Weetzie Bat's Home
Well, this is my homepage. I'm updating right now so please be patient. Before you leave sign the guestbook, for the fairies' sake.
~JusT SomE StufF I WrotE FoR SchooL~
A frightening preminition come true; if penguins took over.
( Written for school Oct '96)

"Those remaining of us, who are struggling to sustain merely live in fair, and paranoia."
My editorial on Marilyn Manson ('96)
"And for those who still just have zero interest in the actual band, what are you getting out of the music anyway"
When Passion Overcomes.. (Feb '98)
"People must be in control of themselves or terrible things can and do occur."
A film response on Romeo and Juliet (Mar '98)
"I would have to compare this adaptation of the play to adding a gottee, and perhaps a nose ring to da Vinci's Mona Lisa."
A letter to the Editor (Jun '97)
"Children are impressionable, and if your not careful you could be helping raise another generation of people who can't tolerate differences in others"
~StufF I LikE~
Shows That I like

Movies That I like

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Pics That I like

Just Winona Movies
~See my Goal~
~About Me~

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A Fairies dies everytime someone doesn't sign my guestbook, so....

What!?! You chose to not sign? Well, before you leave,
When you sign the booky there will be some evil "it didn't work message" but it did, so don't worry.
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All images on this page belong to their respectful owners.
Feathers McGraw is copyright of Aardman Animation.
Erotica 2 is copright of Miguel V. Arana.
Please don't sue me.