Word Level Work: an index of themes

Index of "themes" running through the National Literacy Strategy: Framework for Teaching.
The index only covers Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6 inclusive) at present.

It shows the "themes", and the term(s) in which these are taught. So ......

         Alphabetical order: using the first two letters 	3ii
                       using third and fourth place letters 	4i
means that Alphabetical order: using the first two letters is taught in Year 3 Term 2 (3ii)
and Alphabetical order: using third and fourth place letters is taught in Year 4 Term 1 (4i)

This Word Level Index is also presented in a chart form - available HERE. Thanks to Pat Phillips of the Trafford LEA Learning Support Services who created an earlier version of this chart using the index found on this page.


Alphabetical order: using the first two letters 	3ii
            using third and fourth place letters 	4i
Apostrophe: to spell shortened forms of words 	3ii, 3iii
       for possessives and contractions 	4iii
Dictionaries: purpose and organisation of dictionary/thesaurus	3i
        using for spelling 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii, 5i, 5ii, 5iii, 6i, 6ii, 6iii
        use to learn or check the spellings and definitions 	3ii
        know the quartiles 	3ii
        information about word origins, meanings and spelling 	3iii
        using a rhyming dictionary 	4i
        compile own class/group dictionary 	5iii
        efficiently use of 	5iii
        range of 	5iii
        etymological dictionary 	6i
Handwriting: formation of basic joins 	3i, 3ii, 3iii
        consistency in size and proportions of letters and spacing 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii
        speed, fluency and legibility 	3ii, 3iii
        use neat hand, informal writing appropriately 	4i
        use joined style except where other special forms are required 	4i, 4ii, 4iii
        build up speed 	4ii
        build up speed, ensure consistency in size and proportions 	4iii
        use a range of presentational skills 	4iii
Prefixes: using them to generate new words (e.g. antonyms) from root words 	3i, 3iii
Phonemes: blend for reading 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
       identify in speech and writing 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
       segment words into for spelling 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
Reading: use context to infer meaning 	3i, 3ii
     discriminate syllables 	3i, 3ii, 3iii
     high frequency words 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
     words with silent letters 	3ii
     understanding common suffixes  e.g. -ly, -ful, -less 	3ii
     prefixes miss-, non-, ex-, co-, anti- 	3iii
     understanding meanings of common homophones 	4i
     suffixes: -al, -ary -ic, -ship, -hood, -ness, -ment 	4i
     words in Appendix List 2 	4i, 4ii
     using phonic/spelling knowledge as a cue 	4i, 4ii, 4iii
Spelling strategies: 
          discriminate syllables 	3i, 3ii, 3iii
          practise by look, say, cover, write, check‘ strategy 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
          independent strategies 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii, 5i, 5ii, 5iii, 6i, 6ii, 6iii
          identify mis-spelt words in own work 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii, 5i, 5ii, 5iii, 6i, 6ii, 6iii
          identify short words within longer words 	3iii
          using IT spell-checks	5i, 5ii, 5iii, 6i, 6ii, 6iii
          using known spellings as a basis for spelling other words 	5i, 5ii, 5iii, 6i, 6ii, 6iii
          using word roots, prefixes and suffixes 	6i
Spelling: apostrophes for spelling shortened forms of words 	3ii, 3iii
             for possessives and contractions 	4iii
Spelling: changing and creating words
           use suffixes to generate new words from root words 	3ii
           extending, and compounding words 	4iii
           changing tenses, making comparatives 	5iii
           word origins and derivations 	6ii
           inventing rules and mnemonics 	6ii, 6iii
Spelling: prefixes: undertanding prefixes un-, de-, dis-, re-, pre- 	3i
           miss-, non-, ex-, co-, anti- 	3iii
           al- 	4ii
           auto, bi, trans, tele, circum 	5i
           in-, im-, ir- il-, pro-, sus- 	5iii
Spelling patterns and rules:
          -le pattern 	3i
          two-syllable words containing double consonants 	4i
          pluralisation, rules for 	5i
          patterns of consonants 	5ii
          unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words 	5iii
          rules for words ending in modifying e, words ending in y 	5iii
          patterns for unstressed vowels 	6i
          unstressed vowels in polysyllabic words	6iii

Spelling words:
         verbs ending in -ing 	3i
         words containing long vowel phonemes 	3i, 3ii, 3iii
         high frequency words 	3i, 3ii, 3iii, 4i, 4ii, 4iii
         compound words 	3ii
         nouns when s is added 	3ii
         words with silent letters 	3ii
         regular verb endings s, ed, ing; irregular verb tense changes 	4i
         words in Appendix List 2 	4i, 4ii
         homophones 	4i, 5ii
         words with common endings: -ight 	4ii
         words with common letter strings but different pronunciations 	4iii
         words with common roots 	4iii
         words ending in vowels other than the letter e‘ 	5i
         possessive pronouns 	5ii
         words with different pronunciations 	5ii
         connectives: therefore, notwithstanding, furthermore, etc 	6i
Spelling: suffixes: er, est and y; common suffixes e.g. -ly, -ful, -less 	3ii
         -al, -ary -ic, -ship, -hood, -ness, -ment 	4i
         suffixes added to words ending in f‘ 	4ii
         -ible, -able, -ive, -tion, -sion 	4iii
         -cian, etc. 	5ii
Syllables: identify patterns in multi-syllabic words 	4i, 4ii, 4iii
Thesaurus: purpose and organisation of 	3i
Term: 'prefix‘ 		3i
    synonym‘ 		3i
    definition‘ 		3ii
    plural‘ 		3ii
    singular‘ 		3ii
    suffix‘ 		3ii
Vocabulary: use accurate/interesting words or expressions 	4ii
        use adverbs in writing dialogue	5i
Vocabulary: exploring, investigating and understanding vocabulary
            synonyms, generate for high frequency words 	3i
              collecting synonyms	3iii
              synonyms and shades of meaning 	5i
            opposites 	3ii
              antonyms	5ii
            homonyms 	3iii
            words which imply gender 	4ii
            compound words 	4iii
            identifying word roots, derivations, spelling patterns 	5i
            onomatopoeia 	5ii
            metaphorical expressions and figures of speech 	5ii
               metaphors and similes 	6iii
            words borrowed from other languages 	5iii
            how words vary across dialects 	5iii
            how words and expressions have changed over time 	6i
            origins of proper names 	6i
            how new words are added to the language	6i
            understanding that meanings of words change over time 	6ii
            inventing word games, puns, etc. 	6iii
Vocabulary: changing and generating words:
            generate new words using prefixes 	3i, 3iii
            generate new words using suffixes 	3ii
            write own definitions of words 	3ii, 4i
            making nouns and adjectives into verbs 	4i
            making nouns and verbs into adjectives 	4ii
            use accurate/interesting words/expressions instead of common choices	4ii
            forming diminutives 	4iii
            how words are formed from longer ones	5iii
            creating new words 	6iii
            inventing words using known roots, prefixes and suffixes 	6iii
Vocabulary: collecting:
            use personal dictionaries: glossaries to collect words 	3i, 3ii, 3iii
            for introducing and concluding dialogue 	3i
            collect, investigate & classify common expressions 	3iii
            collect words that are now little used; that vocabulary changes over time 	4ii
            collecting and classifying idiomatic phrases, clichés and expressions 	5i
            collecting, defining and spelling technical words  	5ii
            collect proverbs, explain meanings and origins of 	6ii
            collect useful terms and phrases for argument 	6ii

Click here to see the Index for Sentence Level Work

Click here to see the Index for Text Level Work

Click here to return to the Literacy Index home page

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Produced by Graham Jennings
Email me at: g.jennings@ntlworld.com
Westdale Junior School
Westdale Lane, Mapperley, Nottingham NG3 6ET, ENGLAND

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