Ashley River Creative Arts  

Elementary School

1871 Wallace School Road

Charleston, SC 29407

From the Principal's Desk

February 2005

The staff of ARCA joins me to say a huge thank the parents for its enormous support of our program. We know that we have the best parents in the world right here standing behind us and supporting us. We have raised $3743 for the tsunami victims and Water Mission International! That is an incredible amount of money for this small school. We are so grateful that you share our vision for teaching children about outreach. We have had several opportunities this year and you and your children have always stepped up and amazed us with your generosity.

We also want to thank the parents for a contribution from PTA to the 5th grade/Chorus trip to Washington. Monday night at the PTA Board meeting the 5th grade/Chorus trip was discussed and we asked for a contribution to help pay for the trip. The PTA Board was extremely generous with a $3000 donation. That is because of all the hard work you have done with the fund raisers. We are thankful for such a caring and supportive community.

2005 is the year for a new school renewal plan. This is a plan that is mandated by the state and asks us to look at our program and plan for the next five years. We have to make sure the funding we receive from the state matches our plan for the school. We had a very informative planning session this week and you were represented by members of the PTA Board and SCC. We will continue the process through this month. If you have any suggestions or ideas that you would like to share with us and the School Community Council, please feel free to email us or write it down and put it in the suggestion box in the workroom. We value your thoughts and opinions. Be prepared! The second semester tends to go faster than the first. We will work very hard to keep you informed and hope you will join us in making this a wonderful educational experience for your child.

Jayne Ellicott