< VaranamAyiram-Introduction Part-1
SrI ANDAL samEta SrI rangamannAr tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam
nAcciyAr tirumozhi VI - vAraNam Ayiram - Introduction

A. Translation from SrImAn SaDagOpan's tamizh treatise

In spite of gOdai's constant pleas to the cuckoo to call her kaNNan (fifth tirumozhi), the cuckoo totally ignores her. gOdai's sorrow increases beyond limits. kaNNan now feels sorry for her plight and out of compassion, bestows a pleasant dream on gOdai, who is sleeping after crying for a long time. In this divine dream, He shows her the scenes that will take place in a wedding between Him and gOdai. ANDAL in her ecstasy, describes her dream to her friends and thus emerges the sixth tirumozhi.

This tirumozhi, which starts with "vAraNam Ayiram" is a very well-known tirumozhi. Even today, this sixth tirumozhi is being sung in all the vedic weddings during the time called "paccai pUSudal". Traditional belief is that when this ritual is performed, the newly wedded couple's lives will for ever remain sweet. gOdai herself has declared that those who chant this tirumozhi will beget children with brahma j~nAnam and sattva guNam.

The wedding scenes that gOdai describes are full of beauty and superb in imagination, and have a divine vedic flavor. SrImAn SaDagopan has summarized the aspects of a vedic wedding in his previous postings. Please refer to:


B. Additional thoughts from SrI PVP:

1. The stages of para bhakti, para j~nAna, and parama bhakti:

ANDAL is at the stage where she cannot continue to live without Him. It is not that He does not know this. But still He is not coming. Why?

SrI PVP explains that BhagavAn leads the jIvan through stages of para-bhakti, para-j~nAna, and parama bhakti, and then only unites the jIvAtmA with Him. This is what He did to nammAzhvAr, who had the j~nAnam and bhakti (mayarvaRa madi nalam aRuLinan - tiruvAimozhi 1-1-1) even when he started the first pASuram. But nammAzhvAr was awarded vIDu (paramapadam) only in the last pASuram of tiruvAimozhi (avAvaRRu vIDu peRRa kurugUr SaDagOpan - tiruvAimozhi 10-10-11). SrI PVP compares this to gradually applying dye to a white cloth in several steps.

2. The blessing of svapna anubhavam for ANDAL:

In the case of ANDAL, perumAL does not come, and this tortures her to the point that she finds it difficult to keep herself alive. Her suffering is so intense that now if BhagavAn presents Himself to her without warning, she may not be able to bear the shock of this also, and life may part from her. So He decides to appear in her dream and give an anubhavam (namely that of marrying Him) that will make her happy and make her continue to live, so that He can take her to His abode at the appropriate time.

3. sItA pirATTi's and ANDAL's experiences:

SrI PVP observes that in this anubhavam, ANDAL was more blessed than sItA pirATTi, who also suffered like ANDAL but who was not blessed with an interim dream of union with Lord rAma.

svapnEpi yad-yaham vIram rAghavam saha lakshmaNam |
paSyEyam yadi jIvEyam svapnOpi mama matsarI ||
(rAmAyaNam sundara kaNDam 34-21)

(I will live at least if I get to see rAma and lakshmaNa in my dream, but even the dream has become my enemy).

One can ask: How did sitA pirATTi continue to keep herself alive in the absence of even the anubhavam of svapna? BhagavAn blessed sitA pirATTi with a different kind of anubhavam, which would not have worked in the case of ANDAL. sItA pirATTi is blessed with the words of consolation from trijaTA, hanumAn, etc., which is what kept her alive. But gOdai will not just listen to someone's consoling words and live; so, emperumAn blesses her with the svapna anubhavam instead.

Thus, this tirumozhi talks about the dream anubhavam that He gave her.

4. ANDAL's svapna anubhavam vs. others' svapna anubhavam:

In the case of ordinary mortals, bhagavAn gives some dream experiences based on their karma, as a reward of their karma-s. The svapna anubhavam of ANDAL is not in this category viz,. karma phala. In her case, since she wishes to have the anubhavam of BhagavAn Himself, He gives her an anubhavam in the dream that is complete in every sense including all the steps involved in their marriage, and ANDAL in turn rejoices in narrating this experience to her friends and continues to be alive in the hopes of this dream coming true.

From SrI T. S. Rajagopalan?s book on NT:

Why did He not come and bless ANDAL when she was so intensely longing for Him? It is because He wanted to show to the rest of the world through her, the path of devotion to attain Him. In addition, He wanted her devotion to develop to the level of parama bhakti as indicated in an earlier paragraph.

C. Additional thoughts from SrI UV:

gOdai consoled herself by doing "kUDal izhaittal (tirumozhi 4)". Nothing happened. Then she commands her cuckoo (kuyil) to call for Him to come to her (tirumozhi 5); still He does not come. Now she is grief-stricken. Seeing her intense suffering, kaNNapirAn wishes to console her in some way. Desiring to make gOdai feel "He will become one with me only after He marries me", He gives her a dream where He marries her in vibhavam. This tirumozhi (tirumozhi 6) is all about gOdai's gleeful rendering of the dream to her friend.


PVP= SrI periyavAccAn piLLai
PBA= SrI prativAdi bhayankaram aNNangarAcAriyAr
UV = SrI uttamUr vIrarAghavAcAriyAr

sarvam SrIman nArAyaNAyEti samarpayAmi.

kalyANi kRshNamAcAri 1