The Quarantine Movie

Right Click to Download ABOLISH QUARANTINE or click on it to view it before downloading.

Help Create An Awareness. Put pressure on the government of the United Kingdom for change to include North America. If we don't; like all governments, they will most certainly drag their heels.

Movie Size - 1127 kb
25 seconds
Made by QuickTime QuickEditor

This "short" is the first one we've made to try and create an awareness of the Quarantine laws of the UK.

I know some people are worried about downloading stuff from the web - myself included. This was made on my computer and it has left my computer virus free.

If anyone can offer assistance in compressing this movie further and/or have ideas to make it better, please feel free to email me.

This piece of the web is brought to you by all those kind enough to take time to sign the petition. Without their kindness and the generosity and that of Geocities also it wouldn't be here!

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