The Gabriel Chronicle



n the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. No, wait a minute. I'm getting ahead of myself. Before God could do that he had to be created his own self. Well, not exactly created, because it is my belief that Something or Somebody has always been out there. But that Something or Somebody is completely without shape or substance, so he has to be fleshed out, so to speak. Because how can you think about something without no description nor dimension? Your mind's got to have something to hang onto. So anybody as wants to think about God has got to create him, or at least a version of him.

That's where all the different religions in the world come from. They're just versions of God fleshed out in different ways. And the Bible and the Koran and all the other sacred writings are just a record of them versions. They are a good starting place, but they are somebody else's version and ain't never going to be yours. No, everybody who has a mind to know God has got to create him theirselves.

A lot of folks never bother. They just take some ready-made version, which don't cost them a dime or a minute's thought, and spend their time debating whether baptism can be done by sprinkling or if it has to be by total immersion, and so miss out on the rich and soul-satisfying experience of coming to know God, at least coming to know a version of him, which is the most us scrutible folks can expect of the inscrutable.

So since it is my intention to become close aquainted with God, it falls upon me to create him, to create the Creator who is going to turn around and create me in his own image and do whatever else he's a mind to. Sound impossible? It ain't. Just watch.

Let there be God. Let him look something like me. And let him think and feel enough like me so I can understand him. And let him laugh and cry like me so I can join with him. And let him talk like me so I won't have any trouble understanding what he says. And let him be better in all things than I would ever want to be.

That's all there is to it. And now that it's done, I can stand back and let him go to it, create and guide and command and pass miracles and do whatever else suits him. Just as soon as I decide on where to stand. Because I want be able to see everything and hear everything, and to do that, I've got to be in the midst somewhere. But the question is, where?

If I was God, and had all that stuff to do, I'd have me a handy man, somebody to hold the board while I sawed, somebody to move the ladder, somebody always at my side to fetch and carry. One of the angels, maybe. Gabriel, let's say. That's it. That where I'll stand. At God's side. I'll play the role of Gabriel. And I'll keep a record of everything that happens.

I'll just get me a pencil and something another to write on, and then we can get on with it.

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