger pigeon is only one of a dozen varieties of pigeons in the parks and plazas
of the world. Even the famous extinct Dodo bird of Mauritius was, after all, a member of
the pigeon family.
Perhaps the most amazing discovery of all "extinct" animals was the dinosaur
netted by Japanese fishermen off the coast of New Zealand in 1977. Although nibbled by
fish, its fresh body was astonishingly entire, all four flippers and thirty-five feet of
him. Color photographs were published of this sea monster, along with its picture on a
postage stamp sold over the counter in Tokyo for months thereafter. The creature has been
positively identified by scientists as a Plesiosaur; however, its existence was generally
smothered in this country by Evolutionists who likely feared that broadcasting the
discovery would expose all their textbooks declaring "Plesiosaurs extinct for over
sixty-six million years" as the idiotic lie it is, and consequently doom their
foolishness to the oblivion it so richly deserves.
The National Broadcasting System, in its Evening News segment of August 16, 1995, relayed
a documentary from San Diego in which it was flatly stated that: "Every twenty
seconds an animal species becomes extinct." This claim is not only bad science, poor
research, and irresponsible broadcasting, it is absolute propaganda on the level of
hogwash. According to NBC then, fifteen million, seven-hundred-and-sixty-eight thousand
animal species disappear from the face of the earth every ten years. Mercy! Is there no
God in charge here?
A reasoning man will be compelled to conclude that, although the variety of a particular
species may indeed pass out of existence (and several have), the entire "kind"
will be with us till the End of Time one way or another. For, Genesis declares:
And God said: Let the earth bring forth the green herb and such as may seed, and the tree
yielding fruit after its kind, which may have seed in itself upon the earth ... And the
earth brought forth each one according to its kind. And God brought forth every living and
moving creature according to its kind. So the heavens and the earth were finished and all
furniture of them. And on the seventh day, God ended His work ... and He rested from all
His work which He had done.
Chapters 1:122:1
Here we see that all those who profess to believe in God must hold, first, that God
created all existing "kinds" of creatures from the very beginning and then, on
the seventh day of time, utterly "ended" the Origin of The Species. Thus, the
very title of Charles Darwin's book is a blasphemy, in that it calls God a liar. Secondly,
Catholics must hold that these species cannot change one into another, inasmuch as this
would generate a new species, that is, a New Genesis, a New Creation outside of God. As
St. Thomas explains:
We must observe that a thing, in respect of which something receives its species [its
determining "kind"], must be something fixed and stationary and, as it were,
unable to be divided. Wherefore, species are like numbers, in which addition or
subtraction would change the species. If, therefore, anything at all receives its specific
nature, it is necessary that it be of a definite nature which can be neither more nor
less. Summa Theologica, III, Q.104, art.1
Well, that makes sense. If you add to or subtract from the basic DNA code, you've got a
different animal altogether. Saint Thomas goes on to say, however: "things that
receive their species from something to which they are related can be diversified";
such as the interbreeding of dogs produces new strains or varieties of canines, or the
mating of lions and tigers have generated what are today billed as "ligers." But
no manipulation of genetic adaptation can produce altogether new or different species of
animals. Baby Greyhounds never come from Jellyfish. "Such diversification," St.
Thomas states, "can be greater or lesser, but nevertheless they remain in the same
species because of the oneness of that to which they are related and from which they
receive their species."
Consequently, when adventurers discovered armor-plated pangolins and giant antlered bongos
in the almost inaccessible confines of Ndoki, a seven-and-a-half-million-acre expanse of
virgin rain forest smack in the middle of the Congo, utterly uninhabited and unexplored
since the Ice Age prior to 1991, no one thought to pretend that such beasts did not
actually come over on the Ark. Creatures which did not survive the Flood by joining the
others in Noah's Ark provide perhaps even more intriguing insights, such as the female of
the Blue-Headed Wrass-fish off the Yucatan peninsula, which is known to turn herself into
a male whenever the school is under-supplied with that gender. Certain African frogs are
alleged to do the same. But these real-life sexual transformations take place only in a
matter of months, not over millions and millions of years.
Consider our famous Texas evergreen, the live oak. Its leaves do not fall off in winter,
while those of our well-known red oak do. Well, some varieties of the vegetable kingdom go
from evergreen to deciduously dead-in-the-winter just by a change of locale. The
rhododendron is an evergreen in China but, when transplanted to Cincinnati, becomes
deciduous. This is merely a radical accommodation to new surroundings, not something
called Evolution into a New Species. God was eager to render His creatures marvelously
adaptive when He created their original prototypes.
For example, some lower animal species reproduce sexually, some asexually, and some even
go from sexual to asexual reproduction and back again in a single lifespan; however, no
one thinks of it as Evolution. The generation of certain living creatures don't
necessarily involve sex or seed at all. Place a sprig of begonia or a slip of petunia in
damp soil, and in time an entire flowerbed will arise. Plant the stem of willow or a
poplar in damp soil, and they will grow into mature trees.
Turtles live between plated decks,
Which practically conceal their sex;
I think it clever of the turtle,
In such a fix, to be so fertile.
Finally, it must be pointed out that our First Vatican Council in 1869 squelched for once
and all time the heresy that species evolve, and that we therefore have substantially new
creatures coming into existence as time wears on. The Council defined infallibly that,
"if anyone does not confess that the world and all things which it contains, both
spiritual and material, are brought forth by God from nothing according to their whole
substance: let him be anathema." (De Fide I, Canon 5). This lets us know conclusively
and without doubt that every thing which now exists has been around ever since God called
it out of nothingness in the beginning of time, and that a thing cannot be any more nor
less than God first made it.
C) by the concurrence of some of the greatest minds in science who, with intellectual
honesty, persist in rejecting this irrational death-wish known as Evolution. But for
anyone with the true Catholic Faith, the Holy Scriptures alone are sufficient to reduce
this heresy to oblivion for, as Jesus Himself assures us, "Scripture cannot be
broken" (John 10:35). It was under Pope St. Pius X that the Pontifical Biblical
Commission published the following in the Acts of the Apostolic See back in 1909:
Question: May we teach that the first three chapters of Genesis do not contain the
narrative of things which actually happened, a narrative which corresponds to objective
reality and historical truth?
Answer: In the negative!
Question: May we call in question the literal and historical meaning where there is
question of facts which touch the fundamental teachings of the Christian religion, for
example: the creation of all things by God in the beginning of time, the special creation
of man, the formation of the first woman from Adam, and the unity of the human race?
Answer: In the negative!
Evolution postulates that we came from lower vertebrates, not from Adam, that the first
human species was not one single original man, and that therefore there was no single
Original Sin. This error is condemned by so many Popes and Prelates in so many Creeds and
Councils they cannot all hope to be catalogued in this brief essay. However, if man
evolved from monkeys, would someone please tell me why the monkeys stopped evolving and
ended up in zoos instead?
In fact, if the evolution of species is such an on-going process, why is it that the
bodies of common household ants and mosquitos have been found in amber "dated"
by entomologists to be sixty-five million years old? How is it a little shellfish called
the Lingula maintains a fossil record allegedly reaching back in time (according to
ichthyologists) half-a-billion-years and yet is identical to the one still swimming around
in our oceans? Why did it never think to evolve into a crab or a parrot or a baby zebra?
Would to God our modern era atheists believed the Voice of God heard in His one true
Church instead of their own echoes!
Another theory of the fairy-tellers involves the fantastically great age the universe
must have survived for all their inventions to have come true. Given enough time, they
claim, and bacteria will change into puppies, plants, and people (not necessarily in that
order). Ironically, the famed Hubble Space Telescope discovered, in June of 1996, a
distant galaxy older than the universe itself! Of course, such a disparity is rationally
impossible, and the evolutionary cosmologists are red-faced over the entire episode.
Moreover, it is scientifically demonstrable that the moon is slowly spiraling away from us
and, at the 4.6 billion years the earth and moon are calculated by Evolutionists to have
existed, our satellite should have been millions and millions of miles further afield than
it actually is today.
But, logically, it would seem that the age of the world must fall between one of two
extremes: either it commenced at the comparatively recent time allowed by the Roman
Breviary and the Roman Martyrology recited by priests and religious for centuries, or else
it must be lost in the mists of infinity. And our Holy Father, John XXII, condemned the
proposition that "the world existed from all eternity" back in March 27, 1329.
After all, the very first verse in the Bible assures us that "in the beginning, God
made heaven and earth," and Psalm 89 speaks of a moment for Him that existed
"before the mountains were made or the earth and world were formed." Hence,
material creation cannot extend into the past indefinitely.
The Martyrology entry for December 25th states that the birth of our Savior took place
5,199 years after Creation, making these closing moments of the 20th Century still less
than the 7,200 years since the Almighty said "Let there be light." In this
regard, since God created all the heavenly bodies after He had fashioned light itself, why
would it be extravagant to hold that a "light-year" pertains only to that which
occurs in Time? After all, Creation and Time were brought into being simultaneously.
Therefore, it need not have taken seven years for the light from Alpha Centauri to reach
us (as astronomers claim), inasmuch as God could have created our sun and our nearest
neighboring suns, and the extension of light between them, all in the same work-week. As a
matter of fact, Genesis declares that, on the fourth day of Creation, God said: "Let
there be lights made in the firmament of Heaven" (1:14), not mentioning suns nor
limiting this illumination merely to stars or other heavenly bodies and thus - as is
literally stated - including their lights as well.
Speaking of our own sun, ever since the year 1836 over a hundred scientific witnesses at
the Royal Greenwich Observatory in England as well as at the U.S. Naval Observatory in
this country have made direct visual measurements indicating that its diameter is
shrinking some 830 miles per century. If the commonly-held presumptions of Evolution are
true - that the sun is 4.6 billion years old and that the rate of decay is always the same
throughout time for everything in the universe - then the diameter of the sun must once
have been well over thirty-eight trillion miles wider than today! Is this even
Concerning time itself, the Hebrew word for "day" in Genesis ordinarily
indicates a period of twenty-four hours. Consequently, even the first "day" of
Genesis had a "morning and evening" (1:5). Besides, God can neither deceive nor
be deceived. If He used the word "day" in a certain context in one book of the
Bible, that word must mean the same throughout all the other books when written in the
same context; otherwise, God will have succeeded in deceiving His children to whom He
wrote all these books in the first place.
Therefore, if the word "day" is used in any biblical book to denote within a
particular context more than the normal period of time, Our Lord would be required either
to tell us so - or else tell us a lie. Hence, in point of fact, we have the inspired and
inerrant word of Holy Scripture that the days of Creation were indeed of the same precise
interval of time as the 24-hour ones with which we are all so familiar, Daylight Savings
included. Remember the story of when Joshua made the sun stand still (Joshua 10:13-14); it
"stood still in the midst of heaven, and did not hasten to go down for the space of
one day. And there was never before nor afterwards so long a day" - not even the
32-hour one granted king Ezechias at the prayers of the prophet Isaias (IV Kings 20:11).
For, in Joshua's case, Scripture clearly states: "Was not the sun stopped, and one
day made as two?" (Ecclesiasticus 46:5), thus rendering this miraculous day at least
thirty-six hours in duration. Remember, it was to determine identical periods of time that
God created the sun, the moon, and the stars in the first place:
And God said: Let there be lights in the firmament to divide the day and the night; and
let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years. And God made lights to rule the
day and night. (Genesis 1:14-18)
This "day and night rule" - our standard of time - must necessarily be the same
today as it was then, or else all other "seasons" and "years"
in-between will invariably mean something other than the seasons and years which are
familiar to all of us. In short, all the words of God might mean something other than what
they clearly declare that they mean. Therefore, unless God is deceiving us, the six
"days" it took Him to construct the universe must have been our customary,
run-of-the-mill, morning-and-evening periods of twenty-four hours. But God cannot deceive
his children. Unfortunately, the same does not hold true for Evolutionists.
Bear in mind that science can measure only what it can see. If a botanist had stepped into
the Garden of Paradise five minutes after the Almighty had brought it into being with all
its trees bearing fruit ready to eat (Genesis 2:16), he might have felled one, counted its
rings, and exclaimed: "Look here! A mature, five-year-old apple tree!"
God did not create bits of dust that built themselves into mountains over the ages, nor
bring forth animal and vegetable life as immature seedlings, but in the fullness of their
being. A mountain may grow, belch, and move over the years, but the chicken came first,
not the egg. Likewise, Our Lord did not create the first man as a mere infant, but rather
as an adult male, already capable of bearing children (Genesis 1:28) and of cultivating a
garden (Genesis 2:15). If the local anthropologist had chanced upon Adam in that dim and
pristine setting, he would have observed: "Aha! Here is a mature Homo Sapiens already
some thirty years old! Sir, would you happen to have a cup of tea?"
The new techniques of determining the age of primitive fossils and the like have
literally become an international disgrace, especially after the recent sophomoric
attempts to destroy the authenticity of the Holy Shroud of Turin turned out to have been
based on fraud (the latest studies prove the Shroud to be over 1,900 years old).
Although calculations based on Electron Spin Resonance are the current rage among
Evolutionists, they are as speculative as ever. A report from a current science manual
quoted by The Dallas Morning News in 1994 ironically states that the age-old strategy of
counting tree rings is still the most accurate manner of dating any fossils found in the
same strata. The authors discussed modern dating methods such as Carbon-14,
potassium-argon dating, argon-argon dating, and other exotic geochemical dating
technologies, and conclude that, should there ever be any scientific disagreement on the
readings, one could al-ways verify the accuracy of origin by going back and counting ...
tree rings!
Dating the age of the earth or anything in it by way of the strata game is itself an
exercise in misguided indirection, shoddy science, and faulty thinking. Supposedly, the
build-up of sedimentation over the centuries created a geological "column" by
which creatures caught in the mire generated their own level of burial, rather like a
running calendar of dated deposits in a vertical position. But geologist Guy Berthault, by
means of a painstaking series of experiments at the Engineering Research Center of
Colorado State University, positively demonstrated that water, carrying varying densities
of sand, silt, dirt, and debris, would lay down laminated layers of strata not vertically,
as in a stacked column, but horizontally in the direction of the flow, and then only
according to the density and coarseness of the materials being carried, as well as the
fluctuating velocity of the water itself.
The cataclysmic eruption of Mt. St. Helens in May of 1980 deposited multiple layers of
pumice-like strata in only a scant few minutes, which puzzled geologists and evolutionists
alike since they were virtually identical to those found in the Grand Canyon - which, they
claim, required millions of years to lay down. Consequently, evolutionists are like
witnesses at a cosmic car wreck who arrive on the scene much too late to have seen the
actual fender-bender. They envision stacks of relics in stratified layers built
"up" over sequential "eons" of time when, in actuality, the strata was
pushed out almost as a whole, and settled into horizontal layers in a matter of moments.
Did human life "evolve," then, until such time God felt our animal existence
could safely house a human soul? Hardly. It is an indisputable fact of Faith that Eve
never came from a lower life form, but directly from one of Adam's ribs (Genesis 2:21). Of
course, feminists may argue that Adam was certainly a lower life form; but, in fact,
modern mitochondrial DNA research has proven that every man alive today comes, not from
lemurs nor lungfish, but from one single, solitary female - Eve, "the mother of all
the living" (Genesis 3:20). And just as Eve gave birth to all men, she herself
derived directly from her husband.
A century ago Evolutionists might have scoffed at the idea of a complete human being
coming from another's rib, but today, with genetic research into the actual cloning of
animal life from mere cells, an entire rib would constitute a big head start. Allegedly, a
sheep was successfully cloned in Scotland in July of 1997, at least from its male parent's
seed, >and was incubated by an adult ewe as surrogate mother. Other such biological
perversions have recently been reported, whether genuine or facetious. Technology, it
seems, has now reached this occult stage, even if the events so far cannot be deemed a
true cloning in the conventional sense of the word.
Newspapers a few years back reported a woman named Patricia White in South Africa who, by
way of in vitrio fertilization by her son-in-law, gave birth to her own daughter's triplet
girls. This made her both mother and grandmother of the girls, her daughter both
stepmother and half-sister to them, and the husband a father of his own
half-step-sisters-in-law-once-removed. Don't ask me what it made the poor triplets. Ah,
scientific progress. Thanks to the marvelous petri dish, we have now ushered in the era of
a genuine Glass Menagerie, even if it is admittedly neither evolutionary nor novel as far
as the fundamental species produced is involved. In any event, those who believe that God
can neither deceive nor be deceived must hold that Eve never evolved from Adam, but was
brought forth from a single bone nearest his heart.
Ah, yes! the Pithecanthropus, the Peking Man, the Piltdown Man, and all their hairy
tribe. How well publicized they have been, in this century and last. And how many are the
innocent school children who have been forced to memorize their place in our
"ascent" from monkey to spaceflight engineer - overlooking the fact that the
title of Darwin's second book was titled: "The Descent of Man." But how well
publicized has been the fact that these "Men" were in actuality mere frauds,
perpetrated mostly for fame or gain, as in the scandalous case of "Reverend"
Father Teilhard de Chardin, S.J., whose works are still on the Vatican's condemned list
and carry an on-going warning to readers?
The first of these scientific hoaxes was thought up by one Ernst Haeckel of the Darwinian
camp who popularized the fallacy - now universally abandoned by embryologists - that fetal
development in man manifests past evolutionary stages of existence. He also proposed the
imaginary Philecanthropus Alanthus, as well as another ludicrous "cave man"
which turned out to be merely the head of an ape on the body of a corpse. At least the
famous "Piltdown Man" had the decency to sport the cranium of a human being with
the lower jaw of an ape hooked onto it; however, even the prestigious British Museum of
London was forced in 1953 to issue a public admission that Piltdown was nothing but a
monumental fraud.
The most sober of scholars have conceded that the only possible reality among these
plastered skeletons is the famous Neanderthal Man who, it is now generally admitted, was
not a human offshoot of an Orangutan but either an actual monkey or merely a rather sickly
gentleman from the south of France suffering from a severe case of rickets. Well, you say,
what about the infamous "Yeti," the Abominable Snowman? Again, many zoologists
have publicly come to admit that it is not a real man at all, but simply a sub-species of
Himalayan bear. Now. Who would like to hear about the Tooth Fairy?
I am reminded of the eminent American humorist, artist, film star, and Catholic convert,
Robert Benchley, and his article in The New Yorker some half-century ago, in which he
composed an hilarious spoof on our farcical fossil hunters. His essay went something like
I found the skull and jawbone of a Homopithecus eight miles apart in the sand pit; but I
know they belonged to the same species of prehistoric ape-man because the skull was
clearly marked A and the jawbone B.
Indeed. The more scientists research their theses, the more they are forced to confirm the
fact that, for Evolution to hold any water at all, there must have been an incalculable
army of "Missing Links" in order to generate the necessary number of
way-stations required for the otherwise impossible genetic alterations between the Quantum
Leaps of their imagination. They refuse to consider the undeniable fact that, since
"death entered into this world by one man, so death passed to all men" (Romans
5:12); and, inasmuch as "death reigned from Adam" (Romans 5:14), therefore
nothing could possibly have died prior to Adam's sin. So where are all the bodies buried?
Where are all the folks who died before Adam and Eve found themselves naked before God?
And if they were merely the apes chosen by God in which to implant human souls, how come
science has never been able to dig up a single honest-to-goodness Missing Link or
Pre-Adamite? Our brilliant paleontologists unearth a bone here-and-there of creatures they
would like to call "Mom and Dad," but are utterly unable to identify
conclusively even one single specimen of all the billions upon billions of ladies and
gentlemen who must, by their own pretensions, have preceded Adam to the grave.
Perhaps they all went the way of the "Big Bang" which, we are now being told, is
increasingly and agressively discredited even among professional astronomers and
physicists, since (it has recently been discovered) a big chunk of our universe is
traveling off in the wrong direction. At least, it is wrong according to their cosmology.
But let's get reasonable. How is it that a cosmically disruptive Bang could produce the
awesome order and intelligent design so patently obvious in our universe? I once asked my
atheistic uncle, who was a very accomplished amateur astronomer, if there was an order and
arrangement to the universe or whether stars just fly about at random on their own. He
admitted that there had to be a marvelous orderliness throughout the cosmos inasmuch as
all space navigation, from lunar landings to satellite telemetry, is based upon the
pin-point accuracy of such definitive clockwork. I then asked if, logically, that
necessarily meant there had to be Someone up there with enough intelligence to run the
whole show. He pondered for a moment, looked off into the distance, and replied pensively:
"There has to be." I told him that he had now reached the first rung on the
ladder that leads to salvation.