
The Goat

This is my Capricorn bordered background set. The font used in the welcome banner and on the buttons is Baskerville Old Face (no pun intended!). If you've never worked with bordered backgrounds before, please visit my mini-tutorial.

I created this set myself, using Paint Shop Pro 5. This set is free for you to use, on either commercial or non-commercial sites. However, if you are going to use it on a commercial site, you must credit me by using the graphic below, with a link back to my main site:

Astrografx logo

I found two other goat glyphs, and like the stereotypical Libra, couldn't make up my mind which one I wanted to use on the page. Therefore, I'm including the two extras.

Goat 2 Seagoat

Bar 1

Bar 2

Bar 3

Bar 4

This is white text.
This is black text.
This is red text.
This is purple text.
This is teal text.
This is olive text.
This is blue text.
This is fuchsia text.
This is green text.
This is lime text.
This is maroon text.
This is navy text.

big dot blank button E-Mail small dot

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