Dr. Richard M. Nies - 1975

Transcribed (with permission), Edited, and Presented By:
 Haydn k. Piper - 1985
 *   *   STUDY #5 -  Part I    *   *  


Olson ; The Crises Ahead Ch. 10, 11,14;
Chaij ; Preparation For The Final Crises Ch. 2, 3.

 -  -  -   SEALING,  EARLY  AND  LATTER  RAIN   -  -  -  
* * * * *
- - - O V E R V I E W - - - Today, we study a special work of God in the lives of the saints just before the coming of Christ; specifically the Holy Spirit is going to work in a remarkable way through the saints, through experiences which we refer to as the SEALING, and THE LATTER RAIN. The Holy Spirit has never been the easiest person of the GodHead to conceptualize. It is a little easier to think of the Father, even though we haven't seen Him, because we know that He has located Himself at the center of the universe. He runs things from His throne; and we can orient ourselves in the fact that He has located Himself. Christ is also, to some extent, easy to understand because He has entered into and participated in the experiences of the creatures. God wants to be known for His character, and so rather than frighten anyone with His majesty, He enters into the experience by participating in their lives, through this second person of the God Head, that we know as Jesus Christ, who first became an angel; Michael the Archangel, and thus was able to introduce God to the angelic world in terms that they could understand; HE was one of them. And then of-course, at a latter time He stepped lower, and took upon Himself the form of human beings. We can understand that even though we have not personally seen Him, because we can read the writings of those who have seen Him. And so He exists in some form that we can understand as human beings. But what do you do with the Holy Spirit? Where do you locate the Holy Spirit? How can the Holy Spirit be a person, and be everywhere? This is difficult for us to understand. The word in the New Testament for the Holy Spirit is pleura, which comes from a word, which means to breathe; it refers to air and wind; in fact the word pneumatic refers to air: a pneumatic pump is a pump which pumps air, or is powered by air, the word pneumonia comes from this. Christ referred to this as a breath that appears everywhere. How do you understand this as a person; this ubiquitous pres- ence everywhere? But, here in lies the very genius of God; if we could conceptualize everything there is to know about God, in perfect human analogy, we wouldn't have God. The very fact that it is difficult to understand the Holy Spirit really becomes understandable. Let's say that we know that the two persons of the God Head, the Father and the Son have location, they have form; that makes it easy to conceptualize, we know, or at least have some idea as to where they are. But you see, if the third person also maintained his presence in a certain form, then there would be a problem of how can we have God personally in our lives, if they are located, if He has form, that they are some place in the universe, but not here. But, I would like to have God, not only send out manifestations, not only send out vibrations, I want God. And so if God then can in some way be with me, it would be so much more personal, than if God were just located somewhere. But that raises a problem; If I have God with me, what if you want God with you, and in you? Well I'd say you would have to be pretty close to me, if God is in me; unless God can be in both of us, separated, say, even spatially. So maybe we could say God is in us, and we could all sort of stick together, so we could all be in the presence of God. But what about the people in Southern California who want God? And what about the people in New York, and Australia, and Japan, who want God? So, to help us understand, and help us where we are, one person of the God Head, referred to as the Comforter, it really means, in Greek, a counselor or helper, or one like Christ, sort of an alter ego of Christ, one like Him who can understand us but divested of the trappings of humanity so that He can be everywhere. On the one hand I cannot understand, or conceptualize, how God, the third person, can be a person and everywhere be present, and still be a person? But, if I could somehow get God within my grasp so that I could understand Him, He would no longer be God, but something I could conceptualize in Space and Time. Then I would have the problem of how could I understand that He be everywhere present. If we take the mystery out of God we then reduce God to human analogies, and He ceases to be God. I think that those individuals who become arrogant to say that God has to be only that which we can conceptualize in human terms thereby evaporate the significance of God, and we reduce reality to small little human boxes. This is what the Israelites tried to do with God when they made the Golden Calf; they couldn't grasp God by faith, so they had to put him in form; they weren't worshiping another God, they just wanted God in a form that they could box, that they could carry around with them, that they could touch, that they knew where he was. That approach reduces God to a human level, and He ceases to be God; and that is why the Holy Spirit still maintains that mystery about God, in being everywhere present. What is it that the Holy Spirit really wants to do with Human beings. The answer is really very simple. He wants to reproduce every human being in the image of God, and to be part of each individual so that every individual can become a partaker of divine nature. One of the basic dictums about human-beings, is that they are made in the image of God. We also are told of the tragedy, that this image has but all been obliterated. Man, through the process of becoming more and more self-centered through the choices which he has made, really becomes very unlike God, and has chased God out of his life. The intent- ion of the Holy Spirit is to bring God back into the life of every human being, that will accept Him. In one sense the Holy Spirit functions in every form of life, "in Him we live move and have our being." The very power that we would blaspheme God, if we chose to do that, would be the power of the Holy Spirit. This manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit, in human life, has been described years ago by E.G. White, in terms of this manifest- ation of electric current. Now that is not to say that the Holy Spirit is an electric current; but it appears that the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in operating through all of life is reflected in some kind of electrical energy. We are told that the only medium that heaven has with human beings is through their nervous system. Mrs. White even speaks of the electrical power in the seed that grows. This reflects at least at the human level of our understanding, this pervasive force of all life; which is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, beginning when the Spirit brooded over the waters. But God wants to do more than that; He wants to be more than to just have some life principle, keeping the heart beating and the lungs breathing. He wants to reproduce His image, to remove the obliteration of the divine image, and to restore people back to God, back to what they were designed to be. Toward this end, God has made available to those who have been estranged from the divine image, an opportunity to be reborn, this is spoken of as a New Birth. At the point of the New Birth, when an individual freely and intelligently readmits the power of God, in-fact God himself, into the life, three things happen to this person who is born again. First of all there is born within the human-being who re- ceives the new birth the beginning of a new motivation. A motivation, which apart from the Holy Spirit is impossible. God wants individuals to be loving. Before the new birth, individuals can do loving things, but there is always the problem that all of these acts which appear to be so good to people looking at them are tinctured with self-centeredness. This is very difficult for people to understand because they think of their goodness in terms of something that can be paraded in front of other people. It may appear to be a very loving act that is it seems to reflect their concern for the worth of other individuals, and of course this is even prompted by the Holy Spirit. A person can do these things, but still reflect, unbeknown to anyone looking on and perhaps even to themselves, that they are reflecting self-centered- ness; that is they are doing right things but for the wrong reasons. They really can’t help themselves; not until a person is born again can they remove themselves from the pos- ition of doing loving things, to the position of being a loving person, in which these acts flow from a different kind of inner integrity. God is not just interested in making people look nice, He's interested in reforming them from the inside. In fact, as long as a person has this inner integrity God accepts their ignorance, because if they had this basic motivation they would be safe to save, they are teachable, they have a desire to be loving, and all they need is an opportunity to understand. And that is the next thing that the Holy Spirit does for the person who is born again. Secondly, they receive new insights; the beginning of new insights mediated through the word of God. I add mediat- ed through the Word of God because other-wise without the objective revelation of scripture, it would be very difficult for individuals in talking with one another to discriminate whether the Holy Spirit was operating through them ,because the Holy Spirit does operate through the electrical currents of our system, but I would also suggest that you can get all kinds of activity from taking a drug, I would also suggest that you can have all kinds of electrical kinds of activity that people can start themselves just by a thought and you can have all kinds of activity going on within you by all of the stimuli going on around you in the outside world. How do we discriminate, how do we avoid that situation where everyone says that God is speaking through me. Many people who claim this, do so entirely on the basis of their own subjective experience, and how do you argue that. So to avoid this ambiguous, mystical, subjectivism, God has spoken in His word, which can be seen and read. An objective revelation that becomes the spring board for an internal revelation. In other words, the Holy Spirit will develop insights through applying our understanding the message of His objective word. And the insights will be dis- covered in terms of seeing ourselves as we are, we will begin to get a new picture of sin. The Holy Spirit will prompt us, again through our understanding of the word, to recognize when we are moved toward some kind of selfish activity. The Holy Spirit will have to do this, because we are not capable ourselves of doing this. Further more, the Holy Spirit working through what we are calling here divine insight, will also teach us to understanding God; not only ourselves, but God. We will see Him and appreciate Him in ways that human reason could never grasp. This is spoken of as spiritual discernment. We will begin to make spiritual perceptions, make ethical decisions in ways that we could not do before. We will also be able to get new insights as we begin to understand other people. This will be the counselor who will come and give us a fresh application of the word of God, today in our lives. It is not enough just to have motivation; not enough just to have insights. We could want to do God's will, conceivably and could even know how, but we could still be weak. And so a third function of the Holy Spirit in this rebirth experience, is power. The Holy Spirit has been promised as a source of power to enable us, not only to have the desire and to have the understanding to fulfill it, but to also have the strength to do it. Through this three-fold process the Holy Spirit works in the lives of the saints. What God would like to have done through the operation of His Spirit, is that we become like Him. Here in lies a problem. When do we say that we are like God? I would imagine that most of us here, within the next week, even though we are born again (if that is our experien- ce), will engage in some activity that we could describe as selfishness; the Bible speaks of this as sin. Let’s say that next Wednesday (being used as an example), I'm out driving on the highway, and someone cuts in front of me. And I think to myself; "I'd like to hang that guy up by the heels, and flog him," for doing a thing like that. Just for a little while there I could actually revel in some kinds of destructive spirit. I know that none of you here would feel that way; you'd probably say; "I hope a cop gets him!" Now, if you were to say: "I hope a police officer finds him and stops him from hurting himself or others," then that would be honorable; but when we want a police officer to get someone I doubt that we are too concerned with their well being. I hope he gets his! Or you might get a milder form and say: "I hope that guy gets a blowout." But, maybe you can see that kind of spirit is destructive. A person who manifests that kind of spirit wouldn't be safe to have in the kingdom. Now I am saying that Wednesday noon that will happen to me, so in the course of things I would sin Wednesday. What would happen if I should be killed Tuesday. And let’s say that God would resurrect me and take me to heaven, or if you wish, God would translate me on Tuesday. However He would never translate someone who had not been purified, so I would first have to die. And I had received the Latter Rain, there are some people who have received the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and their lives have been perfected, Enoch and Elijah as examples, they get to the place where they are pure, morally speaking. But with a person like me I'd have to be killed, but let’s say God resurrected me. I am taken to heaven Tuesday and I am given a new body and a new environment. Now, twenty-four hours after I am resurrected, with this new body and in a new environment, would I sin? Of-course not, not if Christ is the dominating theme in my life! Well then why would I sin if I stayed here? Well, there is certain weaknesses of the flesh, and stresses of the environment, and if that were changed, the fact that Christ was the dominating theme of my life would keep me true in heaven. But what if I were not born again when I was killed on Tuesday and God resurrected me, gave me a new body and put me in a new environment. Might I sin within twenty-four hours? If Christ is not the dominating theme of my life? Yes I would! If self-centeredness were the dominating theme of my life, the way I performed so to speak, you put me in any kind of environment, and I would sin. With this line of reasoning, if Christ is the dominant theme of a person’s life then at the point of death he becomes sealed; because once they are given a new body and a new environment, they would never sin again. So, I would like to suggest the way to seal every saint and to preserve him or her for eternity, is to let them die, very easy. But that presents a problem. That creates a problem that Satan has been complaining about for a long time. Do you remember the original claim that he made: "No one can serve God because they love Him ... just for His own sake." Now Christ disproved that, and further more there had been isolated individuals throughout history that God could say: "Look, there's my son and there's my daughter." But Satan has said: "You can’t really show that in mass; the whole world is really flying under my banner, and even your people continue to sin." So that would really be a cop-out if everyone had to be killed before they could be sealed. Would it be possible that an individual who was born again, if they really wanted the Holy Spirit to completely dominate them, would it be possible for them to get to the place where they would not sin; where they would die before they would engage in anything that smacks of selfishness, even in a thought? But not only that, would it be possible to get a whole group of them to be that way.
In the first study of this series, you might remember that I pointed out that God has never had a people, that was visible. It seems that the Holy Spirit has really done a poor job, if we look at it superficially. Certainly Israel was not the answer, and the Christian church really never got off the ground. True, God has had His people, but they have been underground, where are they? And Satan keeps boasting: "Here are my people; but God, where are your people?" God wants to be able to say: "Here they are. They have the commandments of God as a very essential part of their life, and the very faith that Christ had." And Satan says: "Where are they?" You see, there is one argument that Satan has that is apparently very significant in the universe, and as long as Satan can keep this people from forming he can hang around. His motivation is to struggle over every person who leaves his ranks; they become a threat to him. Not only is he malicious in his hatred of God; and that motivates him to do anything that he can to mess up God's kingdom, but I would like to suggest that his very hide is at stake in keeping this people from forming. If God could ever demon- strate, and if it could be with a people that are really the weakest of the weak, at the latter part of time one would think that the deteriorating effect of heredity would make them about as weak as any person who had ever lived; and if the environment were grossly distorted in which sin were glorified; now, if in that kind of a setting, the weakest of the weak, God could form a people, that would clinch one of the major arguments that Satan has had. What I am saying is, God must have a people that never see death, that can have this experience. If everyone were to die, and He gives them a new environment and a new body, Satan is going to say: "Yeah, but they really can’t hack it, where people live!" So there must be some kind of a revelation of this people whom are still alive and never see death; who can get to the place where they fully reflect the image of God, that they would die before they were unfaithful. Now that would be a remarkable thing for God to do, that would be a remarkable witness, and it would wipe out one of the last remaining arguments that Satan has against the possibility of God having a people who serve Him out of pure love. How would God do this? How is God going to get everyone to make those kinds of decisions to purify their lives all together. You can have an individual here and an individual there, but to get them all together and say here they are; how is God going to do that, He has never done it before? Basically we could have the fullness of the Holy Spirit anytime we were ready to receive it. But, you see, it involves a price that most of us don't wish to pay, usually the brings activities that absorb our attention, life goes pretty well for most individuals, at least for those that I know and have known. We know that there are tragedies in other parts of the world; we read the paper of the starving millions in Ethiopia, and the genocide in Afghanistan and Cambodia, and muggings in New York or Los Angeles and San Francisco, and snipping on the Sunset Freeway, but as long as they don't take pot shots at us, we go about our way and do our thing, we don't really feel and breathe with the Holy Spirit. But, IF we really wanted the Holy Spirit, if each day became a day of total dedication, if we had the consciousness of God, all day, it wouldn't be very long before living that way would become habit, and of course the more we live that way, the more that God can give of Himself, until we get to the place where we could be trusted with a tremendous amount of power, and no matter what anyone else does we could have our own Latter Rain. Our own fullness of the Spirit. One of the tragedies of human nature and of the church of God is that it has never done well under times of prosperity. But if the world was brought to a point have political, religious crisis, so that individuals had to make choices that would either reflective of an inner integrity of pure love, or from expediency of pure selfishness, and if under this crisis they had to make these choices repeatedly, if under intense provocation, then you see that it wouldn't take long before they would become stabilized, they would be settled into a character manifestation; either they were like God, or they were the devil. They would either look like God in terms of their character or they would look like Satan. We have talked about this issue through the vehicle of the Sabbath. I would like to review a few of the concepts that are pertinent here, so that you can see how they fit into the sealing process.

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