Mr. Chaillot's Speech Classes Homepage

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Classroom Plan

This is an Example of a Classroom Plan

The objective of this Classroom Plan is to create an environment in Mr. Chaillot's classes that is SAFE, encourages CURIOSITY, promotes GOOD WILL, and focuses on THE RIGHT QUESTIONS rather than the so-called right answers, all in a concerted effort to stimulate HIGH STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT.

In order to achieve those ends, the following points are adopted as our "CLASSROOM PLAN:"

  1. Treat each other beautifully and creatively.
  2. Be on time to class, with all necessary materials.
  3. Take your seat and start on the day's assignment (it will be posted).
  4. Raise your hand if you need help or want to speak.
  5. Avoid disturbing classmates in any way.
  6. Respect one another's personal space & possessions.
  7. Do not leave your seat without permission.
  8. No grooming while in class unless permission has been granted.
  9. Never throw anything nor strike anyone.
  10. Do not bring Food and/or drinks into class without permission
  11. Use our nonverbal communication system.
  12. At the end of class, I will dismiss you. Don't prepare to leave until then.
  13. This plan is subject to change if students can think of better ways to create a top quality class environment, so let Mr. Chaillot know what your ideas are. Extra credit for any ideas that are adopted.

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Grading Policy

This is an Example of a Grading policy

The objective of this Grading Policy is to create a system of evaluating student work that reflects how work is evaluated in the real world.

Toward that end, my Grading Policy will encourage students to show what they know, be responsible for work being completed on time regardless of attendance, do extra work to achieve higher grades, and do unsatisfactory work over again until it is satisfactory, and also includes these points:

  1. There will be at least six daily grades and three test grades each six weeks.
  2. The AVERAGE of all daily grades = one-third of six weeks' grade.
  3. The AVERAGE of all test grades = two-thirds of your six weeks' grade.
  4. To figure your six weeks' grade at any time, add the average of your daily grades to two times the average of your test grades and divide by three.
  5. All quizzes and tests may be retaken. Your final grade will be the average of your original score and your retake score.
  6. Work turned in late will have points taken away, generally 20 points for each day late.
  7. Extra work may be done to raise a grade, but it must be worked out with me.
  8. All extra work must be turned in by 3:30 PM on the day that falls one week before the end of the six weeks.
  9. So you won't be overloaded, I will try to arrange all daily grades and tests so that none occur during the final week of a six weeks. Mid-term and final exams are scheduled by the school, not me, so I cannot schedule these early.

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Supply List

This is an Example of a Supplies List

1. A one-inch, three ring binder WITH pockets, color: any. One and a half inch is better.
2. Supply of loose-leaf paper for binder, college ruled.
3. A set of 8-10 dividers with colored index tabs.
4. One pack of 100 lined white 3 X 5 index cards.
5. Poster Boards as needed (I'll let you know).
6. Bring pens and pencils to each class.
7. Other items as needed (I'll let you know).
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My 2 Bits Worth Of Tips For Students

  1. Treat everyone beautifully & creatively: you'll get what you want more often.

  2. Make a special effort to be early for everything. If you have so much to do that you are constantly late, DUH, this is a sure sign you are trying to do too much; eliminate stuff.

  3. Choose a study buddy or two or three in every class. Trade phone numbers. Pick up info for each other when one of you is absent. Study together: you'll make higher grades.

  4. Ask questions the instant you don't understand something. There's no such thing as a stupid question. You show superior intelligence when you ask a question.

  5. Practice the skills you will learn in here. There is only one way you will ever become enough to get a job in this field: PRACTICE.

  6. Eliminate all excuses. No one believes them but you anyway, and they make you seem a ridiculously shallow member of the DUH team.

    If you don't get something done for ANY reason, suck it up and admit it, pay the consequences, and I will then help you in any way I can to repair the damage.

    Whine to me about your favorite excuse that you think is so clever and I may not be able to help you. But I'll think up some clever excuse why I can't.

  7. Try this "GIMME FIVE" strategy:
    (1)Set your goal
    (2)Break down your goal into smaller, bite-sized tasks, and make a list of them according to priority (what to do first, second, third, and so forth)
    (3)Make your tasks specific and measureable
    (4)Make sure your tasks are NOT too easy or too hard
    (5)Set deadlines for all tasks and for your final goal.

    Once you're organized with this "GIMME FIVE" strategy, it's VERY IMPORTANT to do something NOW, right away, no matter how small it seems. Getting STARTED is always the hardest part. So just dive in!

  8. Ask for help. One of the signs of superior intelligence is knowing when and who to ask for help. Put me on your "who" list; I will always try to help you.
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