2005 - 2006 San Diego Science Olympiad Schedule



October 5, 2005 — Wednesday - First Meeting - 4:00 PM, Rooms 1 & 2

          San Diego Natural History Museum

          Balboa Park, San Diego

Go to the new North Entrance of the Museum.  Tell the person at the admissions desk that you are there for our meeting.  You will be admitted without charge and directed to the meetings rooms, which are on that same level.



November 12, 2005 - Saturday — Event Workshops

          2:30-4:00 PM - Meet first in the Performing Arts Center

          Rancho Bernardo High School



January 18, 2006 - Wednesday - Meeting of Coaches and Event Captains

          San Diego Natural History Museum

          Balboa Park, San Diego

Go to the North Entrance of the Museum.  Tell the person at the admissions desk that you are there for our meeting.  You will be admitted without charge and directed to the meetings rooms, which are on thesame level.



February 4, 2006 - Saturday - Science Olympiad Regional Competition

          Rancho Bernardo High School



April, 2006 — State Science Olympiad — date and place TBA



On the Web: 


Regional Science Olympiad info:  www.geocities.com/athens/troy/7395


National Science Olympiad: www.soinc.org


To join the national coaches message board do one of the following:

a. if you have a Yahoo ID, or are willing to sign up for one, you can join the list by going                       to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/science-olympiad-coaches/

            and clicking the "join this Group" button                           OR

b. send a message from the e-mail address that you want to receive messages to:
