od said, "Gabe, according to my reckoning a blessed event is about to occur. Let's go witness it." "What's a blessed event?" "In this case, it's the very first human birth." "Eve?" "She's about to deliver. And I've got a sneaking suspicion that it would be well if we was there." So we went down. Adam was setting at the cave entrance, head back, mouth open, sleeping. God nudged him. "Adam." It took some time for Adam to get his eyes open and more to get things in focus. "Hey, Lord," he said finally, not bothering to get up. "How's it going, Adam?" "Not too good. What with working from daylight till dark trying to get things to grow in the dirt you've damned and getting no rest at night because of my back, I'm just about worn out." "I was asking about Eve." "Oh, she's fine. She's in the cave, there. I told her I didn't know anything about such matters and wouldn't be of any help at all. Woman stuff, you know." "Gabe!" God said, but I was already on my way. Poor Eve was frightened more than anything else and only needed someone to hold her hand and speak soothing words to her. At the final moment I took the child, who immediately set up a fine ear-splitting howl, and placed him in her arms. Eve was ecstatic. "With God's help, I have got me a man! I'm going to call him Cain!" "And may there be many more," God said. He and Adam were watching from the cave entrance. "And daughters, too." "Come look," Eve said, and God nudged Adam forward. He looked at the child in wonder. "Well, diggety-dog!" he said. |