Hi I'm Kurt Wischin.

My page is a bit chaotic and will remain so; I've given up on the idea that I'll ever be able to make this look like something finished; but I'm going to continue adding things and making little improvements. I hope you don't mind. (the links in the bottom part of the main page certainly are very old for the most part. There are other and more interesting pages available now; maybe one day I'll update them.

Esta página es un caos y siempre lo será. Meteré más cosas y haré modificaciones como pueda - espero esto no les moleste. Los links abajo, por ejemplo, tienen como 10 años sin revisar y seguro muchos de ellos ya no funcionan. Pero hay cosas más actuales aquí.

Ich habe den Plan aufgegeben diese Seite jemals richtig zu organisieren, aber ich hoffe das eine oder andere ist doch interessant daran. Die Links im unteren Teil sind sehr alt, aber es gibt auch aktuelles; schauen Sie ab und zu vorbei, vielleicht finden Sie was für Sie.

La caverna de PLATON
More than ten years ago we ran a coffee&book shop called "Plato's Cave"; you will find here some old stories about it, but I have not been able so far to really get this part of the page working.
This link will bring you to a part of the page where you'll have access to some of the papers I've written for my undergraduate studies at UAQ; all of them are in Spanish. The picture shows the presentation of the book "Redescripción and Moralidad" featuring an interview with Richard Rorty, edited by the UAQ and the U de Gto. From left to right: Salvador Arellano from the UAQ, coordinator of the edition, Aureliano Ortega from the U de Gto. and myself. This presentation was done in February 2008. I'll update the picture (If I manage to remember) when we change the picture in the Yahoo-group for our generation, from where I took it.
some years ago in our garden
Me an my wife a few years ago
in the garden of a house
we had rented close to "El Pueblito", in Corregidora,
just outside the city of Querétaro
on the free road to Celaya.
"Existiert Gott?" hat meistens nicht den Sinn, den wir dieser Frage typischerweise unterstellen. Der Versuch einer Beschreibung dieser Situation und wie wir trotz der Inkommensurabilität der verschiedenen Sprachspiele versuchen können, die Einheit der Sprache zu bewahren, auf die wir nun mal nicht verzichten können... Este comentario está basado en un pequeño artículo que escribí para la revista estudiantil editada por estudiantes de la facultad de filosofía de la UAQ "El café de enfrente" en su versión impresa. Una copia electrónica de este artículo se encuentra aquí: "Ensayos en español">.

Links to other sites on the Web

Links to Directories, Sites and Pages about Ludwig Wittgenstein and his work
Wittgenstein, Ludwig (1889-1951)
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889 ~ 1951)
The Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen
Sample Transcriptions of Wittgenstein's Nachlass - transcriptions of items 115 and 201 of Wittgenstein's Nachlass (von Wright's catalogue), both in HTML format and as downloadable WordPerfect and Postscript files.
Island of Freedom: Ludwig Wittgenstein
Web Directory: Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)
Commentary on Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations - by Lois Shawver.
Links to Directories, Sites and Pages about Willard van Ornam Quine
Two Dogmas of Empiricism
Willard van Orman Quine
Home page for Willard van Orman Quine, mathematician and philosopher
Links to other philosophy pages I find highly helpful
A discussion group at the Free University of Queretaro
The home page of Analytic.
The home page of T. P. Uschanov's Icy Frigid Aire.
Go and visit!


© 1997 Kurt_Wischin@yahoo.com

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