There are two places where the Lord's Prayer is prayed by Jesus in the Bible: Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:1-4. Luke 11:1-2 emphasizes it as a model for Christian prayer.
One of the most important lines in the Lord's Prayer is, "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Luke 11:2) This means that the person praying is willing to be submissive to God's will, regardless of the other things that are being prayed for.
It's been interesting for me to see how God's answered prayer in my life. Sometimes when I've prayed I have felt very urgent about my requests. I've said, "God, I really need you to do this for me...." These prayers God seldom answered like I wanted Him to.
On the other hand, the times when I calmly laid the request before God -- these prayers were answered frequently, sometimes in ways that surprised me.
This used to puzzle me. I thought, "Why is God so quick to answer the prayers that I'm less passionate about?" That's not really the issue, though. The reason God answered those prayers was because I was ready to accept His will. I was willing to be at peace, regardless of how He handled the situation.
God Bless you.
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