Please keep this sheet as a reference to how your assignments are graded!
This semester you will be graded on a MARK SYSTEM. It is important that you score well on ALL YOUR ASSIGNMENTS. Look at the scale below to see how you must score on HOMEWORK, QUIZES, and TESTS.
PROJECTS..........10-20 MARKS
All points for assignments will be added up for TWO MESTERS which will determine your FINAL GRADE! Keep the following percentage scale in mind when completing your assignments.
90-100% = A = 4 POINTS
80-89% = B = 3 POINTS
70-79% = C = 2 POINTS
60-69% = D = 1 POINT
After accumulating grades for homework and tests, your grade will be computed as a GRADE POINT AVERAGE.
Looking at the mark values, you can see that the mark value of tests is FIVE TIMES that of HOMEWORK ASSIGNEMNTS! This means that if you scored a "B" on a TEST, that would be the same as getting FIVE "B"'s for HOMEWORK assignments. This also means that a FAIL on a TEST is the same as FIVE FAILS for HOMEWORK assignments. If you are seriously interested in getting an "A" or a "B" for your FINAL GRADE, you must consistently score well on TESTS as well as complete 90% of all HOMEWORK assigned.
PROJECT: A REQUIRED PROJECT will be assigned each mester that each student will be expected to complete. This will require extra work and reading NOT FROM THE TEXTBOOK! Any student not completing the project should not expect to receive an "A" or a "B" because of the point value of the project. Details of the project will be explained later on by the teacher.
EXTRA CREDIT: Periodically, extra credit will be offered throughout the class. Work on extra credit assignments requires just what the name says: EXTRA WORK IN ADDITION TO THE WORK DONE IN CLASS. This means that extra credit assignments usually requre some type of LIBRARY research. Talk to your teacher if you have any questions about what is expected of you.
MAKE-UP TESTS/HOMEWORK are only given after returning from an EXCUSED absence.
(#3 truancy is not an excused absence). DO NOT ASK TO MAKE UP WORK IF YOU CUT CLASS! It is the STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY to arrange with the teacher to make-up tests as soon as possible (1-2 days after you return).
Students must bring all of the following daily to class.
Your textbook
Your notebook (8 1/2 x 11 spiral-bound notebook with at least 100 pages)
Separate folder or notebook for student handouts and paper supply
Blue or black ball point pen
Pencil with an eraser
Pack of colored pencils
Yellow highlighter (maybe other colors would also help)
A container for all these (purse, vinyl packet, backpack, etc...)
Your notebook must be an 8 1/2 x 11 spiral bound notebook, with at least 100 pages. Every student must bring this notebook every day to class.
Your notebook will be a record of your class work, your learning, and personal growth. By examining your notebook, you, along with your teacher, parents, and others can review your progress in this class.
Your notebook will have a cover. Identify the outside cover with some identifying mark or design that is original. Write your name, room number and teacher's name on the inside cover of the notebook.
Number all the pages of the notebook (both front & back) on the top corners.
Title page 3 as "TABLE OF CONTENTS"
Title page 9 as "VOCABULARY"
Title page 29 as "NOTES" (This is where your classwork will begin.)
Most of your class interaction will be recorded in your notebook. However other assignments will be turned in as separate assignments.
Your notebook will be a major part of your grade. You cannot pass the class without a notebook. Your notebook will be collected and graded three times during the semester. (4wks, 8wks, 16wks)
Your notebook grade will be based on the following:
Quality and Completeness
All class notes and right side work is completed and of high quality,
even for days when you are absent.
All left side work is completed and of high quality.
Visual Appearance and Organization
Left and right side work is organized and neat.
Effective highlighting and use of color.
Extra Credit
Newspaper cutouts, drawings, graphics or unassigned personal
Other items that go far beyond what was required.
Always have your notebook in your possession. Be careful who you may lend the notebook to. If you lose your notebook, you will only receive partial credit for those assignments that you make-up. Take pride in you notebook ! Take care of it!