Appendix: Index of Text Level Work (part 2)

Index of work on particular types of texts





Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Term 1

Term 2

Term 3

Explanations/Explanatory texts

key features of explanatory texts; writing explanations (of a process)














reading a range of; features of; plan, compose, edit, refine














features of explanatory texts













Information texts

read information texts; compare a variety of; identify main points of














make a simple record of information from texts read














write alphabetically ordered texts using information from books etc.














collect information from variety of sources and present it in one simple format













Instructions/Instructional texts

read (and follow) instructional texts














compare/evaluate instructional texts; purposes of/organisation of














how instructions are organised; writing instructions using organisational devices














features of instructional texts; writing instructions coherently














writing clear instructions using appropriate conventions, link phrases & organisational devices














evaluate range of instructional texts; writing instructional texts














reading letters written for a range of purposes














form and layout of letters; ways of starting, ending addressing; organise into paragraphs














write letters matched to intended reader; letters to authors about books














draft, write individual, group or class letters for real purposes













Newspaper reports

see Reports













Non-chronological reports

see Reports













Notes (see also summarising)

making clear notes - purposes of/for notes; different audiences; key words/points














ways of writing ideas, messages, in shortened forms














note-making, revise/extend work from previous term; using abbreviations














writing notes matched to intended reader














note making by editing down a sentence














annotating and selecting key headings, words or sentences














making short notes; filling out brief notes into connected prose














using simple abbreviations in note making














note making for different purposes














discuss purposes of note-taking














using notes in their own writing or speaking














making notes as preparation for storytelling














making notes ‘in your own words’; when to copy, quote, adapt














converting personal notes into notes for others














filleting passages for relevant information













Persuasive writing

features of; how style/vocabulary are used to convince reader














read & evaluate advertisements; compare/evaluate arguments and discussions














present a point of view, linking points persuasively (use writing frames if necessary)














design advertisement using linguistic/other features of adverts














construct/evaluate an argument in note form/full text to persuade others














reading text which informs and persuades














collect and investigate; identify how opinion can be disguised as fact














how arguments are constructed to be effective; writing effective arguments














writing a balanced report of a controversial issue














read, prepare and present/perform a playscript














write playscripts based on reading/oral work














compare playscripts with prose














chart build-up of a scene in a play














compare organisation of scripts with stories














writing playscripts














writing playscripts, applying conventions














writing an evaluation














annotating a section of a playscript for performance














building tension, communicating character in words/gesture














conventions of scripting, writing, applying conventions














prepare a short section of story as a script














compare/evaluate printed version of a script with film/TV version













Poems: reading, reciting, performing

read aloud & recite poems














choose, prepare, rehearse, perform poems














read/recite poems that play with language or entertain














clap out/count syllables in regular poetry














recognise simple forms of poetry and their uses














read further poems by a favourite writer














read work of significant poets














read a range of narrative poems














perform poems in a variety of ways














read, rehearse, modify performance of poems














read humorous verse














read challenging poems













Poems and rhyme

distinguish rhyming & non-rhyming poetry














patterns of rhyme & verse














how a poet does/does not use rhyme














impact of sound patterns in poems













Poems: range, form, style, content of

impact of layout in poems














write calligrams/shape poems














compare different views of same subject in poems














discuss choice of words/phrases














compare/contrast similar themes














recognise simple forms of poetry














analyse/compare poetic style; forms/themes used by significant poets














identify what is distinctive about style/content of poems by significant poets














narrative poems














identify typical features of different kinds, terms describing different kinds














poems from different cultures














identify cultural features by reference to the text














how messages, moods, feelings and attitudes are conveyed in poetry














how poets manipulate words, (sound, connotation, layers of meaning)














humorous verse














how linked poems relate to one another













Poetry: readers‘ response to

express their views about poems, identify words/phrases to support view














build up class collections of pupils‘ poems














explain/justify personal tastes; respond to shades of meaning in poems














compile a class anthology of poems with commentaries














select poems and justify choices














consider/evaluate cultural features in relation to own experience














interpret challenging poems














comment critically on the overall impact of poems













Poetry - writing

collect words/phrases to write poems; write calligrams/shape poems














writing new/extended verses for performance ‘performance’ /oral poetry














writing poetry that uses sound to create effects; use onomatopoeia, alliteration














writing poems based on personal/imagined experience














writing poetry based on the structure and/or style of poems read














writing poems with different styles and structures














writing poems, revise and polish them














writing poems to convey feelings, reflections, moods














writing extensions to poems using poems‘ structures














writing poetry using performance poems as models














revise, redraft, present poetry














revising poems for reading aloud individually














writing own poems experimenting with active verbs & personification














writing a sequence of poems














recounting same event in a variety of ways














reading recounts; identify features of recounted texts; writing recounts













Reports (including non-chronological reports and newspaper reports) see also recounts

writing non-chronological reports














writing simple non-chronological reports














main features of newspapers; predict stories from headlines; write newspaper style reports














non-chronological reports; writing using organisational devices














writing newspaper style reports and headlines














editing newspaper stories to fit a particular space














writing non-chronological reports, using organisational devices for conciseness














plan, compose, edit, refine non-chronological report














features of non-chronological reports, writing reports in other subjects














features of non-chronological reports














develop a journalistic style/use the styles/conventions of journalism













Stories - reading and comparing

read and compare/investigate a range of stories (or features of the stories)














read traditional stories














read stories evoking imaginary worlds














read further stories/poems by a favourite writer














read stories from other cultures














widen reading experience














myths, legends, fables














read and compare different versions of the same story














older literature














to compare written version of story/play with film/TV version














read a range of literary texts














study in depth one genre














different works by the same author













Stories - story settings

writing short descriptions; description in the style of a familiar story














compare descriptions; select words/phrases that describe scenes














how they are built, reader‘s response














examine opening sentences that set scenes, capture interest, etc














compare/contrast across a range of stories














how they influence events/affect characters’ behaviour













Stories - characters in stories

characters identify and discuss characters; write character portraits














discuss characters feelings, behaviour, relationships














how characters are built, reader‘s response to














main characteristics of characters, using information to predict actions














writing a character sketch to evoke sympathy or dislike














how characters deal with issues














examining characters relationships with other characters; how reader responds to them














how characters are presented through dialogue, action and description














perspectives from different characters; treatment of different characters













Stories: structure and organisation

how dialogue is presented














identify typical story themes














examine opening sentences that set scenes, capture interest, etc














social, moral or cultural issues in














main stages of the story














chronology in narrative














compare organisation of scripts with stories














narrative order














narrative structure














how writers create imaginary worlds














compare pace, build-up, sequence, complication, resolution














compare structure of different stories;map out texts showing development and structure














openings; features of, experimenting with














treatment of different characters














how the passing of time is conveyed; time-handling, flashbacks, stories within stories, dreams














how paragraphs are structured, how paragraphs/chapters they are linked













Stories: point of view/ narrative view

different voices in stories














investigate styles and voices of traditional story language














narrative viewpoint; perspectives from different characters














identify point of view from which a story is told; how this effects reader














change point of view/narrator














viewpoint in a novel, identifying the narrator; implicit/explicit points of view














explaining different points of view, influence on the reader’s view of events













Stories - writing

generate ideas by brainstorming, word association














collect words/phrases/sentences for story openings/endings/short descriptions














write own passages of dialogue














write descriptions of known places; descriptions in the style of familiar story














write alternative sequels to traditional stories














identifying intended audience














write more extended stories














write openings to stories or chapters














use paragraphs to organise/sequence narrative














collaborate to write stories in chapters for particular audience














write own examples of descriptive, expressive language














write an alternative ending for a known story














write own longer stories














write a story about a dilemma














experiment with ways of opening a story














write own versions of legends, myths, fables














change point of view/narrator














write from another character’s point of view














manipulate narrative perspective














write own story using flashbacks/story within a story














write an extended story













Summarising: see also note making

summarise the content of a passage/text orally and in writing














summarise using key words/phrases














summarise a sentence/paragraph; in writing the key ideas from a paragraph/chapter














summarise a passage, chapter or text














summarising fairly competing views













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