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To make a mortal age faster. Endora
    Odd plus odd
    Add up to even.
    Let the curse
    Be on Derwood Stephen(s).
    Make the future
    Be the present
    And zing it to
    The Dum-dum peasant.

Another age spell: When the Earth turns once around the sun
Let the crone go forth till the day is done.

Anothers form you'll take and your form leave
From six in the morn until six in the eve.

If in this time she can secure
A willing kiss from a mortal pure.

To her will pass the mortal's youth
To him will pass her age forsooth.

Thanks to Ken!


1. To make someone agree with anything or anyone. Endora
    Bees knees and bells knells
    Harken to my tricky spell.
    To prove your brain is the size of a pea
    With all that you hear, you will agree.

    lleps eht esreveR

This results in Darrin being disagreeable. The correct spell is:
    Bees knees and bells knells
    I order you to remove this spell
    Return this mortal to his normal state
    If this doesn't work, I simply can't wait.


To make a person apologize. Samantha
    Larry Tate play it wise
    Admit you're wrong, apologize.
    Not by phone, Larry Tate.
    Come yourself, don't hesitate.

2. To make someone agree with all your ideas.Alonzo
    Tail of newt
    And eye of bat. The spell is at.
    Even though it's
    What he'd hate,
    Now all I say
    Appeals to Tate.

    Tail of newt
    And eye of bat.
    Take the spell
    Off this here cat.


To change a person into a goose. Aunt Clara