Special thanks to the following:

Zim Lin, who helped me so much in building this website!!

Gregg Stebben and Jim Morris, for letting me use information from their book, White House: Confidential!!!

The Internet Link Exchange, who helped to publicize my website and put some cool banners on it!!, the best place to buy movies over the internet, for letting me use their banners and link to their site!!!

Guestworld, for supplying me with my cool guestbook!, for supplying me with an awesome webpoll! All of the people who let me put links to their sites!!!!

The Staten Island Sunday Advance, since I used information from their 9/27/98 Comics section.

George Sullivan and Scholastic, INC., for letting me use information from Mr. President, A Book of U.S. Presidents, copyrighted in New York by Scholastic, INC., in 1989., for supplying me with the information I needed to get my shorter domain name.

V3 Redirecting Service, for letting me have a short domain name! Geocities, for supplying me with an amazingly large 11 megabytes of webspace!!

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