The Amazing Adventures of Christina the Great!

The stories you are about to read are true. The names have been changed so no one I talk about can get mad at me.

Hi! I'm Christina. Thanks for visiting my page. I plan to make this an online journal. Hopefully my life isn't as pitifully boring as I think and a few people will come and read about it.

I guess the first logical thing to do is to tell all of you a little some thing about me.

I am eighteen years old.

I just graduated high school on May 16th. I live in a small town where the kids will do just about anything for a laugh (at graduation the oh-so-intelligent guys in my class bounced around a blow-up doll instead of a beachball). I plan to go to college in the fall. I am going to study chemical engineering. I am seriously involved with a great guy named Lane.

I come from a family of five. My mother, father, and two sisters, Mae and Rose.

I guess that's about it. If I think of anything else I'll add on later.

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