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2. Ïîñëå îïëàòû ïîëó÷èòü ñåðèéíûé íîìåð îò ìåíÿ. ß âûøëþ åãî âàì â òå÷åíèå 5 ðàáî÷èõ äíåé (îáû÷íî ãîðàçäî áûñòðåå). Âû ìîæåòå ïîëó÷èòü ðåãèñòðàöèþ ïðîãðàììû è áåñïëàòíî, íàïðèìåð,  íà óñëîâèÿõ òåñòèðîâàíèÿ èëè äðóãèõ óñëîâèÿõ, äëÿ ýòîãî ñâÿæèòåñü ñî ìíîé (vinek@yahoo.com vinek@list.ru).

3. Ââåäèòå ñåðèéíûé íîìåð è èìÿ ïîëüçîâàòåëÿ â ñîîòâåòñòâóþùèå ïîëÿ îêíà Register è íàæìèòå êíîïêó Register


Ñòàíäàðòíàÿ ïîñëåäîâàòåëüíîñòü äåéñòâèé äëÿ ñîçäàíèÿ îðòîòðàíñôîðìèðîâàííîãî èçîáðàæåíèÿ


1. Ïîäãîòîâüòå ñëåäóþùèå âõîäíûå äàííûå:

·         Èñõîäíîå èçîáðàæåíèå â îäíîì èç ôîðìàòîâ - TIFF, BMP, JPEG, OSD, ERS;

·         Íàáîð îïîðíûõ òî÷åê â ôîðìàòå GCP â íóæíîé ñèñòåìå êîîðäèíàò èëè ðàñòðîâîå èçîáðàæåíèå, êîòîðîå áóäåò èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ êàê êàðòà;

·         Öèôðîâóþ ìîäåëü ðåëüåôà (ÖÌÐ) â ôîðìàòå OSD, TIFF, DTM;

·         Êîîðäèíàòû Ñåâåðî-Çàïàäíîãî óãëà îðòîèçîáðàæåíèÿ â âûáðàííîé ñèñòåìå êîîðäèíàò;

·         Ðàçìåð îðòîèçîáðàæåíèÿ;

·         Ñðåäíÿÿ âûñîòà îáëàñòè;

·         Òèï êàìåðû (ñìîòðè ïðåäîïðåäåëåííûå òèïû êàìåð âî ÂâåäåíèèIDH_Intro) èëè ïàðàìåòðû êàìåðû (ôîêóñíîå ðàññòîÿíèå, ðàçðåøåíèå ñêàíèðîâàíèÿ, ïðèáëèçèòåëüíóþ âûñîòó ñúåìêè).

2. Ïîäãîòîâüòå ïðîåêò, çàäàâ ñëåäóþùåå:

·         Ñèñòåìó êîîðäèíàò;

·         Ïàðàìåòðû êàìåðû;

·         Ïîëîæåíèå è ðàçìåð òðåáóåìîé îáëàñòè (Îáëàñòü èíòåðåñà Area of InterestAOI);

·         Ôàéë èñõîäíîãî èçîáðàæåíèÿ;

·         Ôàéë ÖÌÐ;

·         Ôàéë îïîðíûõ òî÷åê (GCP) – íåîáõîäèìî èìïîðòèðîâàòü èõ â ïðîåêò;

·         Èìÿ è ðàñïîëîæåíèå âûõîäíîãî ôàéëà îðòîòðàíñôîðìèðîâàííîãî èçîáðàæåíèÿ.

3. Âûïîëíèòå ïðîöåññ îðèåíòèðîâàíèÿ, îöåíèòå òî÷íîñòü.

4. Âûïîëíèòå ïðîöåññ îðòîòðàíñôîðìèðîâàíèÿ.





Ìåòîä êîððåêöèè ñèñòåìàòè÷åñêèõ îøèáîê ïðè ñîçäàíèè îðòîôîòîIDH_Meth


            After orthorectification of an image user obtains a file of orthoimage and a file containing the list of GCPsIDH_FGCP recalculated to the orthoimage. In order to evaluate the presence and value of systematic errors the user should place the GCPs on orthoimage according to their initial locations. After this it is necessary to perform orientationIDH_Ext of orthoimage using one of the polynomial models. To correct the image it is possible to use re-transôîðìàòion of the image (Process -> Orthorectification) or perform re-registration of the image by changing the parameters in "world file" (e.g. TFW for TIF) without image transôîðìàòion (Process -> Registration takes into account image offset and rotation; Process -> Simple Registration takes into account image offset only).


Ðàáîòà ñ ïðîãðàììîé

Îñíîâíîå ìåíþIDH_MMenu


Îñíîâíîå ìåíþ ñîäåðæèò ñëåäóþùèå ïóíêòû:



"File" – ôóíêöèè óïðàâëåíèÿ ïðîåêòîì (Îòêðûòü, Ñîçäàòü, Ñîõðàíèòü):

            "New Project" – ñîçäàåò íîâûé ïðîåêò;

            "Open Project" – îòêðûâàåò ñóùåñòâóþùèé ïðîåêò;

            Import points” – èìïîðò îïîðíûõ òî÷åê â (GCP) ïðîåêò;

            "Preview" – âû ìîæåòå ïðîñìîòðåòü ëþáîé ñíèìîê â ïîääåðæèâàåìîì ôîðìàòå;

            Open Map” – îòêðûòü èçîáðàæåíèå êàðòû – ýòîò ïóíêò äîñòóïåí ïîñëå îòêðûòèÿ îêíà îñíîâíîãî èçîáðàæåíèÿ â ïðîöåññå âíåøíåãî îðèåíòèðîâàíèÿ;

            "Save Project" – ñîõðàíèòü òåêóùèé ïðîåêò;

            "Save As" – ñîõðàíèòü òåêóùèé ïðîåêò ñ äðóãèì èìåíåì;

            "Info" -  ïîêàçûâàåò èíôîðìàöèþ î ïðîåêòå;

            "Save Info" – ñîõðàíÿåò èíôîðìàöèþ î ïðîåêòå â ôàéëå;

            "Print Info" – ïå÷àòàåò èíôîðìàöèþ î ïðîåêòå íà ïðèíòåðå ïî óìîë÷àíèþ;

            "Exit"- âûõîä èç ïðîãðàììû.


"Edit" - project editing, setting project parameteers:

            "Coordinate System"- opens project window on Output CS pageIDH_CoordS;

            "Camera"- opens project window on camera pageIDH_Camera;

            "Topocentric System"- opens project window on topo pageIDH_Topo;

            "Ortho Image Location"- opens project window on AOI location pageIDH_Loc;

            "Resampling Type"- opens project window on Output CS pageIDH_CoordS;

            "Define Raw Image";

            "Define Ortho Image";

            "Define DEM";

            "Define Ground Control Points";




            Arrange all windows  - default position for all program windows



            "Preview"– opens Open dialog for selecting preview image;


"Process" - processes of image orientation and transôôîðìàòion;

            "Orientation" - image exterior orientation;

            "Rectification (Ortho)" - image orthorectification;

            "Registration" - image registration without rectification;

            "Simple Registration" - image registration only dX, dY.


"Utilities" – menu of different utilitiesIDH_Utils, user can tune this menu

            "Orthorectification" – predefined tool for rectification

            "Import DEM from XYZ file" – predefined tool for DEM import

            "Import DEM from line ôîðìàò" – predefined tool for DEM import

            "Import DEM from one Z on line" – predefined tool for DEM import



"Help" - on-line help system.


Ñîçäàíèå ïðîåêòà


After start of the software there are only two available items in Main Menu/File: "New Project" and "Open Project". Select "File" form Main Menu, select "New Project" (or select "New Project" button  from tools palette). A new project is automatically created, WGS-84/UTM coordinate systemIDH_CoordS is selected by default with appropriate message in message window. Editing and  saving of project become available after creation of a project.



Note: a project is created in RAM. To save it to your hard disk select "Save Project" or "Save as" from "File" menu (or use "Save Project"  or "Save as"  buttons from tools palette).


Îòêðûòèå ñóùåñòâóþùåãî ïðîåêòà


            Select "Open project" from "File" menu or use "Open project"   button from tools palette. Common "open file" dialog is activated. Use this dialog to find and select a project file. Project editing and saving functions become available after opening a project. Project window will be automatically opened.



Note: a project is created in RAM. To save it to your hard disk select "Save Project" or "Save as" from "File" menu (or use "Save Project"  or "Save as"  buttons from tools palette).


Èìïîðò îïîðíûõ òî÷åê


Ground Control Points (GCP) for project are stored in file with name of project and extention ‘.gcp’ -<projectname>.gcp, ôîðìàò of this file is described in section “Ôîðìàò of GCP fileIDH_Fgcp

You can enter control point manually or define them from raster map in process of exterior orientationIDH_Ext.

Or if you have external file of control points in GCP ôîðìàòIDH_Fgcp you can import it into project.

Select "Import points" from "File" menu. Then select required file of gcp ôîðìàò from standard open file dialog.


Ïðîñìîòð èçîáðàæåíèé


            Select "Preview" from "File" menu. Then select required image file from standard open file dialog. It is possible to view files of the following types: *.OSD, *.BMP, *.TIF, *.JPEG, *.ERS, *.DTM. After a file is selected, the preview image window are opened.


Preview Window


Preview window contains the following buttons:


 - display the whole image in the window;

 - zoom in by 2;

 - zoom out by 2;

*- authomatic histogram stretch


In the title of window X, Y pixel coordinates of an image point are shown.


Ïîëó÷åíèå èíôîðìàöèè î òåêóùåì ïðîåêòå


            To obtain inôîðìàòion on current status of active project select "Info" from "File" menu or use "Project inôîðìàòion"   button from tools palette.



Appearing Inôîðìàòion window contains the following pages:

·         Files             - setting of working filesIDH_SetW

·         Camera        - setting of camera parametersIDH_Camera

·         AOI location - setting of llocation and size of orthoimage (AOI)IDH_Loc

·         Topo            - setting of topocentric system locationIDH_Topo

·         Output CS    - setting of coordinate system and pixel resampling typeIDH_CoordS

·         Model          - setting camera modelIDH_Direct


            Active project is not automatically saved to your hard disk. If some changes are made to active project, the inôîðìàòion window will display them rather than project inôîðìàòion stored in the project file on the hard disk. To store the changes in the file, save active project (see Note to the section "Opening an existing project"IDH_Open above).


Ðåäàêòèðîâàíèå ïðîåêòà

Çàäàíèå ðàáî÷èõ ôàéëîâ


Select item "Define Raw Image" from "Edit" menu to define source image file using common "Open file" dialog. Or you can click line “Input file” on page “Files”.


Select item "Define Ortho Image" from "Edit" menu to define name and directory path of output orthoimage file. Or you can click line “Output file” on page “Files”.


Select item "Define DEM" from "Edit" menu to define DEM file name (not used for transôîðìàòion to mean plane) using common "Open file" dialog, also can be used to remove the DEM from the project. Or you can click line “DEM file” on page “Files”.


On this page you can define Project title and give some Comments for this project.


If you have control points in separate GCP file, then you can import them into project. Select item "Import points" from "File" and select file name using common "Open file" dialog. When you save project, control points will be saved in file with name of project file and ‘.gcp’ extention. The GCP file contains inôîðìàòion determining location of each control point on image in pixel coordinates and on the ground in geographic coordinates. GCP file ôîðìàò described in section "Ôîðìàòs of Files"IDH_Fgcp.



Çàäàíèå ïàðàìåòðîâ êàìåðû


            Select "Camera" from "Edit" menu. Camera parameters setting window is displayed.



Select camera type from "Camera type" listIDH_INTRO. Then the parameters "Focus", "Aperture" and "Altitude of flight" are automatically set for selected camera type. Each parameter can be changed separately. For other cameras select camera type "Unknown" then enter the camera parameters manually.


The required parameters are the following:

·         Focus - camera focal length (in millimeters);

·         Aperture - scanning aperture (in microns per pixel);

·         Altitude of flight - average altitude of shooting (in kilometers).


To save the changes in camera parameters, save active project (see Note to the section "Opening an existing project"IDH_Open above). To discard changes press "Cancel" button.


Çàäàíèå êîîðäèíàòíîé ñèñòåìû è ìåòîäà èíòåðïîëÿöèè ïèêñåëîâIDH_CoordS


            Select "Coordinate system" from "Edit" menu, then select required coordinate system from two available (Gauss-Kruger on Krasovsky spheroid or UTM on WGS-84 spheroid). Or you can simply click on lines “Spheroid”, “Datum”, “Projection” and coordinate system changes.


            Select "Resampling type" item from "Edit" menu, then select necessary pixel resampling type from the list. Current resampling type is marked in the list. The best choice for “black and white” imagery is “Bilinear interpolation”, but it can change colours for multispectral (RGB) images.  "Nearest neighbour" resampling method is faster and does not change colour of RGB images.



Note. All coordinates in the system are to be specified with zone number as first digits in Easting coordinate.

For example: 12356800 – 12 zone 356800- coordinates in zone


Çàäàíèå ïîëîæåíèÿ è ðàçìåðà îðòîèçîáðàæåíèÿ


To set location and size of orthoimage select item "Ortho Image Location" from "Edit" menu.



            Output orthoimage is oriented along Easting/Northing axes of specified coordinate system, so orthoimage location is determined by one point - North-West corner of orthoimage corresponding to output file coordinates 0:0 (upper left corner of the output image). For transôîðìàòion of the image to mean plane of the required area average height of the area must be specified.


Attention! Average height is also used for the pixels of the required area beyond DEM area. It may lead to image distortions at the DEM / average height border area if difference in heights is significant. To avoid this, control orthoimage and DEM area sizes carefully.


            Orthoimage size and grid step are specified in meters.


            To process the whole input image use "All Image" button. In this case the coordinates of North-West corner, output pixel size corresponding to input pixel size and orthoimage size corresponding to the whole input file are determined from the parameters of exterior orientation corresponding to the set of ground control points. These values are used as orthoimage location.


            To process the image within DEM borders use "DEM" button.


            Use "From GCP" button to define the mean plane with the height determined as average of the heights of control points.

            Use "From GCP" button to define the step of output image from ground control points.


            A local Cartesian topocentric systemIDH_topo is used for production of orthoimage. Using "Calc Topo" button the origin of the topocentric system is located in the center of orthoimage area (the option "Auto topocentric" is automatically turned off). For most tasks this way of location of topocentric system is recommended.  An advanced user can specify the location of the topocentric system manually.


Output orthoimage file pixels outside the image area will be filled with "Null Value" (for 8-bit grayscale 0 is black, 255 is white).


Çàäàíèå ïîëîæåíèÿ òîïîöåíòðè÷åñêîé ñèñòåìûIDH_Topo


            Topocentric coordinate system is the Cartesian system in which exterior orientation will be done. It can be defined by its origin and azimuth. To set location of topocentric system select "Topocentric System" item from "Edit" menu. Or select page “Topo” of project window.


Radio buttons                If selected

Auto topocentric            Origin of topocentric system defines in the centre of control points (default)

User defined                  Origin of topocentric system can be defined by user



Calc Topo                      origin of topocentric system defined in the centre of area of interest (AOI)

Auto Azimuth                azimuth of topocentric system sets from camera definition according to the pass of satellite



Ascending pass             ascending pass of satellite orbit

Descending pass           descending pass of satellite orbit


For most tasks “Auto topocentric” location of topocentric system is recommended.  An advanced user can specify the location of the topocentric system manually.

You can specify latitude and longitude of the origin of topocentric system on Topo page of Project window. The coordinates are entered in the following ôîðìàò:

ddd:mm:ss.ss N|S|E|W


ddd - degrees;

mm - minutes;

ss.ss - seconds with decimal fractions;

N|S|E|W - North, South, East, or West.


            "Auto Azimuth" button is used for automatic setting of azimuth of the topocentric system according to the camera type and taking into account ascending or descending orbit (option "Ascending pass"):


Camera type       KVR-1000             TK-350                 KFA-1000,MK-4    LandsatTM          AerialPhoto

Ascending orbit     115                      25                        8                          98                        0

Descending orbit   245                      155                      172                      98                        0


Çàäàíèå ìîäåëè êàìåðû


The source image can be described using various models. There are 7 models for image orientation in OrthoMap:

·         Polynomial (Conformal).

·         Polynomial (Affine).

·         Polynomial second order.

·         Frame (central projection);

·         Simple Dynamic;

·         Panoramic Static;

·         Panoramic Dynamic;

You can choose geometric model of  image which will be used for external orientation on page “Model” of Project window.


Çàäàíèå íàïðàâëåíèÿ ñèñòåìû êîîðäèíàò èçîáðàæåíèÿ


            The source image file has left coordinate system, but to solve the task of orientation it is necessary to use right coordinate system. It is possible to transform left coordinate system to right one in several variants. In OrthoMap it is possible to select the direction of image coordinate system. Select Edit -> Orientation, then select one of the four possible directions of coordinate system in Orientation window.



Îêíî âíåøíåãî îðèåíòèðîâàíèÿ, îêíà ñíèìêà è êàðòûIDH_Exterior


You can do external orientation by pressing “Exterior orientation   button on main window toolbar.

Will be opened two windows:

·         Exterior orientationIDH_Ext – with list of control point (if were imported or defined in previous run) .

·         Image window - with input image.


On image window you can use commands:

Select               - select conrtol point closest to cursor position;

All image           - fit image to window (keyboard grey *);

Zoom in             - increase image in window (keyboard grey +);

Zoom out           - decrease image in window (keyboard grey -);

Zoom mode       - cursor in zoom mode (left click – select in image central point of window,

  drag cursor – new zoom);

  press key ‘Shift’ and you will be able to change pixel coordinates for current control point

  (instant Arrow mode );

Arrow  mode      - left click changes pixel coordinates for current control point

Auto histogram stretch   - increase brightness of image.

All command are available from popup menu (right click on image).



“Open raster map”   button will be shown on main window toolbar.


Îáùåå îïèñàíèå


            The window "Exterior Orientation" contains the table of GCPs each of which can be in two modes: On/active ("Yes" in column On/Off) and Off/passive ("No" in column On/Off). Switching of modes can be done by left mouse button double click on the cell "On/Off" of the row with required point. Active points will be used in orientation process automatically. Position errors in X and Y will be shown in columns "Rxy,m", "dX,m" and "dY,m". The aggregate result of orientation (RMS) will be shown in status line in the bottom of the window.

The GCP table has the following fields:

·         Name - point name (without blanks);

·         On/Off - point status, only active points will be used in orientation and pixel calculation;

·         X, pixels - pixel values of X coordinate in image file;

·         Y, pixels - pixel values of Y coordinate in image file;

·         Easting, m - geodetic coordinate West-East in meters;


·         Northing, m - geodetic coordinate North-South in meters;

·         Height, m - point height in meters;

·         Rxy,m – RMS on x,y;

·         dX,m – X error on point;

·         dY,m – Y error on point.


There are the following buttons in this window:

Undo                - undo last changes;

Add point         - add point after the current one;

Delete point     - delete current point;

Solve               - solve external orientation according current geometric model;

RMS w/o - RMS is calculated for each point (shown in column "RMS w/o") in assumption that this point is passive. In this mode we can find the worst point (with the minimal value in the column "RMS w/o") and turn it off.

Calc pixels       - calculate pixel coordinates for current point with known geodetic coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required;

Calc pixels for all “No” points - calculate pixel coordinates for current point with known geodetic coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required;

Calc map - calculate geodetic coordinates for current point with known pixel coordinates, first order polynomial is used, its coefficients are calculated for all active points, not less than two active points with known pixel and geodetic coordinates are required.

Geometric model - ComboBox for geometric model selection


Ðåäàêòèðîâàíèå ñóùåñòâóþùåé òî÷êèIDH_Edit


            For editing of existing point you must select the row with this point in window "External Orientation". The point becomes current and will be shown in the table and on image in appropriate color.

            In normal state the image window is in zoom mode (cursor  ). For current point you must find its position on image and holding Shift key (the window mode changes to arrow mode and cursor image will be ) click left mouse button in selected location on image. Pixel coordinates in GCP table will be changed for the current point.


To add a new point press button "Add point".


You can define point geodetic coordinates from map. Press button   Open raster map” on main window toolbar and select raster map with the help of standard “Open dialog” window. Coordinates of point, selected in map window will be displayed in columns “Easting” and “Northing”.


There    are three help modes for user (buttons "Calc Pixels", "Calc Map", "RMS w/o").

  1. you can calculate approximate pixel coordinates from known geodetic coordinates. This mode is available only after defining of location of two points;
  2. you can calculate approximate geodetic coordinates from known pixel coordinates. This mode is available only after defining of location of two points. This mode can be helpful for defining geodetic coordinates of some feature on image;
  3. you can calculate aggregate RMS for each active point in condition that this point is passive (button RMS w/o). If you turn off the point with the minimal value in the field "RMS w/o", then the aggregate orientation RMS will change to this minimal value.


Âíåøíåå îðèåíòèðîâàíèå


The source image can be described using various models. There are 7 models for image orientation in OrthoMap:

·         Polynomial (Conformal).

·         Polynomial (Affine).

·         Polynomial second order.

·         Frame (central projection);

·         Simple Dynamic;

·         Panoramic Static;

·         Panoramic Dynamic;

In order to achieve maximal accuracy in orthorectification it is necessary to select the image model correctly. The following table shows default settings of orientation model for different types of cameras (these settings can be changed by operator):


Camera type    Orientation type (model)

KVR-1000         Panoramic Dynamic

TK-350              Frame

KFA-1000          Frame

MK-4                Frame

Landsat-TM       Panoramic Dynamic

Unknown           Frame


The transôîðìàòion parameters include static (frame image) and dynamic parts. All these parameters are determined during exterior orientation. In case of insufficient amount of control points it is possible to determine only static (frame) image parameters.

The following parameters are determined during exterior orientation:

* coordinates of the point of photography;

* 3 angles of shooting;

* 6 dynamic parameters.


Select "Orientation" item from "Process" menu. If control points file is present, Exterior orientation window is opened.

The window contains a table of control points. Each point can be included into or excluded from the process of orientation by left-clicking in appropriate "On/Off" cell. To start the process of orientation press "Solve" button . Resulting accuracy (RMS error) of orientation is then displayed in "Accuracy of orientation" field. The column "Rxy" in the control points table shows RMS for each point. After completion of the process of orientation the resulting orientation parameters can be viewed in the Inôîðìàòion window using "Info" item from "File" menu or "Project inôîðìàòion"  button from tools palette. It is also possible to store the orientation accuracy report in a file by pressing  button. Before starting the process of orthorectification the active project must be saved for the resulting orientation parameters to be stored in the project file.


Òðàíñôîðìèðîâàíèå ñíèìêîâIDH_Ortho


           If the accuracy of exterior orientationIDH_ext is acceptable then it is necessary to save the parameters in project file by pressing "Save Project" button.

To start the module of orthorectification with current project select "Rectification (Ortho)" item from "Process" menu. If exterior orientationIDH_ext not solved then module rectify.exe will not start. If project was changed then you will be asked to save project before start of Rectify module.



The module works with active project. The module window displays the following inôîðìàòion:

·         source image file name;

·         output file name;

·         number of columns and rows of output file;

·         grid steps in meters along X and Y axes for output file.


To start the process of orthorectification press "Start" button. Progress indication window displays elapsed processing time, approximate remaining processing time and percentage of process completion. To interrupt the process press "Cancel" button. If DEM is not specified when starting the process, transôîðìàòion will be performed to mean plane with the height specified in the active project with appropriate message displayed in message window.




Initially Menu “Utilities” contains some useful utilities:

"Orthorectification" – predefined tool for rectification

"Import DEM from XYZ file" – predefined tool for DEM import

"Import DEM from line ôîðìàò" – predefined tool for DEM import

"Import DEM from one Z on line" – predefined tool for DEM import

You can tune this menu. Menu items may be defined in file ‘tools.ini’ in OrthoMap folder.

You must fill two lines for every menu item:

first line – CaptionXXX – text line which will be shown in menu;

second  line – ModuleXXX – program, loaded on click,

where XXX – number of menu line, first line has number 000.

If CaptionXXX=- then there will be only line in the menu (see line Caption001)

And Number must be equal to overall quantity of menu lines


Example of predefined menu:







Caption002=Import DEM from XYZ text file


Caption003=Import DEM from line ôîðìàò


Caption004=Import DEM from one Z on line



The Coordinate Calculator


Coordinate Calculator may be used for calculation of ground control points in needed projection.



See Coordinate Calculator User’s Guide for detailed description http://vinek.narod.ru/ccalc.html


Reproject Utility


            Reproject utility is used to reproject orthoimages and DEM from one coordinate system to another. Input and output coordinate systems are specified in the same way as in Coordinate Calculator (see above section). Specify "Input file" and "Output file" through common "Open file" dialog. It is possible to specify required pixel size in meters for output file (by default it is equal to input file pixel size).



For detailed description see ReProject User’s Guide


Import of DEM from ASCII file


            For orthorectification it is necessary to use DEM in OSD ôîðìàò. For this purpose it is possible to import DEM from ASCII files.

ASCII ôîðìàò with one height value per a line, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. Beginning of output DEM file in OSD ôîðìàò corresponds to the North-West corner of the area. Therefore, the height values in input ASCII file must start from the North-West corner of the area and be located by lines. The origin point is the North-West corner of DEM. If source ASCII file is recorded starting from the South-West corner, then after import it is possible to use FLIP utility to flip DEM around horizontal axis.


Module ASC2BIN.


Import of DEM from ASCII file


·         ASCII ôîðìàò with each line containing all height values of DEM in one line. The values are blank separated, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. The order of input lines must corrspond to North-to-South direction. The origin point is the North-West corner of DEM.

Module Line2BIN.



Import of DEM from ASCII file


* ASCII ôîðìàò with values X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z (Height) in each line, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. X, Y, Z values must be blank separated. X, Y, Z values can be preceded by a point number, in this case it is necessary to specify option "ignore first column". Input file must contain all X, Y, Z values of a regular matrix. Interpolation of missed heights is not performed. If a value is missed, the DEM element is filled with a default value (0).


Module XYZ2BIN.


Export of DEM to ASCII file


            If necessary it is possible to export DEM from the interior ôîðìàò OSD to ASCII file in one of the following ôîðìàòs:

* ASCII ôîðìàò with one height value per a line, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. The hight values in output file are located from the North-West corner by lines.


Module BIN2ASC.


* ASCII ôîðìàò with each line containing all height values of DEM in one line. The values are blank separated, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. The hight values in output file are located from the North-West corner.


Module BIN2Line.


ASCII ôîðìàò with values N (point number), X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z (Height) in each line, lines are separated by <CR>/<LF>. N X, Y, Z values are separated by comma and blank. The points in output file are located from the South-West corner by lines.


Module BIN2XYZ.



            To flip or rotate source image and DEM files around horizontal axis use "Flip" utility from "Utilities" item of Main Menu.



 - no flip, can be used for ôîðìàò conÂåðñèÿ, e.g. TIFF to BMP;

 - flip around vertical axis;

 - flip around horizontal axis;

 - rotation 1800;

 - rotation 900 clockwise;

 - rotation 900 counterclockwise;


Ôîðìàòû âõîäíûõ ôàéëîâ


·         Source imagery. Source image may be in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, OSD, ERS, DTM ôîðìàò.

·         DEM files. DEM must be in OSD, ERS, DTM or TIFF 16-bit ôîðìàò or can be imported from ASCII ôîðìàò (see "Import of DEM from ASCII file"IDH_Imp above).


Ôîðìàò âûõîäíîãî îðòîèçîáðàæåíèÿ


            Images can be saved in TIFF, BMP, JPEG, OSD(OrthoMap Dataset), ERS ôîðìàòs. In OSD ôîðìàò the image or DEM data is stored in BIL ôîðìàò starting from the upper left corner of image or DEM. Accompanying inôîðìàòion (geo inôîðìàòion, image size, etc.) is stored in a separate text file (header) with the same name as the data file and extension OSD. The data file name has no extension.

For TIFF, BMP and JPEG ôîðìàòs corresponding geo-referencing file ("world file") is automatically created, e.g. TFW for TIF.


Ôîðìàò of OSD file header


Çàãîëîâîê OSD ôàéëà ðàçäåëåí íà ñëåäóþùèå áëîêè:

CoordinateSystem. Ýòîò áëîê ñîäåðæèò ñëåäóþùåå:


Ýëëèïñîèä ("Datum");

Êàðòîãðàôè÷åñêàÿ ïðîåêöèÿ ("Projection");

Åäèíèöû èçìåðåíèÿ("Units") - ìåòðû.


ImageInfo. Áëîê ñîäåðæèò ñëåäóþùóþ èíôîðìàöèþ:


* Òèï ÿ÷åéêè ("CellType");

* X è Y ðàçìåðû ÿ÷åéêè â "Units" (XDimension, YDimension);

* Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðîê ("NrOfLines") è êîëîíîê ("NrOfCellsPerLine") ôàéëà äàííûõ;

* Òî÷êà ïðèâÿçêè ("RegistrationPoint") – ãåîäåçè÷åñêèå êîîðäèíàòû òî÷êè ïðèâÿçêè â "Units";

* Ïèêñåëüíûå êîîðäèíàòû òî÷êè ïðèâÿçêè â ôàéëå ("RegistrationCellX" and "RegistrationCellY");

* Êîëè÷åñòâî äèàïàçîíîâ ("NrOfBands").



OrthoSetDataHeader [

  Âåðñèÿ      = 1.0

  LastUpdated  = Fri Jun 30 17:20:24 GMT 2000

  DataSetType  = OrthoSetData

  ByteOrder = LSBFirst

  CoordinateSystem [

    Datum      = "PULKOVO"

    Projection = "GAUSE15"

    Spheroid = ""

    Units      = "METERS"

    CoordinateType  = EN

  CoordinateSystem ]

  ImageInfo [


    Xdimension = 20.000

    Ydimension = 20.000

    NrOfLines  = 250

    NrOfCellsPerLine = 250

    RegistrationPoint [

      Eastings  = 6334000.000

      Northings = 3324000.000

    RegistrationPoint ]

    RegistrationCellX     = 0.000

    RegistrationCellY     = 0.000

    NrOfBands = 1

  ImageInfo ]

OrthoSetDataHeader ]

Ôîðìàò GCP-ôàéëà


GCP-ôàéë (Ground Control Points) ôîðìèðóåòñÿ ëþáûì òåêñòîâûì ðåäàêòîðîì. Ïðåäñòàâëÿåò ñîáîé òåêñòîâûé ôàéë, êàæäàÿ ñòðîêà êîòîðîãî ñîäåðæèò èíôîðìàöèþ îá îäíîé êîíòðîëüíîé òî÷êå â ñëåäóþùåì âèäå :

Name  On/Off   CellX   CellY   GeoX   GeoY   GeoZ


Name – èìÿ òî÷êè (â íåì íå äîïóñêàþòñÿ ïðîáåëû)

On/Off – ïðèçíàê âêëþ÷åííîé òî÷êè Yes â äàííîì ïîëå

CellX, CellY - ïèêñåëüíûå êîîðäèíàòû òî÷êè â ôàéëå;

GeoX, GeoY - ñîîòâåòñòâåííî Easting è Northing â ìåòðàõ â âûáðàííîé êàðòîãðàôè÷åñêîé ïðîåêöèè;

GeoZ - âûñîòà òî÷êè

Ðàçäåëèòåëü: ïðîáåë èëè òàáóëÿöèÿ

Åñëè ïåðâûé ñèìâîë ñòðîêè òî÷êà ñ çàïÿòîé ;  òî ñòðîêà ñ÷èòàåòñÿ ñòðîêîé êîììåíòàðèÿ



Name   On/Off  CellX                CellY                GeoX               GeoY                GeoZ

6_3       Yes       11623.500         3001.500           8224924.070      2019273.800      2713.240

6_4       Yes       11756.500         3533.500           8228258.370      2019053.460      2636.130

7_4       Yes       11165.500         3923.500           8229381.510      2014885.680      2520.240

7_5       Yes       11404.500         4533.500           8233366.060      2015145.070      2392.550

7_6       Yes       11535.500         5296.500           8238031.170      2014480.110      2251.360

8_4       Yes       10516.500         3920.500           8228202.040      2011003.240      2789.130

8_5       Yes       10892.500         5201.500           8236113.530      2011195.720      1477.380

8_6       Yes       10562.500         5665.500           8238150.650      2008438.600      1290.270

8_9       Yes       11582.500         8136.500           8254624.010      2009277.840      2137.370

9_9       Yes       10879.500         8344.500           8254497.070      2004745.150      2194.620

7_7       Yes       11845.500         6690.500           8246715.120      2013603.510      2197.420


 Ôîðìàò PTS ôàéëà – îïîðíûå òî÷êè


<èìÿ òî÷êè> <X êîîðäèíàòà Easting> <Y êîîðäèíàòà Northing> <âûñîòà>

Ðàçäåëèòåëü: ïðîáåë.


Point name      X coordinate Easting   Y coordinate Northing  Height

6_3                   8224924.070                  2019273.800                  2713.240

6_4                   8228258.370                  2019053.460                  2636.130

7_4                   8229381.510                  2014885.680                  2520.240

7_5                   8233366.060                  2015145.070                  2392.550

7_6                   8238031.170                  2014480.110                  2251.360

8_4                   8228202.040                  2011003.240                  2789.130

8_5                   8236113.530                  2011195.720                  1477.380

8_6                   8238150.650                  2008438.600                  1290.270

8_9                   8254624.010                  2009277.840                  2137.370

9_9                   8254497.070                  2004745.150                  2194.620

7_7                   8246715.120                  2013603.510                  2197.420


Êîäû àâàðèéíîãî çàâåðøåíèÿ OrthoMap
























23       ERROR_CRC


25       ERROR_SEEK



















Òåõíè÷åñêàÿ ïîääåðæêà


Home Page: http://vinek.narod.ru   http://geocities.datacellar.net/vinek

E-mail: vinek@yahoo.com


(c) 2004-2006 Vinek Software