By: Dr. Richard M. Nies - 1975 Transcribed (with permission), Edited, and Presented By: Haydn k. Piper - 1985
* * STUDY #3 - Part II * *
Olson: The Crises Ahead Ch. 8.
Chaij: Preparation For The Final Crises
White: The Great Controversy 492-562.
Early Writings 262-269.
The Essence of Spiritism: Deception of the Senses
Extra Sensory Perception
DOP : Dermal-Optical Perception
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* E S P *
Signs of the Times, Nov.6 1884.
"In these days when skepticism and infidelity so often appear in a scientific garb; we need to be guarded on every hand. Through this means the great adversary is defeating thousands, and leading them captive according to his will. The advantage he takes of the sciences; sciences, which pertain to the human mind, are tremendous. Here serpent-like he imperceptibly creeps in to corrupt the work of God. Through these sciences virtue is destroyed and the foundation of spiritualism are laid."
Dr. Neis says he read this statement long before he entered his field of study, and was concerned that the field of study he had chosen was going to be used by Satan. So, he said that he tucked that thought away and said to himself; "I am going to keep my eyes open, and I'm going to see if I can find out how this field which I am making my life's work, is going to be the basis for laying the foundation of spiritualism. That's quite a remarkable charge."
He was not at the University more than a year or two when One of the full professors, known around the world for his Research in the field of learning, told about some studies that were going on in Extra-Sensory Perception.
He said: "I don't believe in this nonsense, but as a Research scientist, I must admit that some of the work that is being turned out is making me very uncomfortable. Because if it continues to look the way it is starting to look, I'm going to have to change my mind about the validity of ESP."
Now this man is a dedicated agnostic. And Dr. Neis thought, "ESP, Extra-Sensory Perception, I don’t know much about it but I have heard some wild stories about it over the years, that's for crackpots. But, if professor so-and-so is getting excited about it maybe this could be it." So he started reading some of the literature. I want to share with you now, what some of those things are, what ESP is all about. I want you to pay close attention, because we are going to make some conclusions here, which I hope you do some serious thinking about.
Extra-Sensory Perception is a general term that refers to the acquisition of knowledge, apart from any known Sensory channels. That is people purportedly get awareness, get their inner eyes open, about events going on in the Universe, without having had the opportunity to perceive them through the ordinary sensory channels. They have sense experiences without using sensory channels. A word that is becoming a little more sophisticated today is Para-Psychology It used to be referred to as Meta-Psychology; the Greek word Meta, meaning beyond, beyond-Psychology. Para means beside Psychology; just a little to the left of Psychology. But no longer, because now, the American Psychological Association has officially recognized Para-Psychology, and ESP, as a legitimate field for experimentation; they no longer consider it kooky.
One of the leading exponents and leading researchers is on the West Coast, a classmate of Dr. Neis, a Dr. Thelma Moss. The American Association for the Advancement of Science officially recognized ten years ago, Para-Psychology, as a legitimate division for scientific enter enterprise. That's hard to believe, but that's a fact.
What are they studying? They are studying Clairvoyance: Clairvoyance refers to some kind of ability to perceive Physical objects in the universe, of being aware of something that's going on in the physical world that you would have no opportunity to know of through your regular senses. Perceptions of physical objects and physical events without having ordinary sensory channels to perceive it.
For instance, lets say that I told you; Oh, oh, at London's Heathrow Airport, terrorists have fired at a Departing airliner, it has crashed into an apartment complex And almost a thousand people have been killed. Now when you Look at the news tonight, or look in the paper tomorrow morning and find that that is so. And if it can be established that I had no way of knowing prior to this, but got this perception, and check your watches, at the time that it happened, and then we would say that I was clairvoyant. I had perceived some physical event in the universe without having access to this through normal sensory channels. I can't see back in London England. I can't hear what's going on. Yet if I can have my inner eyes open and report that then I am Clairvoyant.
They are also studying Telepathy; the ability to communicate from one mind to another, but not through the ordinary Channels that are why it is called Extra-Sensory Perception. Now, if I stop in the middle of my talk and say; Now Mr. X. Quite fussing about whether or not you turned off the lights in your office last night, because you did. But you forgot to lock the back door if you're worried about that and you are. And Mr. X looks up and says; `By gosh he's reading my Mind.' That's Telepathy.
Another area of Para-Psychology is Precognition. What we would ordinarily call prophecy, the ability to predict events that has not yet taken place. Another area, which is really not part of ESP, but is a related subject, is Psyco-Kenisis: The capacity to influence physical objects without transfer of any known form of energy. In other words I'm going to think real hard and make a brick flip over. And if you have some way of testing this and verifying this you'd say, come with me to Las Vegas or Reno; I have something smaller than bricks I'd like you to turn over. And so there is quite some practical concern. There are some other branches of study that would be very interesting to get into.
For example, over in Russia they are studying DOP, Dermo-Opitical Perception: the ability to read through the Skin on your fingers, in which they put an iron shield front of the person, and blindfold them and they have to reach around this iron shields and read prepared texts Which have never been written until just then. The Russians are spending in the neighbor-hood of $1 B/per year. They are quite interested in Telepathy for Space communication, as is the United States. I have an article here from Jack Anderson, May 3, 1984 telling of the coordination between the Pentagon and the CIA in the use of psychic spying.
What makes this so scientific; it seems so much hocus-pocus? How can we really say this movement is so scientific? I tried to get a hold of a pack of ESP cards, but was unsuccessful in this area to locate any. The pack consists of not 52 cards, but 25; the deck consists of 5 different sets of patterns. There are 5 cards having wavy lines; There are 5 cards having a circle, there are 5 cards having a square; there are 5 cards having a plus; and there are 5 Card that having a star.
Let's say I give the deck to you, and say picks out one Card and I'll tell you what it is... how many would say I was Psychic? O.K. you unbelievers pick out two.
2 cards = 1 chance in 25 (1/5 x 1/5)
3 " = 1 chance in 125 (1/5 x 1/5 x 1/5)
4 " = 1 chance in 625. Pretty good luck?
What if I guessed at a probability of 1 in 10 Million, would you say I was lucky? You could, but you would be straining credulity; it would look like I have something going for me! Somewhere along the line you would have to say I was psychic. On the other hand you could say I was cheating. What if your face had a wavy look whenever you picked a wavy card? What if I was picking up some clue, what if it was rigged; as long as there is a possibility, a hard core scientist will not accept the results. So this reflects on not only probability, but on experimental design.
A machine in New York picks a card, records what it is, and when a light goes on in Los Angeles, the test subject writes down what he thinks it is. When you get a design like that and get statistical odds of 1 in 10 Million, you get the question; what is going on here?
It is through this rigor of design and the statistical odds that scientists are able to say, not what it is, but what it isn't. And what they are saying is that these phenomena, of clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition, are NOT lucky chances, something is going on and they don’t know what. And further more they are turning their attention to the study of seances and the study of the occult, and they are using these scientific methodology to determine if any Hocus-pocus is going on, and they are coming up with the answer that there is no hocus-pocus.
Now, a lot of churches are getting interested in this. Maybe man really is spiritual? Are scientists going to buy this? There is a research scientist in England by the name of H.J. Eisinc. He is greatly respected if not necessarily liked, because he is devastating on everyone else’s research; if there is a rat to be found, he'll find it. He has poked holes in more peoples research than probably anyone.
This is what he has said:
"Unless there is some gigantic conspiracy involving some thirty
universities all over the world, and Several hundred highly
respected people in various fields, many of them originally
hostile to the claims of the researchers."
And he was one of them.
"The only conclusion that one unbiased observer can Come to is
that there does exist a small number of people who obtain knowledge
existing either in other peoples minds or in the other world,
Telepathy, clairvoyance, by means as yet unknown to science.
This should not be interpreted as giving any support to such
notions as survival after death..." .
He's still being cautious.
"Philosophical idealism or anything else. The interpretation of
this fact must await a more thorough knowledge of the conditions
under which they are obtained, and the means through which extra-
sensory knowledge is transmitted."
What he's saying is ... "we have to buy it."
"There appears to be little possibility of denying the existence
of precognition."
That is why they are interested in Jean Dixon, and Mrs. White is just going to become another one of the psychics.
"However much such a conclusion may against our ingrained habits of thought, the experimental rigor, and the statistical adequacy of the experiments are such as to make criticism impotent; unless again all of these people, and many independent scorers and colleagues who are engaged in this work, are actively fraudulent, the conclusion is inescapable that certain people possess powers which enable them to fore-tell events in the immediate future."
We are suggesting that this is the framework by which spiritualism is going to become acceptable to scientist’s minds, and to the Moslems, and the Communists; and that this is going to dovetail with religious expectation that man doesn’t really die, because after all man by nature is Immortal, and when he dies his spirit remains alive.
Now, what power does Satan have that might relate to this phenomena? I am going to suggest two facts about satanic influence that will help us to understand these phenomena. First of all, that Satan has influence over the physical world.
GC 589.
"Satan works through the elements, he has studied the
secrets of the laboratories of nature and uses all
his power to control the elements, so far as God
It would be no great feat for Satan to influence some act of terrorism, or a hurricane some where; and then influence someone that this was going on. And thus lead him/her to believe that there was some kind of power within oneself.
"But not only does he have influence over the physical
world, but he also has direct influence over the minds
of men. Years ago there were charlatans that would
arise who would claim to cure diseases, through various
electrical media, through magnetism and mesmerism."
In an interesting statement about what is true, here is a key to the influence that Satan has over the human mind. Note it well.
5T 193.
"His agents still claim to cure disease, they
attribute their power to electricity, magnetism or
the so-called sympathetic remedies. In truth they
are but channels for Satan’s ELECTRIC currents. By
This means he casts his spell over the bodies and
Souls of men."
Now that is a very prolific thought!
There are a number of statements made by Mrs. White which deal with electrical activity. Now, she had no way of knowing that in a human sense, because it was not until the 1920’s that it was even discovered, and not reported until the 1930's. Before anyone ever knew the electrical Nature of Thought, Mrs. White was is talking about things she shouldn't have known unless she had some kind of revelation.
2T p138.
"God endowed man with so great a vital force, that he
has withstood the accumulation of disease brought
upon the race in consequence of perverted habits, and
has continued for 6,000 years. This fact of itself
is enough to evidence to us the strength and electrical
Cal energy that God gave to man at his creation."
Now keep this in mind because this is going to be the key to understand what is going on and how Spiritism is going to work in this day.
2T p347.
"The brain nerves which communicate to the entire system,
are the only medium through which heaven can communicate to
man and effect his inmost life. What ever disturbs the
circulation of the electric currents in the nervous system disrupts the person's ability to respond to the Holy Spirits efforts to influence the person.
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