
Please. . . feel free to browse. . . don't mind the dust. . . we don't get many visitors. . .

This library is always open. . .
To visitors and suggestions.   
The writings contained in this
library are all originals.  
The works are supplied by
myself and my friends.  
Hopefully, the selection
will continue to grow.
When you are finished 
with a text please
be sure to return 
it to the shelf. . .
and select another work to read.
Thank you for your patronage.
Please sign the guestbook before
you go.  You can also email me 
with your comments.   
girl reading book
Interpretations of Reality by Ana About Ana
Reflections by Beth About Beth
Voices by Zoey About Zoey
Views by BrianAbout Brian


© 1997 ana_boleyn@yahoo.com

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