College Board OnlineGet a clue about testing and requirement for the AP test this May.
The Electoral CollegeCheck out the electoral votes from each state.
Democracy in AmericaAlexis de Tocqueville's Classic about the American system of government
Politicians in the 33rd DistrictHuntington Park's Congressional Representatives
The Constitution
The FEDERALIST PapersBe sure you've read #51.Civil LibertiesU.S. ConstitutionCheck out the "Annotations" explaining Articles, Amendments and Supreme Court Decisions.
Constitutional Amendment ProcessHow does the Constitution get changed?
First Amendment Freedoms: ReligionWhy do we need a separation between Church and State?The Supreme CourtSeparation Between Church & StateThis "homepage" looks at the issue from many angles
Freedom Forum OnlineSeveral First Amendment issues addressed here
Justices of the Supreme CourtThe present sitting Court.The PresidencyThe Washington Post's Supreme Court site Current Cases now being heard by the Court.
The White HouseSpeeches, documents, stats and press releases.The CongressExecutive Office of the President
Presidents and presidential libraries
WatergateSee how this scandal changed Americans perception of the Presidency
Ford Presidential LibraryDay in the Life of President Ford
Mr. Ohno's Web PageCheck out the Presidential Candidates on my buddy's own page.
House of RepresentativesOfficial House web site with links to membersSenateOfficial Senate web site with links to members
Roll CallOnline version of the Capital Hill newspaper
Federal Election CommissionSee how much Congress members spend to get elected
Campaigns & ElectionsOnline magazine about politics
Congressional CommitteesFind out who serves on which committees
California RepresentativesMembers of House of Reps from California